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 Jul 2014 The voice
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
 Jul 2014 The voice
Gladys P
Your spirit now rests in harmony,
Since you were called with the angels above,
But your smile will live forever,
And it's only you, I think of.

With wonderful memories,
When you reached out from the bottom of your heart,
To  see everyone together,
A dream you left behind, and sadly unable to start.

But I believe in eternal life,
And some day we will meet again,
To celebrate and rejoice,
And it will never have to end.

Rejoined in a new world known as paradise,
An idyllic place to be ... without any worries or pain,
Bringing happiness and togetherness once again,
In His presence and reign.
An unexpected death, at the age of 25....found unresponsive in car in a garage, due to carbon monoxide.
 Jul 2014 The voice
Eddie Starr
Believe in Christ to see you through the hardships.
Believe in your relationship with Christ in the hardships.
Believe in Christ love for you even during the hardships.
Believe that Christ loves you no matter what you are going through.
Believe in the Holy Spirit that dwells within you helping you to overcome.
For the hardships are testing grounds to reveal that you are strong.
That your circumstance does not make you who you are here.
But your faith in the only one that really matters in this life and the one to come.
For its Christ that is doing a powerful work within you transforming you.
 Jun 2014 The voice
 Jun 2014 The voice
For I only know God, believe in God, and beseech God, through you, and to you.
For you beam and emit holiness, and sin.
For all the sins I commit in and to your name, will proudly shine.
For I will strangulate your sins to disintegration.
I dub your sins and morality as mirrors of faith.
For divinity, is yours alone.
Where is God in the killing of the innocent?
Where is He among the depression and addiction?
Where is He in the dark?
Where is He in the evil?
What about the selfishness and greed?
Where is He?

He's in the sunset and the rain.
He's in the comfort through the pain.
He's in this life and the next.
He's in your life and the rest.

Where is God is the hatred and abandonment?
Where is He in the bodies in the basement?
Where is He in the blood?
Where is He in the filth and the mud?
The destruction, the hurricanes, the crime?
Where's He been all this time?

He's in the grassy hills and plains.
He's in the moss and the sugar cane.
He's in your favorite song or dream.
He's in the smoothest ice cream.
He never left.
 May 2014 The voice
Jaishree Garg
When I crumble and fall
Come steer me with your grace
Take down my wall
Lock me in your embrace

When all my dreams fail
Come give me a taste of life
Let not my blood turn stale
Untangle my inner strife

‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding
Come be my Silver lining.

Don’t leave me with my demons.
Don’t let the emptiness devour me
Be my bearing,
My tool to survive
Guide me to you
Let me feel alive!

When the lights fade out
And my fears crawl
Shed the silhouette

‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding
Come be my Silver lining.

Heave me out of the ruins
Where love was torn down
And lives were destroyed.

Come be my shining light
Break the walls that confine me
Lock me in your embrace
‘Cause that’s where my life is hiding.

Just be my Silver lining.
 May 2014 The voice
Sameer Denzi
In the midst of darkness,
The Straight Path is true, illuminated, blissful.
Realm of the temptress,
The darkness is deceptive, mysterious, sensual.
Strong are her temptations,
To explore the forbidden, as curiosity weakens the will.
So to loose ones bearings
In these alleys of darkness, is not a failure of the soul.
Its in our nature, this weakness,
For our curiosity is a magnet to mystery, even those foul.
But to revert from this darkness,
To the illuminated path, is indeed a triumph of the will.
Let your imagination be you guide.
 May 2014 The voice
Sameer Denzi
Why fear death, for your death is certain,
Why fear the unknown, for your fate is known,
Why fear the dark, for the light is within,
Why fear ignominy, for your ego's a prison.

Overcome your fears and you will be liberated,
Love without constraints and you will be exhilarated,
Submit to The Supreme Will and you will be exalted.
Fear not, instead be free
When we meet
I want to look beautiful
When we meet I want it to be perfect
When we meet
I want to stay up all night watching movies and talk all night, and I want to fall asleep in your arms
When we meet
I want to fall in love all over again
When we meet I'm hoping to be more confident
*When we meet
I'm hoping I will come alive again
I'm hoping I'll be all you want and need
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