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Somewhere deep, inside her soul

She often craved to be complete, to be whole

To be kissed without being judged

To have her bruises loved

Without being hurt.

She prayed to be prayed for

To be sought after

To be longed for

Just for once

She wanted to be, not someone’s leftover or looked down upon

But someone’s one and only one
We all have the innate desire to be loved, to be craved for, to have our wounds and scars kissed, to be longed for. But we often hold on to that feeling and keep it suppressed within, fearing that maybe we are asking for too much and may not be worthy.
May I wrap my tongue with words I struggle to say out loud, and kiss you instead?
That moment
     when you look into his eyes
  You see past the scars
          the hurts, the pains
      And all the lies
           through to their core
  feeling and knowing a love
    than you've ever felt before
  finally realizing
        You found the one
you've been searching your whole life for
        blessed with their presence
   And doomed to love them forever
as they are the reason for your existence

            That moment
    in which you can feel
        your life change forever
  that you've finally reached
              the end
      of a long, tiring endeavor

     That moment
  does not hit everyone
            the same
but if you miss that chance
    it could mean a life filled with
           endless pain
I would happily suffer
   because of how much I love you
I will put myself through misery
    just so you feel no pain
I would walk on flames
     and put them out
         so you can walk through
I will drive myself insane
     so you can have no part of the blame
I just wanna believe
        that you love me
               that much too
He loosened his hold.

He'd been hanging on for so **** long.

Finally, the realization hit after so many lies had been told.

He let go, knowing that it had always been wrong.

And it was a bold move, but the cold inside was suddenly removed.

He felt more free than he had in such a long while.

He slowly walked away, proudly showing off his freedom smile.
#7777 challenge, 7th book, 7th page, 7th line and 7 lines of a poem. My book was Gena Showalter,  'The Darkest Craving".  7th line on the 7th page was 'He loosened his hold.'
I want to believe you.
I want to believe you will come for me.
I am waiting for you.
Please come for me.
When I need a friend
I'll call you Liz
When I think I can
I'll call you Liz
When you're feeling down;
I'll call you Liz
To the end from now.
I see couples holding hand in hand walking by me on the street
Hollowness fills my heart as it responds in it's beat.
Thinking of the void, inside of me, that would feel like when it was filled
I admire the vision of adoration in the couple's eyes
as they kiss and greet each other.
I remember the future and all of it's mystery
I hope that's me, like the couple in view , that is in my future that greets me.
Daydreams ease the pain as I pass by them.
Visions of me and the one that shall hold my heart.
How to start the path to my goal is the trick to study.
A beautiful me and that beautiful lady to share love and adoration
in my vison that seems a little dark and cruddy.
I remember how my spirit does shine and then I don't feel so empty.
For a big heart and a grand and deeply true spirit
shall draw love to me.
When the moment draws to be ripe....I shall get hit by Cupid's dart.
Then, all my love songs that I've sung to summon her, it will be then when the right partner
who shall here it.
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