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 May 2015 cwhite
jeffrey robin
in the dime store yesterday


Poor people !!!!

then the police man come

So all us good folk

are glad


Poor people !


look ! look !

See the girl

Walking lovely down the street

good ! good  !

Here comes the Priest

Grabs the girl and takes her home


we watch our dying on T V


eatin snacks as we *******


Life itself is a ***** show



All your might


Time to vote ?


( heads are turning

Left and Right )





Maybe I use a REAL GIRL next time !


But REAL GIRLS is hard to find

with their razor blades and ***** eyes
 May 2015 cwhite
Cecil Miller
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?

I don't put stock in the things you say.
You broke my heart in so many ways.
You say you love me, but you love them, too.
I'll never again make love to you.

You don't want to be tethered to just one man.
On the flip, I guess I can understand.
So, go on and let your heart have fun.
I could have only been your only one.

Love's not a bag of snacks, baby.
You've got a lot of lessons to learn.
I could have been your only one.
How many hearts are you gonna burn?

How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?

You have many men, but they don't know,
But I'm The ******* Jack Kid, you know.
I won't blow your cover, so don't you fret.
They'll learn soon enough what they don't know, yet.

You know, your logic ain't wrapped too tight.
Your a dead-end bird flying blind at night.
How's it gonna go when the others catch on,
When they all know they weren't your only one?

Love's not a bag of snacks, baby.
You've got a lot of lessons to learn.
I could have been your only one.
How many hearts are you gonna burn?

How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
How many hearts are you gonna burn?
I wrote this at 12:41 am on 5/14/2015. So it is very, very new.
It is kind of a rock-a-billy Homage to Not Fade Away by Buddy Holly and the Cricketts.
Dec 17, 2016, I added backing rhythm and refrain to fill this one out. (I also changed a line in the second verse to reference ******* Jack as a tie in to the first line in the refrain about the bag of snacks. It is very rockabilly Buddy Holly ripping on Bo Diddly.
 May 2015 cwhite
Fish The Pig
 May 2015 cwhite
Fish The Pig
You're here if I need you,

but not the way

that I need you
you used to make me happy
now you just make me sad.
I want to go back to when I didn't feel anything for you,
oh that's right,
I've always felt for you.
 May 2015 cwhite
Samantha Ellis
i would give you
the air out of my lungs
the best taste
stolen from my tongue
all the sunsets i've ever seen
all the places i've ever been
my beating heart
my bulls-eye dart
take my smile
my first born child-

if only you'd take them from me
if only you'd love me

as I sit and breathe
my heart slows
my mind quiets

I can now hear the birds singing
feel the gentle breeze blowing
and my skin tingles to celebrate
that I am alive to be present
to this moment
 May 2015 cwhite
Bails B
 May 2015 cwhite
Bails B
My body -  a cage.
My soul - a bird.
Its never forgotten how to fly.
It may be caged for now
but one day it will be free.
 May 2015 cwhite
Makenzie Marie
I love it when it rains.
I love the thought that even the sky
has to cry itself dry.
I love the notion
that our roof
of clouds and sunshine
has to let go of all of the commotion
of being bulletproof
sometimes, too.

I love that after this release,
everything feels and loooks and smells brand new.

Sometimes we've all gotta do that too.
Basilisk eyes
Silky skin
Hide the poison
Contained within
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