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 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Mike Hauser
We both can't be right
But we both can be wrong
Think about that hard
Think about that long
Think about everytime
We find time to fight
We both can be wrong
But we both can't be right
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
I'm lost
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
I don't feel special,
I'm not unique.
I want to cry
but I can't even speak.
My hands reach out,
but they cannot hold
a single thing
but the bitter cold.
Everything's frozen,
I feel lost.
Even my tears
have turned to frost.
When I cut my waist
it bleeds black.
I'm so deeply gone
there's no way back.
This is goodbye
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Erian Rose
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Erian Rose
Whatever you ask,
I can’t help but say yes.
You wouldn’t understand if I told you.
You wouldn’t feel the same way I do.
So I cover it up,
hoping you won’t notice.
For once
Let me say,
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Sunset reflects
on what dawn never knew...
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Farzaneh Qaf
My beginning is the nature
That's why I have no signature
True love is when
I'm with a lion
Coming from cosmos
He is my patron
O'Heavenly mother of nature
I, thy fruit, who is not mature
Look down, I'm here
Call me thy dear
Talk to me, Please,
Give me some beer
I need you here
Come closer, near
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Emeka Mokeme
Today i sat,
on a hedge,
watching the river
as it flows
down happily and
singing joyfully
to itself,
meandering quietly
unperturbed by
my presence.
With pride yet
ever so humble,
not threatening,
but with a
warning to be
mindful of what
i do next,
for i could die,
if I'm careless,
or live if
I'm careful.
As i watch
the river flow,
it dawned on me
that everyone and
all things with
everything are temporal.
Nothing that the
river picked up
on its way
was still,
all was constantly
carried and moving
along towards
the part of
their destiny,
not knowing where
the end will be.
You can see
their powerlessness
with no resistance
but with gladness
surrendered themselves.
Struggles are not
allowed but to
yield to nature,
for we command
nature only by
obeying her.
Everything in life
is temporary.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Your eyes,
So familiar
Looked like a window
Felt like a mirror
So I avoided your gaze
If i stared for long enough
I would start to see
everything I
In human form
Your eyes,
Like a mirror
Confronting the deepest
Giving them a voice
To speak
To exist
Anywhere other than
the poisoning smoke
Of a fire
Your eyes,
Like a mirror
Knew where to look
Like cleared throats
Masking swallowed words,
Collapsing lungs,
But they were silent
for a reason
I didn’t want you to reach
that far back
Or come this close
To the truth,
Your eyes,
Like a mirror
I shall shatter
Like I do
To everything that makes me see.
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
 Mar 2019 Ailsa
Every step I take forward in the abyssal sand
I lose myself farther in your desert
I saw only dry bones and uninhabited land
but in this desolate wasteland you were my hallucination of an oasis
so I wasn't afraid to get lost in you
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