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 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
maybe i understand why they jumped.
maybe i don't.
a sense of freedom was all they wanted.
and yet when they feel happy, they knock into a wall, reminding them of how rotten, messed up, worthless, useless, weak they were.

maybe they jumped because it freed them from the pain and the chains that were on their hearts, squeezing tightly, breaking, tearing it, heart...bleeding.

maybe they jumped because the wind that rushed and skid across the skin, the clothes they were in, went between the chains and broke them free...

maybe they felt the rocks pressed against their shoulders flew to the skies, to be forgotten. never knew it left more on someone else's shoulders.

maybe they jumped because the fear overtook the pain.
maybe they jumped because of the regret that overtook their minds, made them forget on how they saw themselves.

maybe i understand,
maybe i dont.
i just want to say.
theres hope.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
afraid to ruffle your feathers, i avoid your waves.
i lie so that you won't be annoyed, "the usual."
am i your servant that i should be afraid? That i should be...pleasing you?

ashamed of my life.
ashamed of something, someone that gave me life.
i shouldn't be ashamed of saying "God."
i shouldn't be ashamed of hesitant to say "Lord"

i am not gonna say sorry.
i am not gonna say sorry for something i did right.
so please.
listen to me.
thank you for listening to my mess.
hear me out on this.
hehe i shouldn't be ashamed of saying God or Lord in my poems or what i say.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
i dont want to be part of this.
i dont want to be part of the destruction of myself.
i dont want to be one of them.
i dont want to be me.
i want to be him.
Romans 12:2 yall. amazing verse. Do not conform any longer to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
cried for what seems like a thousand years worth of tears.
i didn't know i was in so much pain and agony.
i didn't know i was lonely.
where the only friends i had was the voices in my head.
she told me not to call them voices.
i want to admit that they are a part of my life.
i was drained....
the keys to my heart broke, and the scars within sank deep.
i didn't know i was filled....with hurt and pain.
but now i lay empty.
my mind blank.
waiting for someone..something to colour it. to touch it. gently.
i lay beneath the oceans in my mind.
i lay down and i closed my eyes.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Happy. I am fine.
But there is this part of me that isn't.
That is still broken inside out...
This burden I have.
Stones of smoke laid in my heart.
I try plucking them out myself...didn't work.
I am dying while living.
Sad while happy.
Broken....while healed.
I cast my burdens to you, Lord.
You asked me to.
You want me to.
You would not let me slip and fall.
You never rest.
Thank you.
As I lay...helplessly helped.
Yes, I feel better, yes I still feel.....broken.
Thank you God... Psalm 55:22 Cast you cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Charlie Black
Do you still think
It's all a game?
Do you still think
I'm that same 'girl'
You used to know?
The person in the mirror?

I've lost the ability
To dream
To be happy
And if you can't do that
Then what's the point?

I'm dangling off the edge
All it'll take
Is one more push
And then I'll be gone.

Looking down
30 stories up
The pavement
Has never looked
So welcoming.

It's been going on too long
I've been walking up the stairs
Slowly but surely
I've crept to the edge.

I've sharpened the knife
And emptied the bottle

I'm going to see
If I can fly.
This one isn't good, but it's how I feel. I've tried to improve on it but this is all I could do. I doubt it but if you read it, I hope you like it.
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
Charlie Black
Why is it
the only time
i'm happy
is when there's
dripping from
my knife?
Why is it
so hard
for me to tell
the truth?
Why do
I only smile
when I see
my dead body?
Why can't I cry
Why am I
so numb?
Was there something
that I did
in a past life
or just
in my past
that I don't
Why do I
any chance
of happiness?
Why am I
only happy
when I dream
of my dead body?
Why can't I
talk to
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
crushing noises.
muffled screams.
tried to explain. you dont want me to repeat.
i cry, tearing myself up.
feels hard to smile.
feels painful to frown.
help me.
i need someone to
isnt it i who torn myself up?
torn personality, flowers, they don't look as pretty...
the sun...too bright, what if they see the glass tears i was weeping.
"are you okay?"
"need help?"
help me..don't..... need that...

you don't want to inside my mind.
i beg you.
dont care about me.
i dont want to be a burden to you.
i dont want to worry you.
let me drown.
it happens...for...reasons.
i can do it....ewocmdkwodm"youcan't"owkcmk......
i whisper through the knives you placed in me...
"help me..."
sorry about messy here. me hates me? just going through some stuff. But, one thing that God taught me was that everything happens for a can pull through.....
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
the truth
 Jul 2018 a M b 3 R
it hurts.
but i'm fine
even if it was
a lie.
today feels much more blue than other days.
i remember how blue reminds me of you.

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