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A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
 Apr 2014 The voice
The Unspoken
Today I reached for my phone.
Haven't spoke to man who made it possible for my existance on earth in a while.
I have been missing his calls...over and over.
I was scared.
I have been scared...for his Love for me to show.
See, I know he does cherrish me, but since I moved from his house...its been different.
He doesnt ask if I have had dinner, or if I am ready for bed, or to make him his favourite breakfast.
He doesn't come to my room and wake me up in that funny tone "My soldier, wake up"...
Honestly, I Miss that.
My life has not been the same since I moved out.
I have learnt to fend for me and totally rely on me.
This weekend was hard for me.
I got sick, and too broke for life.
I know dad is there, but I don't want to burden him.
So this morning while he whispered a prayer for me, I felt it...from deep inside me.
I called him and when I told him my struggles...
He replied...

I have a million sweet words,
but these ones just flushed tears from my ever strong ducts.
I Am Loved.*
I am my father's daughter.
When its all wrong, or all right...I will go home.
Home to My Father.
The only man I know.

©The Unspoken
I Love You Papa. I will come home. Home to you.
 Apr 2014 The voice
Gladys P
The*  fixed  stars  twinkled
Upon  the  sky,  le­aving moon
With  angelic  *smile
 Apr 2014 The voice
she said,
you're like the dark
you are mysterious
I call out for you
and something else
answers me back

there are no friends
no lovers
just opportunists
under covers

There is emptiness
in content
Folly woven deep
within success
It isn't the darkness
that scares us
Its the light, or lack thereof
at the end.

she left me
like a continental divide
little did I know we were
sleeping on a fault line
I called out for her
but she's too far to
hear me now

there's no coincidence
no second chances
just opportunities
and circumstance

There is emptiness
in content
Folly woven deep
within success
It isn't the darkness
that scares us
Its the light, or lack thereof
at the end.
This is very cute and short when played. :)
I awoke at 1 AM
And had no reason why.
Perhaps my dreams were torn from me
And with them my sleep so shy.

Maybe my mind could sense that I
Had gotten three emails so far
And maybe I wanted to see if one
Would make or break my heart.

It wasn't there. But it could arrive
If I stayed awake but ten more minutes;
I read the ones that I had received
But felt no spark of interest.

I wondered again why I'd woken late
In the bowels of the night;
Maybe somewhere in this world
Someone special gained their sight.

Yesterday someone's ears were ringing
And their friend said, You know what that means—
Someone's talking about you, girl

And I wonder if this is the same.

If I'm awake because someone's dreaming,
And I'm awake in their dream,
I know it's not the one I dreamed of
Unless in school he's fallen asleep.

Maybe the planet was calling out
And only I could hear them;
Maybe the world begins to turn
One notch faster at 1 AM.
She is the brightest star
        in the night sky.
But in the morning,
        when the sun comes,
              *she is nothing.
The vivacious little girl
occupying the table next, with her parents
counts me too, someone close to her
I don't know, what prompts this,
or why she wants to cheer me up.

Smiles at me like I am an uncle
lost for long and now found by chance,
offers a bite from her candy
with a conspiratorial wink.

Its a pity I lost touch
with that part of my psyche
that used to act like a kid
and rejoice, without a thought'
when something like this happens.

Yes, things change
you may not even sense it,
I suddenly realize.

I just look away and see
a bleak cloud fully lost all morning flush
at the corner of the sky limping forward,
dissolving little by little.
 Apr 2014 The voice
Elijah Almond
it all washes away
no worries
just kick'em up


easy as a summer's breeze
beautiful like an autumn's eve
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