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  Aug 2014 thinklef
Elizabeth Squires
the sun's glowing heat
hid behind the cloud's retreat
twas not a fine treat
  Aug 2014 thinklef
purple orchid
The August Moon saw the rise of a phoenix from the ashes,
In the huts of poverty was she born,
An arrow of peace,
The changing touch of a stranger

She, the one with an old soul
She, the one with joy
She, the one with a vibrant smile
She, the one with a heart of gold
She, the one with selfless love

Born and bred with the tenacity of a lioness, courage did she ooze with her every day stride
A delicate orchid, with the raw beauty of a black rose
A gift amongst the blessed

She, a pillar of strength
She, a beacon of hope
She, a wild heart
She, a rebellious soul
She, a free spirit
She, a phenomenal woman

Floundered the earth for her offspring did she,
Gave wholeheartedly,
Loved wholeheartedly,
Lived fully did she.
Still now, she molds from her final resting place a queen and king

She, my mother.*

**Happy Birthday Mom!!!


Rest In Peace
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Mike Hauser
Floating along on the outer edge

Filling in the in between

If time stood still there'd be nothing left

But the breaking of glass inside of the dream

There's a light that shines in the corner

That seems to come from somewhere beyond

Shining itself on the darkened side

Of the waters  you once swam upon

If you trust it will change in its meaning

If it must it will change in your mind

Turning its back in its leaving

Leaving it all back behind

The tune that it always carries

Is a bolder that is tied to its waist

Unto itself it is married

Stepping off the path it has laid

Bringing about a decision

Yet never quite sure what it means

Lagging behind in its vision

Fallen deeper into the dream
  Aug 2014 thinklef
a m a n d a
of the many things
of which i know
you are the most
vast and deep.

and of the small things
i am capable of
this thing is not

and of all the
wildness i can tame,
i cannot.
  Aug 2014 thinklef
eunsung aka Silas
the sea rises and falls
in rhythm with the moon

my soul ebbs and flows
in  rhythm of our love
  Aug 2014 thinklef
a m a n d a
what can i set in motion
going to the places
i know there is more
of me
instead of less?

a year ago, last
|this place|
humid august
i met the
squirrel queen
and now,

so much is changed
so much is black charcoal
under my pretty flip flop

so much is
my pen in my hand
instead of the blood in my veins

(the way it has to be)
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