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Spring morning mist swirls,
Flowers twirling in the sun,
  .  .  .  Dizzy bees buzzing.
She lent down beside me
And whispered my name
Told me my life
Would soon not be the same  

I stayed there till dawn
And ate up her words
That the love that I had
Is not what she deserves

And all night around us
the nightingales sang
But how can I look
When I can't understand

Her tone so sour
But words so sweet
A lot to say
is a lot to keep

And if she does love me?
Well I don't have any proof
If I look into her eyes
Maybe I'll find out the truth
 May 2014 The voice
Tommy Johnson
The day the ocean met the sand
The earth became a paragon
A perfect paradigm

Then the earth saw the sun
Standing still in space
Bursting with radiant beams
Filled with soothing comfort

But the sun disappeared
And the earth was disheartened
Suddenly it saw the clear crystal moon
In all its wonder

At the coming of the porcelain orb
The waves would rise high upon the shore
Caressing the sand
And putting the earth in a state of enchantment

This intoxication of natural ecstasy
The fall of darkness, the break of light
And all that happens between the two
Is what we call life
Gnarled twigs, eyes of owl  .  .  .
Blood blooms from feather and fur,
  .  .  .  Flowers of the moon.
 May 2014 The voice
For her
 May 2014 The voice
The talk that I'd like to have with you
If I have the courage..

To her:
I hate you.
I can say that honsetly.

It kinda started when you lied to me-
I was just asking a question-
But even then he was manipulating you.

I thought you were better than that.
I looked up to you.
Why'd you go and do that to me?

But then you  tried to hide the fact that you were dating him from me.
Did you think of me as a threat?

And then he left.
And impacted us both-
You weren't the only one in pain.
I loved him too!!!

But then you went and changed.
You became a b---h
I'm sorry it's the truth.

And then at footloose when you asked me if I'd seen him-
And I  gave you a sarcastic answer:
"He's doing what he does best- sitting"
You got all defensive,
And I warned you..

And you said- he thinks he's in love with me-
I wanted to yell-
What about you?
Do you love him?
Because I know what my feeling are.

You just never saw them.
Get out of your own world.
Look at the one around you.
And to think you'll be leading the band in a few months...

You are a sad sob story.
Too bad no one wants to listen
Personal thing- might aply to life as well, depends on how you look at it.
They went against there word,
misguiding me saying they'd  stay,
I called them in times of need,
they were gone as quick as yesterday,

They told me they were true,
true friends never turn away,
but they never questioned what I was going through,
nor if I was doing okay,

Regardless,I always spoke to them about my problems,
hoping they help or feed me some advice,
They always pretend to concern and listen,
yet little did they care inside,

They never asked about my goals
where I was heading in my career,
I was just there puppeteer,
Im much better off without them here,

They only talked to about about was partying,
money for smokes, ***, and beer,
disillusioned to myself was I
thinking for me that they'd be there,

Today I sit here guilty
to why i wasted by time with them,
messing my life up more,
when I was barely hanging off a stem,

They were supposed to turn me into a better person,
with these blessing came such curse,
They had me thinking I was doing good,
just to find myself doing much more worst,

Today in solitary state I remain,
in search of my true purpose,
looking for those who sustain til end,
not these "friends" who played me worthless.
 May 2014 The voice
In Concert
 May 2014 The voice
an ethereal presence
felt long before ever being heard
energy flowing through space and time
resonant frequencies with dynamic effect

inducing within romantic chambers
a rhapsodic ocean of dance and song
a mountainous symphony of possibility
a delicate and gentle concerto of dreams

musical princess of harmonic evolution
melodic instrument for conscious healing
emanating perfect pitch whether sharp or flat
an athenaeum of inspiration and maternal lyricism

...oh, to remain in concert...
 May 2014 The voice
Joshua Haines
I heard your voice on the radio
Each word transmitting
from your lips
You touch me more than you even know
From my neck to your fingertips

To be under your skin
is where I should have been.
From the start I knew
a little bit of everything
except you.
And to know you
is to know everything.
 May 2014 The voice
Elise Shore
His star is brightest,
His love is remembered,
The marks on his skin
 May 2014 The voice
Elise Shore
His love never changes sides
He is Peacemaker

He's omnipresent
He always can be with you
He's not too busy

He knows everything
He could tell you every thought
That you ever think

He is powerful
God can always do all things
Nothing is too big

He can move mountains
He can pick up anything
He can do all things
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