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Abhinay Renny Apr 2018

For she lived as she wanted
Strayed Not!
Secluded Not!
Life happened
Helming her to dreary days

Crowd cornered her, cussing!
Consumerism cheered her cries

Strayed Not!
Secluded Not!

Twilight is all that remained
Teased her to stay awake till sunrise

Life is what all we have.
Gratitude is all we need
Love and Peace is what world need.
Abhinay Renny Mar 2017
Silence can surpass your conscious lessness
Silence can scream out in your heart
Objectifying the reality
Ostracizing  the fiction

Beware of silence
For serendipitous can be the moment, in trice of silence
Serene can be the moments in trice of silence

Silence sails amid the slithering stories
For if you can observe, you can be silent
Abhinay Renny Aug 2017
Life was a night without the moon, Soaring in darkness.

Life was a dark tunnel
Seeking the light at the end.

Life was no more without a light
When she streaked at my sight.

Blue  blemished, bearing the white.
Purple purged out the pure emotions.

It's her eyes that are revealed
And colours are ephemeral lasting at a flick.
Abhinay Renny Aug 2016
I found the God in stone
Uncarved. Unchiseled

Enormous mountain
Filled in green
Air caressing the trace
Swishing the leaves to lean

Exuded with the petrichor
I get wished by the rain.

Every atom around the mountain
spreading peace with its presence

There I found the God, in stone.
There I found the God, in stone.
Abhinay Renny Nov 2015
In between the bridge

Like a flash
crossed the childhood

Was brat
whom everyone adore

had a gang to hang on
nothing to nag on

In between the bridge
of childhood and adulthood

A new view
of the world

Got only few
to share and care

In between the bridge of
adaptation and habitation

I'm a loner
chosen to choose it
sometimes, I love it

I shut the world
to be in my world
dancing to the rhythm
enhancing the life

In between the bridge
of solitude and serenity

Crying to complete the incomplete
regret, is what I don't get it
Nothing at fullest
Not happy, not sad

In between the bridge
of fulfillment and contentment

I'm on a roller coaster ride
Rolling with problems
Riding the life

Crossing the bridges
to the distant destination
Abhinay Renny Aug 2017
Days are bright
In your presence

May you live the life
Enjoying the essence

Memories are engraved in my heart
Moments are meandering a lot

You marveled me
With your surprise
You marveled me
With your love

Elaine, In the world of you
May peace prevail
May love pervade

Crown is to the queen
Smile is
To your charming personality

Keep smiling
God bless you
Abhinay Renny Jan 2016
"DREAM"  is journey,
portraying subconscious plot

"TO DREAM" is a journey of
Picturing the person's passion.

"LOVE" is a journey
loving others as yourself

"TO LOVE" is a journey, to
give,forgive and live.
Abhinay Renny Nov 2015
Never know, if i can love what i have
Want to know, what more do i have?
Does this nature know,
                          I'm not me who i was last day

Singing with cry of love
Moaning with miss of mirth

I'm not me,who i was
last second, last minute

As every breath i take,
is not complete with miss of my love.
On the  death of an endeared one.
Abhinay Renny Apr 2018
Take me into your corners.
Swallow me into the depths

For, I wish a life in you
Seeking love
Seeing the sea inside

O Sea!
Swallow me!

Set me free in your womb
Let me sail in your depths

O Sea!
Swallow me.
Abhinay Renny Apr 2018
You seem to be eternal
   Touch of you tinges my soul
For I crave to have you
All of you
O Sea!
Sail upon me
For I’m seeking you

Abhinay Renny Aug 2016
Sailing in the streets secluded at the corners
Onerous is the life to live. Ought to live. As I live
Nailing in, sailing within, with my partner called Nagging.
Dear I. Dear I
Endless is the crowd and, so are their stories
Rejoice the life, for, you have only one!
Abhinay Renny Aug 2017
Surrender not
To the suffering
Surrender not
To an escape

Be it not forever
But, let it not pass

Ever without scarring me
Ever without healing me

I wish not for it
An eternal escape
An eternal suffering

All I wish is a tinge of it
Making me cry
Making me feel joy

All I wish  is a tinge of it
Making me cry
Making me feel joy.
Abhinay Renny Jan 2016
Words wandered to express your charm
Poem could not portray your smile
Sonnet sauntered resetting the rhyme to your tune
Acrostics acquired feelings to fill out your name.
Free verse flied away fluttering it's words
Knowing it's about you. About you.
Ineffable beautiful soul.
Abhinay Renny Apr 2018
Blazing sun seemed dull
Seeing your bright smile

You smiled. And then was the aura

Stars at height hushed, seeing your bright smiles.

Your smile lit my heart
As the moon lit the sky

You smiled. And then was the aura.
Enticing and enchanting the soul.

— The End —