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Umi Sep 2018
For countless years I looked up to the moon,
But it was always out of my reach, forever behind the sky above me,
So I conveyed my wods in song, so my wishes might be reflected,
Reflected by it's pure light, which when it touches my skin feels cold and lonely at the same time, but also very welcoming and gentle,
My hopes and dreams went unheard by the time of new moon,
They fell on their way into the ocean and spilled into it,
A dying world full of sorrow, for how damaged it already became,
Like the ocean very deep inside, it will not end, not my body living in constant darkness concealed by my mind from the light I adored,
I would rather be swept away, be forgotten by anyone but the sea,
In the waving melody of the nights wind, my breath flows uninterrupted, I lose a part of myself once more, little by little,
Oh life! Why aren't you replacing me, what is the reason for this ?
After this confession of nihilism, shining beyond the scene,
The moon is rising.

~ Umi
Umi Sep 2018
Somber is the one who follows,
In shade is the one behind the traveler on his journey,
In darkness is what is left behind that mountain of the setting sun,
Not to be illuminated is the golden rule, not to see the sun a mission,
Because the darkness is inevitable, just because it is everywhere,
In the food we eat, just as well as under our boots as we walk,
It is in the wood we burn and even within our very own fragile bodies the moment we came into this world before we remember,
But one must not lose hope upon this tragedy of a shadow ever so infesting, as its eyes are always locked on us, waiting for a chance,
No, the truth is, darkness or ones own shadow might be patient and generous as it follows you even into our dreams waiting for a chance,
But within its strengh lies its greates upon all weaknesses;
Just one lit candle is capable of making it back down again,
Always keep in mind that love is more than just a silly candle,
Love can illuminate even the stars.

~ Umi
Umi Sep 2018
The morning glow from my dreams was more than just a sunrise,
Roaring, scattering across the sky the rays of light cut through the darkness with my hopes and what I had wished for in the future,
Its brilliance, unmatched by anything ever seen before, breaking away all misery stored inside peoples hearts, burning their sadness to dust,
If just for a moment, this could have been heaven for all whom bear the love of light as it fills the atmosphere with its golden glow,
But this day never came for me, as my eyes slowly closed and accepted the wish to be left in the somber reality of the realm of the dead, my vision had long bid me farewell at this point, I was alone,
But even if my closed eyes seal me off from the delight one may experience everyday in this beautiful earth and all its blessings,
Feeling my skin warming up by the company of the sun when it greets us in the morning, full of passion cheer and determination,
I don't think I care about having neither wish granted or even being here in this loitering darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel,
Because the delight sealed in my heart always breaks free with just a little bit of sunlight.

~ Umi
  Sep 2018 Umi
(Emperor  Kaguya  Plain-Can be the messengers or both Emperor and Kaguya)

I don't know exactly why...
But I have fallen in love with you!
This love will persist for a thousand years...
My heart dances and sings odes of joy!

'Sigh' Many men have tried to captivate me,
Please tell me exactly why,
The emperor has called for me.

It's needless to say why...
But I have fallen for you!
I shall not be swayed..
So let me take your hand!

I cross the fate and meridian, sleep is taken from me.
I cross the end of utopia, For no other reason!
You are so slim and elegant against the moon...
Selfish little princess,You are so charming!

'Phew' That was long, hope everyone is o-...
They're gone!? All that's left is this Japanese candy...
How humiliating... I'm depressed but please accept this candy!

A Japanese sweet bread!? I have to taste it!?
Impossib-... Oh what wonderful flavor!

I don't know exactly why but I've fallen for you!
You are the most clever, most beautiful, most talented...
So I'll give you a big treat. Four elements!

'Aahh' I can't sleep because of that bread...
Huh!? Sweet bean bread!?
Surely... This feeling!

Well well, the result went well, just as planned...
I'll do this and that to Kaguya...  Oh Emperor!
                              (Just her delusion)

I burn this elixir of life and smell it.
My heart is full of you... What should I do?
I'll tell you now straight out...
Do you want to marry me?

