Today i sat,
on a hedge,
watching the river
as it flows
down happily and
singing joyfully
to itself,
meandering quietly
unperturbed by
my presence.
With pride yet
ever so humble,
not threatening,
but with a
warning to be
mindful of what
i do next,
for i could die,
if I'm careless,
or live if
I'm careful.
As i watch
the river flow,
it dawned on me
that everyone and
all things with
everything are temporal.
Nothing that the
river picked up
on its way
was still,
all was constantly
carried and moving
along towards
the part of
their destiny,
not knowing where
the end will be.
You can see
their powerlessness
with no resistance
but with gladness
surrendered themselves.
Struggles are not
allowed but to
yield to nature,
for we command
nature only by
obeying her.
Everything in life
is temporary.
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