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Apr 2015 · 18.7k
You are my sunshine
Anne-L Apr 2015
You are my sunshine
my only sunshine
You make me happy
when skies are grey
You never know,
how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
By Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell
Mar 2015 · 794
Anne-L Mar 2015
L ...O ...V...E
Four letters put together
Used to have so much meaning
no other words could replace it
just 4  l e t t e r s  
without each one of them
it would mean nothing but letters

Now i know the true nature behind this scenery
Now i know the true definition in this reality
Love has become a useless word
It has no meanings
It has no feelings
It has become so insignificant

Saying "I love you"
to anyone that pass buy
to anyone you see
with this dazzling smile of yours
"love" is more than you think...
Please.... PLEASE
Love: an intense feeling of deep affection, feel a DEEP romantic attachment to (someone).
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Puzzle pieces
Anne-L Mar 2015
People claim that we are a puzzle piece
Looking for "the one" who fits us best

I think we, ourselves
are a puzzle, not one piece of a puzzle
But we ourselves,
are a designed problem
to be solved...

I think we, ourselves
are a puzzle, and every bit of memory
we have is a piece that makes us who we are
Either it's a vague happy recollection
Or sadness, madness
Or times of sorrow or loneliness
Every single piece is so very important
without them the puzzle wouldn't be complete
It makes us who we are,
as an individual...

Although ... in the end
there is a flaw,
we are made to never be completed
we are made to never find the last piece
As the piece itself has never been created...

At last, Some might say
that that flaw,
that missing piece,
is a blessing
why you might ask them...
they say that's what make us work harder
it gives us a goal
that's what drives us to do more
in this life we were given...

Many of us lost hope to find that last piece
Others are satisfied with what the accomplish
Some might even say they learned
to live without it... (it's part of our lives)
Others might find a piece that
doesn't fit but forced it to do so
THEN .... There are those who
are still up in the battlefield
looking for that one piece
that would never be found
but that doesn't bring them down
they find hope where others lost it
they find hope not only for themselves
but for the rest of us
And that's who we call true heroes
It's the fact that their desire to thrive
is strong enough to give hope to the rest of the world
Although, we call them
For they are my heroes...
as they keep failing
yet get back up
stronger that previously
they continuously
get stronger
and stronger
I started with one thing and ended with another ... just went with the flow without really thinking about it so it jumps from ideas to ideas ... anyway i had no sort of inspiration, well at least no direct ones :/ (turned out pretty long sorry about that... :P )
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Anne-L Mar 2015
I feel the pain in my heart like an opened wound that can never be closed
Mar 2015 · 838
Anne-L Mar 2015
I wish that i could fly
Way up in the sky
Like a bird so high
Oh i might just try
**Oh i might just try
THIS IS A LYRIC TO A SONG! (so no it's not made by me)... but i was touched by it so i decided to put in on here, the song is called Bullet by Hollywood Undead
Mar 2015 · 323
Who am I?
Anne-L Mar 2015
I don't understand myself
I don't know what am doing
I don't even know why am here

I talk a lot
But when i talk i feel ... different
People think they know me...
But if i don't know myself,
how could they know myself more than me?

I talk a lot
But it doesn't mean anything
But they are here for a good reason
What reason, i don't know?

My past is just a blur,
In my head there is nothing
I have always believed that
I don't belong here

Who am i?
I wish i knew
This was made when i was 10 or so... so beware my English isn't so poetic :P
Mar 2015 · 894
Anne-L Mar 2015
J'ouvre les yeux,
Je pleure de BONHEUR,
Moi, qui vient de sortir...
Du ventre de ma mère,
petite que je suis,
GRAND sont mes yeux,
Ouvert pour admirer,
Ma mère qui sourirait

En voyageant vers l'inconnu,
Je découvre ma famille,
de voir du monde,
Je fais mon premier pas
dans... ma... vie,
avec un **SOURIRE
There is an English version. (it's called happiness)
Mar 2015 · 601
Anne-L Mar 2015
I open my eyes
I cry full of joy
Me, who just came out
Of my mum's tummy
Small as I am
Big are my eyes
open to admire
My mum who was smiling
When travelling this unknown world
I discover my family
Excited to see people
I had much first step
In... my ... life
with a SMILE
What is happiness to you? (Assignment)
Originally in French
Mar 2015 · 13.3k
Anne-L Mar 2015
We are strangers
We passed by each other
I saw your face
I knew your name
But never greeted each other
In the end we will forever remain strangers
Mar 2015 · 15.3k
Anne-L Mar 2015
People come and go,
Like waves....
Sometimes they stay longer,
Like big waves ...
Other times,
they stay for a shorter amount of time....
Like smaller ones
That is why,
You have to keep moving forward
And try not to get too attached to them
You will drown...

— The End —