I cross the heaven, earth and a loop line. Sleep is taken from me.
I dive into this storm from a boring, false freedom!

"You cannot princess!" "You must return to the moon!"
"You do not belong here!"

I am so slim and elegant against the moon...
I am sorry but I am not your lady...

"Return now!!!" Don't wanna!
                       (The two ran away)

It's so ridiculous to search for a freedom that's been in front of me...
It's just like a bird that jumps into another cage to be captured.

I know that it's a cliché conflict
But now I'm all serious about you with whole my soul.
I'm serious...

I finally cross the fate and meridian, sleep is taken from me...
I cross the end of utopia, For no other reason!
You are so slim and elegant against the moon...
You are so noble... To you no other can compare
Selfish little princess, You are so charming!
credits to Kaguya-hime, taketori overnight sensation and all the people behind these... Peace!
Umi Sep 2018
Majestically under the ominous, dark clouds,
The rain pours over the Earth, moistening it in a hard, then gentle way as each drop, each body of water sinks into the bottom, vanishes,
With a rythm, each follow a purpose, a goal they want to reach.
Fertilising the earth after a drought, letting life grow out of light after those dark clouds make room for the golden light of the rising sun.
Let them be distorted, these drops of cheer, sadness, happy thoughts and agony, carried by the rough storms of an autumn afternoon.
Hitting the window, they display their tune with their delicate figure,
In harmony with the wistling wind and the growling of the sinister thunder the orchestra of nature reaches it's peak in this sensation.
The sky is pitchblack, yet crossed by lightnings every now and then,
Providing a lightshow, which might be a bit too dangerous to be around, for the music of nature, dancing, swaying across the clouds,
What is it that makes this silly storm catch my attention so much ?
Perhaps, the song of the lonesome rain when everyone escapes in order to not get soaked, is what truly touches my heart.
Because there is no one outside to listen to it.

~ Umi
Umi Sep 2018
A life without changes, would be painless,
Carefree one would obtain eternal happiness but also boredom,
The bittersweetness of the changes in our lives, heartfelt emotions,
Pain, regret, sadness are what push us forward, make us who we are,
The change for the better or worse is for us to decide and take,
A world without change, would simply be stuck in the past while the future seems to be out of reach, too far away to ever grasp it,
A heart who doesn't change, is ignorant and cannot see truly anything without shaking in fear of the unknown, a fear to evolve,
So from now on I will not dwell in the past crying for the phantoms long gone, who have taken their chance and vanished into a better future with memories they made which can be held dear, close.
Let go of what chains you into the misery you felt when you lost it.
All suffering comes from being too attached to one thing.
So my old friend, the name you gave me, the warmth you gave me,
The smile you showed me, the emotions you invoke in me,
I will remember them well and hold them dear,
But you will not return, so I must let you go,
And the name you gave me

~ U̶m̶i̶
From now on I shall be named, Murasame...
though I do not know if I will adapt the change to my hello poetry page, to change all the poems I signed would take a long time after all
Umi Sep 2018
What is it ?
The mere thought of happiness that rushes through our veins,
When we see someone we love, our crush, our family, the sunshine,
If those were to fade away, a part of us would simply shatter, vanish,
Rainclouds would keep away the sunshine in our life the heavy wind would brush through our hair and remind us of such great tragedies,
Alike a sleeping terror, the chains of fate, the flow of time become;
Meaningless, without what has been blown away like ash by a breeze,
What you must not forget, will never lose, what wont change is...
The past, where your memories, our remarkable actions are living,
Hold them dear, these several rays of sunlight to keep the rainclouds away, to pull yourself together and shine beyond the scene, rise.
Even if you do lose all your strengh and your muscles refuse to carry your beautiful soul trapped within the flesh of your very existence,
Even if you fall into an abyss of despair, devoured by regret.
As long as you are alive, you may as well do a change.
As long as you are alive, you can make the present joyous by striving for a better future, for yourself, for what you lost.
Live, for the love of light is for all to bear.

~ Umi

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