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 Jan 2018 Ivan Brooks Sr
Commanding every pleasure,
Source of every moving measure
Remedy trapped in a file,
Sweetest source of smile

Your beats overwhelm everyone’s ear,
as your rhythm obliterate any fear
Your words unite enemies and allies,
as your melody unite girls and guys

As each beat gently registers into my brain,
I dance to them in my heavy chain
In the world full of depression and sadness,
You are the sole source of happiness

Your melody is the remedy to past memory
Like threnody is to tragedy
No one has skeletons
in their closets anymore
we've disclosed too much of
our ***** bones

Now we are left with
nothing but this flesh
without the things that
make us ugly and
keep us upright

No shadows or dark secrets
to keep us awake at night
Nothing to process or to aspire to

No more dreams but the wicked
fodder of a life lived in conformity
on the surface
We all need to hide something and let it stay there until it's ready to be unveiled.
Thousands of emotions can come from one person.
That person may be thinking of a certain situation or other person that first triggered all of these random emotions.
For me, it's another person I care about so much.
I'm the type to hold in emotions and look forward into my life.
These emotions are often negative.
No worries, right?
Takes a lot for me to show my true emotions, but when I do, it comes out rapidly.
Showers running down my face that can't be clearly explained.
Emotions vs. Negative Thoughts; Heart vs. Brain.
My heart feels like it's being crushed, squeezed, stabbed with swords at my darkest moments.
Love is a curious thing.
It is filled with both positive and negative outcomes.

© 2017 Omni Winters
August 15th, 2017
when the world is so full of hate
the least you could do is love
                                                                             because love truly saves
He looked at me and asked, “Are you alone?”
I turned to him. “Only when I’m in a crowd”
“Are you lonely?”
“Only when I’m alone.”
Loosely based on a real conversation
Adam and Eve

Death is the mother of beauty; hence from her,
Alone, shall come fulfillment to our dreams
And our desires. Although she strews the leaves
Of sure obliteration on our paths, ...
--from Wallace Stevens' "Sunday Morning"

In Eden fair did Adam and Eve
live in perfect harmony.

"No plant or animal devoureth we,
only ripe fruit as falls from the tree."

By bright-green lily-pads in sphagnum bogs
the herons waded gracefully,
bullfrogs croaked their deep, clear calls;
bluebells, delicate yellow buttercups
were rampant; larks sang in the mulberries.

"No pain or hunger knew we there,
only the sameness of Eden fair."

Even the bounty, the beauty, the civility,
the rich perfection, stretching out like the wall
of the great oval garden, day after day,
year after year to eternity,
grew tiresome.

"No shame in our nakedness knew we ...
nor lust, nor desire, nor carnality."

It's the exogamous, the unfamiliar,
which stirs in us the deepest passion,
the basso continuo of mortality
which gives to desire its piquancy
--of which they knew nothing in deathless Eden.

"We wanted to look outside the wall.
We didn't mean from God's grace to fall."

Their lack of control, their disrespect
invited tragedy....
But to deny what one feels,
to deny what one is
is to risk even greater calamity....

"God expelled us from the Garden.
Now we'll know death and all that's human."

Discord ... despair.... Are you better off?
Coaxing grain from the cracked, parched earth?
Maybe you paid too much for your freedom?...
Maybe you wish you were back in the Garden?...

"There be good inside the Garden;
there be good outside....
There is no perfect Eden."
Hear Jerry/Lucius read this poem (at ).    This poem is part of the Scraps of Faith collection of poems ( ).
1.  Dust is constant. It is a symbol of time telling you that either something needs to be cleaned, or you need to take a picture.
There will never be complete cleanliness so when people say "cleanliness is close to Godliness" promptly hand over an invitation to have dinner at your dusty house. And then show those people where you pray. Notice that sacred space has dust.

2. Chairs are complicated. They can have 4 legs, 5 legs, no legs, wheels on their legs. Chairs are such a wild forever changing species that we don't really have a good concept of what a chair is. Which begs the question, what is true chairness? Plato believed that somewhere somehow there is a perfect concept of such things. Which begs the question, what is it to be truly human? From where I stand, we all wear skin, breathe air, and hate high school anyway.

3. Appreciate your couch. I realized this at a young age when I figured out that dying means, never seeing a couch again.

4. The bed is not sacred. It is not a stronghold or sanctuary. It is the place you go when you are either done or satisfied with the world.

5. Windows are the windows of your house. It doesn't sound as good as eyes being the window to your soul but my point still stands. The windows are beautiful. And snowflakes freezing on them is a captured moment of nature being transparent.

6. Take a painting class. Learn how to make art on a canvas and hang that **** up. Buy a painting for no other reason other than that it costs more than $50. Travel and bring back a print and frame it. Learn to cross-stitch and hang that up too. The walls may change colour from time to time, but at least hang something on them.

7. Look for imperfection. When I was a kid I took a pencil and wrote in jagged penmanship "The end" at the bottom of my staircase. My mother, of course, scolded me for writing on the house, but for whatever reason, she kept the phrase there. Maybe because I knew the end had to be somewhere and I might as well end in the home I started in.

8. Buy refrigerator magnets that teach kids the alphabet. Organize them so that reading a message in the morning makes breakfast seem a little more inviting. And as a firm believer that breakfast is not a necessary meal, I too, need something in the morning to make me feel less alone.

9. Fill one closet with cleaning supplies. We may never get to the end of many tasks, but we can clean this house. Clean the cupboards, wash the windows, sweep the floor, write on the walls, just so you can erase it. And when you finish cleaning, and you bring all of your supplies to that closet, organize your closet. Notice that there is a small amount of dust on the shelves of the closet.

10. Work around the house, big or small, is never completely over.
When you feel that burn way deep in your chest; the one that forbids you from getting any rest.

When you feel that sting all around your eyes, the one that tells you, you need to cry.

When you feel that ache of being used, and you don’t know what you did, or what to do.

When you feel that panic of not knowing a thing, and he doesn’t care, and yes it stings.

When you feel that sadness of being stomped and crushed, and its getting hard to keep holding up.

When you feel the need to lock the door and find your glass and count to four.

When you feel the urge to break your skin and watch it bleed cause you’re hurting within.

When you lay in bed in the middle of the night, and you know what’s wrong, but not what’s right.

When you miss him so much, and its killing you slow, cause to him you are nothing,

and that much,

you know.
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