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 May 2015 cwhite
Katie Katie
Fool me once
That's not nice
I'm the fool
It's happened twice
If I stabbed you in the back
Just as you did to me
*It would be the second time
That you've died to me
 May 2015 cwhite
Blinking Nose
Yours was only a hand, delicate and gentle.
Mine was only a waist, never pampered by touch or love.
It was but a silly heart, pounding against my chest.
It was only a kiss, under the stars, in the pouring moonlight.
 May 2015 cwhite
Marka Acton
My Dog
 May 2015 cwhite
Marka Acton
Always stays close to me,
         While out on a walk
                   Or in the house.
Always aware of my presence,
The moment I call,
         He jumps up
When he holds still beside me,
         I scratch his head and neck
                   Or gently rub his tender spots.
He makes mistakes but never runs to hide,
         In regret, he lowers his ears,
                   Knowing I will love him no matter what.
If my dog is capable of this behavior,
         Why is it such a struggle for me?
                   Giving my loyalty and obedience
To God, my loving Lord and Savior,
         Who is always with me,
                   Wanting what is best for me.
 Apr 2015 cwhite
Frustrated heat fills me.
Won't you leave me alone already!
I'm tired of feeling like you're starring..
Free me from the needles your eyes are darting at me.
If you stay for too long, I'll begin to bleed.
Can you not hear me?
Just leave..
 Apr 2015 cwhite
Haydn Swan
Ever seen the darkness shake ?
like the serpentine spine of a blood red snake
vibrations sent to the core of your soul,
burning your mind like simmering coal,
clamber for the light in your claustrophobic space
the demons in the shadows know your face
the tears wont fall just stay in your eyes
whilst all around you everything dies
dance the macabre its the only way
whirling dervish no time to pray
the ancient rhythms too much to resist
it eats you away like a cancerous cyst.
An exploration into the dark world of depression,  something the writer is all too familiar with.
Pondering on diffused starlight,
  dandelions caught rapid fire
     when a glimpse of wishes
       went up in smoky embers,
hence the skies opened up
   as it rained crystal clarity,
neath each cloud burst
  a message of compunction
      for the earth was uneasy,
  that no one cared enough
    to take good care of its bounty
       and the wonders that be,
    as puddling imperfections
          of liquefied vigilance
     within teardrops of deliverance,
            cleansed its wounds once again**

                           *in yet another chance
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