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  Aug 2014 thinklef
Ann M Johnson
Butterflies are a symbol of life
I believe they also symbolize growth and change
Just as a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly and puts out it's wings
and fly's with radiant  color, you are growing and venturing out in your own wonderful
and beautifully unique ways
You will have others to help you along this journey we call life
I just have to let you know how wonderful and beautiful you are
I am so pleased to see you grow and sprout your own version of wings
I dedicate  this poem to my daughter whom the poem is for her and her brother
I wish to thank her for inspiring me and for helping me find this site!
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Babu kandula
Signs of losing
Signs of winning
Signs of falling
Signs of rising
Every sign can be
In Life
What you
All say?
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Musfiq us shaleheen
Coal, graphite and diamond
All are elements of pure carbon
If you take a vote
I will go with graphite
Cause I am a writer -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
graphite is the matter that we use to make pencil....
graphite means I write...
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Musfiq us shaleheen
Choice is a conglomerate
Cause you are viewing millions
but finding one

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
choice is really a difficult matter for everybody...
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Musfiq us shaleheen
It's a clouds pang
So deep dark night
Street dogs are barking
My solo pains are wounding
I am walking alone in the dark horizon
And my moon is sleeping soundly
Without living mine

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
without living mine, my moon is sleeping...
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Eridan Ampora
Open up my Ribs and drink my soup
With your mouth directly over my stomach
I don't think that I'd taste like anything though
but as long as Daddy is able to enjoy it

Drink up the yellow chunks of fat from my body
Stick a straw in my veins and drink me until I am dry
Even my innards: stuff them, cut them, and then bake them right up
Although my body is about to drop from my Daddy

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
A stranger, Onii-san, told me
He pitted my collapsing body
and took me by the hand away~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid running from Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I'm afraid I'm in love with someone other than my Daddy!

Onii-san greedily pours my Amniotic Fluids down his throat
He cuts open my body and touches all the insides
He doesn't eat me and he doesn't even fight me
He said that my collapsing body is too ugly for anything

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
Onii-san, he must hate me
My collapsing body is just too disgusting
Seal me away and that shall be my ending~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid now running to Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I can't love anyone other than my cruel Daddy!

When I went home, Daddy was with lots of men
They said they believed I would come home
They wanted to eat what was left of my broken body
That was what they had said~

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, is it yummy?
That is the flavor of a warm heart
I'm sorry, although it hurts
please eat my fulfilled Heart!

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, it hurts too much
but as long as you are able to enjoy eating
I'm so happy! Sayonara
Everyone Else,
Come help yourselves to anything but my heart!
I think this song is about a girl who is ****** abused by her father, using cannibalism as a metaphor for him eating away at who she was. Onii-san means Brother, or in more formal situations, a young man of older age or social standing. So Onii-san comes to save her, takes her away but doesn't abuse her or **** her. She tries to show she loves him and, Onii-san means brother, he refused her. Seeing *** as a symbol of true love, she runs home to her father who has had his friends help find her, to use her as a *** slave. She in the end is totally cool with his because I think she realizes that she's ****** up in the head or sees that no one but her Father truly loves her. Thus this song is deep and gorey with a **** meaning. Wow, so different from my other redos about friendship and love. The Italic part is this really gritty, hard to hear parts in the song. I changed it to innards cause the idea of eating...that, was too much for ever me.I kept to goodbye Sayonara because I liked it so lol.WHAT THE ACTUAL **** ONII-SAN! I MEAN **** BOY, THAT BETTER BE A GRIMDARK METAPHOR OR YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAININ TO DO.The part where he cuts her open and touches the insides, he askes her what happened to her, but she runs away cause he doesn't Love/****\ her or abuse her.. I love this song!
  Aug 2014 thinklef
I find myself in coffee shops
drinking down espresso shots,
in a haste,
in an attempt,
to rid the bitter sweet taste,
you left in my mouth,
and on the corners of my lips.
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