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 Dec 2018 YUKTI
Fahad shah
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
 Oct 2018 YUKTI
Sally A Bayan
(For Timothy)

Twas a short poem I was reading...
I had started writing my comments, when...
A very strange feeling rushed through me.
With very strange thoughts:

"This... has exactly happened before...
This poem, I have read before...
Written these very same thoughts before!"

Over and over, I blinked...I had to make sure...
But, all at once, one brief moment...
I found myself seated beside a grand piano,
By a wide ostentatious stairway,
In a bright, candle-lit mansion...
But, stranger still, while I was writing,
My eyes strayed to my right,
To a mirror by the wall...
I saw a handsome young man,
With slightly long curly hair,
Wearing a long-sleeved, white ruffled shirt
And a pair of dark pants,
Holding paper and quill,
Looking back at me...

I was staring at myself!

I was holding a paper
Where I had written my thoughts
About a poem titled

( November 5, 2013/ 2:00PM)


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Unbelievable, but true...Some months ago, I was reading Timothy's poem titled WILT....I was typing my comments, and then
I suddenly found myself that strange setting.***
 Sep 2018 YUKTI
 Sep 2018 YUKTI
“You’re not good enough”
Is the one sentence you should
Never tell yourself.
Hi. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. It’s like I’ll never be able to convince myself. I feel like my poetry is at a decline. I feel as if nothing I write is good. I couldn’t tell you the amount of “drafts” &  private poems I have on here just because I’m afraid.
Afraid of ridicule.
Afraid of hating myself more.
Afraid of everything.
 Sep 2018 YUKTI
 Sep 2018 YUKTI
At first I only saw you
You, your brown hair,
your acne covered tan face,
your smile
just as it was

Then more of your personality started to show
and I fell in love you
Your silliness,
your sense of humor,
your sense of fun
But then your image changed to me

I didn't just see you
your smile
your hair
or your face

I saw someone extraordinary
the cutest smile
acne that complements beautiful skin
adorable curly brown hair

But then you said you didn't like me

And that destroys me
but i can't stop loving you

G  o  d  ,   s  t  o  p    l  o  v  i  n  g    h  i  m
                       ­    j.b
 Jul 2018 YUKTI
बरसाती है नयन घटा , अम्बर जयकार गाता होगा
लहू से सींची माटी का ,सीना चौड़ा हो जाता होगा

टूटती होगी चूड़ियाँ पर,आँखो से गर्व झलकता होगा
पिता के साये से जुदा,बचपन कोने में तड़पता होगा

हाथ जोड़े ईश्वर राह पर खड़ा अश्रु बहाता होगा ।
जब माँ का वीर लिपट तिरंगे में आँगन को आता होगा ।

होली के रंगों के बीच ,वो घर बेरंग रह जाता होगा
अंधियारी होती दीवाली,जो चिराग बुझ जाता होगा

खेलने की उम्र में पिता की अर्थी उठाता होगा ।
श्रृंगार करता वो हाथ जब सिंदूर मिटाता होगा ।

चीखती भारत भूमि , रक्त से आँचल नहाता होगा ।
जब माँ का सपूत लिपट तिरंगे में आँगन को आता होगा ।

बूढ़ी माँ जब संतान की अर्थी को सजाती होगी ।
पुत्र को पिता अग्नि दे नीरस लड़खड़ाता होगा ।

क्या तब भी नेताओँ का दिल नहीं पिघलता होगा
क्या तब भी सवालों का सिलसिला नहीं थमता होगा।

इस गम में शैतान भी,श्रण भर शीश झुकाता होगा
जब माँ का सपूत लिपट तिरंगे में आँगन को आता होगा ।

जब माँ का सपूत लिपट तिरंगे में आँगन को आता होगा.......
 Jun 2018 YUKTI
 Jun 2018 YUKTI
अंजान बने , खामोश सब सहते रहे ।
शायद मेरे अश्कों से सुकून नसीब हो उन्हें ,
ये सोच बेपनाह वो पलकों से बहते रहे ।
वो खंजर से रूह जख्मी कर रहे मेरी ,
हम हार कर दुनियाँ को देख हसते रहे....
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