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 6d Sofia
I'm not good with money, a budget never could manage me, I hate when it's sunny, I prefer rain and a breeze.

I can be silent for days on end, can't even bring myself to sing, easily broken yet hard to bend, my mind is a stubborn thing.

Sometimes I get lost way too deep in my thoughts, have fun trying to guide me away, and I'm sensitive too don't yell in my room, it'll just activate the rage.

And God I get mean, inconsiderate and spiteful, with nowhere to lean, I'll feel my anger is rightful.

My hair clogs the drain, it's long and disarray, you won't get my brain, I cry like every other day.

I can't do my makeup, my eyelids don't shine gold, I'll threaten a break up, the second I feel you're cold.

I'll have the last word, everytime we disagree, I don't know if you've heard, but you shouldn't love me.
And Sweet boy I love you
But I'm a real mess
If I focus on the bad
It causes less distress
I can't focus on our good
When I'm trying to lay us to rest
 6d Sofia
I hang onto your every last word like it's the last bus home at midnight but the driver is inconsistent and now I'm stranded.
Do I wait under the flickering lights
Do I start my walk home alone
So darling,
In the moments
You turn around
And catch me staring at you
Wide eyed,
Know that I’m drinking you up.
Carefully filing everything you do in my memory
So I can pull it out
On lonely walks in the park and down the street,
So I can think of you
On cold nights laying in bed.
Because it won’t last,
But I want to remember
Every second.
 Sep 4 Sofia
Ciel Noir
 Sep 4 Sofia
Ciel Noir
my heart was an open book
full of blank sections
and searching for meaning
I filled it with questions

I looked for connections
or some explanation
I looked for letters
and I found punctuation
 Sep 1 Sofia
Jeremy Betts
I cry
Recently quite a lot
Some tears fall with no why
Most are no longer fought
Like rain from the sky
Weather wanted or not
Emotions flood the eye
The mind an impossible knot
Man card revoked, no reapply
I push through all for naught
Every try
A long shot...
But it's all I got

 Aug 30 Sofia
Carve It
 Aug 30 Sofia
I trace your name on my collar bone,
It feels good on my skin.
Craving you this badly,
Will be my lifelong sin.
It feels so good
To hurt this bad
 Aug 30 Sofia
When I close my eyes tightly,
And I do this nightly,
I can hear your voice.
You speak to me softly,
And I think ungodly,
Now I can feel your presence.
A touch I'll never know,
You already let me go,
Doesn't mean I don't miss you.
I wish I didn't
Because you don't
 Aug 30 Sofia
 Aug 30 Sofia
And like a kid clumsily sneaking through the house in the dark,
you awakened all of my senses,
turned on every light of my heart,
making messes all along your path.
I'm turning the lights off
And cleaning up after you
It's a slow process
But I swear the lights
Keep coming back on

— The End —