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 Jan 2015 Sundas
Am I right?
 Jan 2015 Sundas
When I say you don't deserve her,
When I say that you should leave,
When I say you won't make it here,
When I say you make her grieve

When I say you should be better,
When I say you'll have to change,
When I say you don't treat her well,
When I say you're acting strange

When I say you don't love her,
When I say you'll hurt her heart,
When I say you aren't good enough,
When I say you should stay apart

When I say you never should've met her,
When I say you should've stayed far away
When I say you will be the worst thing that could happen to her,
I beg you to prove me wrong!
 Dec 2014 Sundas
sania opai
She looked in the mirror,
Looked back the sad reflection,
Told her to stay strong,
Oh, where did she go wrong?

Tears fell as she closed her eyes,
Through the tear stained face,
Just smile, she said to herself,
Wanting the tears to leave no trace.

Opened her eyes,
Saw a little smile,
The reflection spoke,
Her inner voice awoke.

The reflection began to speak,
She was no longer feeling weak,
''Don't let them know inside you're grey,
Just tell them you are not a prey.

The beautiful smile,
Use it as a tool,
Be strong for a while,
For the world you always fool.''

Only you can make yourself feel good ♥
A single candle glows,
In a shadowed room,
The warmth it gives out,
Does little against the gloom.

The flame has burnt for so long,
It's begun to feel the strain,
The wax and wick are burning low,
An end to light's long reign.

The feeble glow begins to die,
Reflected dimly in the glass,
Of windows showing only dark,
The final night at last.

It clings on for as long as it can,
Though by now weak and frail,
Its fuel is used up, no longer it shines,
And inevitably, it fails.

With a slow, painful splutter,
The flame flickers and fades,
The last light goes out,
Marking an end to these charades.
 Dec 2014 Sundas
 Dec 2014 Sundas
I watched the snow descend to earth
Attention sought as flakes give birth
Submit to all her majesty
Surrender clouded canopy

A freezing fox that runs across
The curtilage wild turkey's toss
A lofty oak tree hides raccoon
Two fledgeling birds lose their platoon

The strapping deer takes off in flight
See squirrels flee with all their might
An Owl concluding calls of whoo
The animals know too eschew

All happens when the snowflakes fall
Am spellbound by one flake or all
The memory each one contain
Unique like us and our domain

Snowflakes and animals I see
We all are different you and me
Is random chance its proximious?
Creation not dichotomous

Am thankful I could see this view
And freedom too believe it's true

Iambic Tetrameter.  abab rhyme knit
The leaves of the last remaining sentries,
Continue their hopeless rebellion,
Buffeted by falling ice and gusts.
Bright green teardrops fight against the dominating grey and white,
A splash of colour lines the sides of the road.

A boy's feet slip, but he remains upright,
Continuing on along the treacherous path.
Where is he going?
He walks with purpose towards that which he knows will **** him,
His face gathers cuts from the winds serrated breath,
His hands start to bleed from every time fell.
But still he continues, unafraid, undeterred,
Certain in his undying thirst to walk,
He gathers pace, filled with strength,
His rebellion now begins to approach,
No question, his choice is foolhardy and pointless,
There is no chance of victory against such an opponent
Yet he fights through the crowds, running in the opposite direction,
And dives head first into his life's end.
But he survives.
Through some miracle of luck or chance,
He reaches the final shore,
Surrounded by green in a grey world,
Crushed but still breathing,
Though bleeding, still strong,
He takes the final step.
 Dec 2014 Sundas
 Dec 2014 Sundas
Decisions made without a thought
Are not the things that can be taught
Split second ones can fill the page
That cross my mind then disengage

Abulia comes within one's doubt
A minute passed they may die out
One life is saved another lost
Do what we can at any cost

Then think things over if you must
The longer wait can cause mistrust
Don't stop to ponder then react
By then she's gone no second act

I told my love “touch you to breathe”
Each moment counts her face I sheathe
We have all be told or advised to take time
when making a decision.  However, there are
situations where split decisions are paramount,
like in this poem, both in profession, and closer
to the one's we love.

The couplet at the end, the part in quotations,
was personal, made up by the author years ago,
and basically means you love someone so much
you have to “touche them to breathe” store
up enough oxygen while she's gone so one can
live.  The meter is off on it.  Oh
Poem is written in Iambic
read with a beat of unstressed then STRESSED
syllable....e.g   last  line:   by THEN she's GONE
no SE-cond ACT.      This is for those trying to
learn meter or don't know but might like to know.
I had a mentor and am still learning this stuff, so
am not barely getting it.   Thomas
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