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 May 2015 AFJ
Danielle Shorr
 May 2015 AFJ
Danielle Shorr
I fell asleep at 6 a.m. and woke to find
that my bed smells like someone new-
I don't know where you are tonight

His lips kissed me like they were
looking for a light switch in the dark-
I don't know if you think of me at late hours

I pushed him back slightly and he asked
if everything was okay and I said yes-
I don't tell him where my thoughts are

Tired, I'm tired, that's my excuse for
losing myself when I'm with a stranger-
I don't always know how to find my way back

I'm trying, see I am, really but
there's a reason I kept coming to you so easily-
I don't know how to find familiar in someone new

The scent of my attempts to move on is
making me sick and I can't do much about it-
I don't know how to get you here again

I stayed up until 6 a.m. with him when really
you're the only one worth losing sleep over-
I don't know if that means you're winning

I don't know where you are tonight-
I don't know if I want to know
 May 2015 AFJ
Danella Filart Ibay
i would write you
a love letter
but i don’t know how
maybe i could start
with something cliché,
like ‘Dear you,’
and then I’d talk about
how your eyes gather sunlight
in the day
and shine golden
at night
but i was never
good with words

or maybe i could make you
a mixtape
and leave it
on your front door
there aren’t enough songs
about tuesday afternoons
and cuddles on the
kitchen floor
to get things
off the ground

so let me write you
a poem instead
a poem that rhymes
and the taste of
your strawberry lip gloss
the sound of
your name
but it wouldn’t make sense
some are artists
( not me )
and some people
are art themselves
and my favorite poem
is you
it's hard not to write about love. it's hard to write about love when there's no one
 May 2015 AFJ
 May 2015 AFJ
she is a butterfly.
but they have clipped her wings,
and tore her apart limb from limb,
and now she doesn't even realize that she's butterfly anymore.
 May 2015 AFJ
and the first question that came to my mind
was how on earth did I even survive?
Because I know why I wrote what I wrote
and I know how much I choked
on the agony of words that poured out of me.
I know what I have been through
and these poems record it.
They know too.
And to a degree,
everyone who reads them knows as well.
But at the same time
no one else knows for certain
what exactly was my Hell.
How did I survive?
Why did I choose to keep on going?
Why did I choose to stop writing at one point?
Was I really that depressed?
I guess I was.

*I guess I was.
 May 2015 AFJ
 May 2015 AFJ
I don't think love has to be about romance,
not about whether you made out with him or not.

More is said by the kiss of your hand against mine and the blink of your eyes,
than your lips pressed against mine for the fun of it

Love's about me caring for you
regardless of how you feel about me,
& thats where hurt chimes in

Unrequited love,
easier said than felt

You could sit there
laughing at me
& I'd be daydreaming about the sound of your voice
wonder about scenarios where you'd say all the right things
and I'd be all the right types of happy

But love can be unimaginable
can posses more beauty than the first light of dawn
as it's light shines through the newly grown petals of May
 May 2015 AFJ
Dr Strange
What is wrong with me
My mind thinks one thing and my body does another
I feel so broken and confuse
Why won't nothing ever go the way I want it to
I have so many great ideas for the future
I wanted to bring to the light parts of the sea that no other human has ever seen
But now as I look at myself in the mirror I second guess everything I do
Am I destined failure?
I know that I'm smart but for the life I can't show the rest of the world
I feel trapped and claustrophobic in my own mind
Bringing my worst nightmares to reality
I failed my own mother!
All I ever wanted to do was make her proud of me
And I promised I would as we faced all life's struggles together
I can't but to think I can't do it
That my true future is life on the street begging for loose change
What if that really is my future
What if I really am a destined failure
I'm sorry...mother
 May 2015 AFJ
Bluntly Falling
 May 2015 AFJ
Late night
so blind
The whole world wouldn't notice you
around its darkest night
thousands of people
you encountered.
Half awake and bold
for nothingness.
Set the time to its counterclockwise
Hoping to get back
the memories
you've  once remembered.
Maybe it'll get better
Maybe it'll change
but still won't do.
Till you wake up
one day
Till someone would
tap your shoulder
& reality hits you so hard.
May 10, 2015
 May 2015 AFJ
Vinay Kr
I gazed at thy icy peak,
And something in you finally silenced this freak.
Powerless and stunned, I sat down,
Staring at your majestic white crown.

Something like you, I never saw before,
With your intensity you took me back to my core.
Looking at you I began to wonder,
How are you such a divine expression? And me, just a blunder.

You said to me that I am failing to realize,
What was being said by every man so wise.
That I too am just you, we are no different,
Me too, another divine expression, but with an ego and judgement.

I dropped them and looked at all your snow,
I realized to be one with you was to know.
I began to melt,
Like this, never before had I felt.

We are all here by divine will,
I missed it because unlike you, I was never still.
I was fooled by them people, into thinking I am not enough,
You drilled the truth into me, so beautiful, yet so tough.

I sat there unaware of what was me and what was you,
There was nothing left to know, nothing left to pursue.
In your majesty, I realized mine,
We were both equal expressions of the divine.

Finally you silenced this freak,
And I can never forget thy icy peak.
Was at Fagu Valley in Shimla, Himachal, India when I wrote this. Was wandering alone in the gigantic snowy mountains, the highest in the world and was awestruck by their beauty that I had to pen my feelings down.
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