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 Oct 2020 Kyle
 Oct 2020 Kyle

I write to right the write-less, the unvoiced compendium of my experience. A

panoply of shadows between each line and behind the fumbled words miswritten

out of loyalty to the fiction I maintain. The letters which move beneath the page,

scintillating with suggestion, leaving their impression - a glimmer here, an echo

there; they are more honest than the fraught narrative that I deem fit to 'save'. I

write to right the write-less, to balance the unwieldy, to illuminate the intangible.

‘Every act of reading is an act of forgetting: the experience of reading is a palimpsest, in which each text partially covers those that came before.’
- James A. Secord, Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception, and Secret Authorship of Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
 Oct 2020 Kyle
“Each time you are embraced
By the sweetness of solitude
Let your flower 🌺 of
Creations nurture you “

©️ Seema
 Sep 2020 Kyle
Anais Vionet
My mom, with the green
witch's casual, sour malice,  
can verbally ****.

But she is easily
deceived by disguise
- my body is a mask.

My submission is
but a costume - my calm
the offered lie.

I detest my own
pale, small, adolescent
answers - my weakness.
OK, we had a fight - we made up - but before that... poetry!  =]
 Aug 2020 Kyle
 Aug 2020 Kyle

Fire in nymph's eyes
Hips sway with star-studded scales
As lips feast on flesh

New day, new haiku!
Still not 100% but slowly but surely I'm getting there.
This haiku is for Echidna, also known as the Mother of Monsters, and one of the deadliest mythical creatures around. She is the wife of Typhon, a Storm Giant, and (depending on the myth) is daughter of Tartatus and Gaea or Phorys and Ceto.

She is known to have the upper body of a beautiful woman and the tail of a reptile. She became known as the Mother of Monsters because she birthed some of the most legendary Greek creatures, such as the Gorgons, the Chimera, Scylla, the Sphinx, the Nemean Lion and many more.

As terrible and powerful as she is, I find there to be a certain level of charm also. I wanted to picture a woman who is fiery, terrible, powerful and yet seductive and I hope I did so in this haiku.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
 Aug 2020 Kyle
 Aug 2020 Kyle
My favorite genre to read is fiction;
that's why I am always captivated by your eyes and enticed by your words.
I know I am better off.
 Aug 2020 Kyle
vienna bombardieri
If I close my eyes its almost as if I were back there again
standing in a field of snow mitted and scarfed to the chin
Front window frosted from our breath iced fingers scribing
yes I can almost remember the exact smell of snow...
A winter hat edged in fur, warm and fuzzy round my neck
big fat snowflakes falling gently while inside, electric heat
father appearing from a distance buried in a snow squall
mother with her rosary praying for his safe arrival , me
tucked under a blanket sleepy eyed and tired praying,
I hope Christmas comes soon, and then I fell asleep.
 Aug 2020 Kyle
I feel it beneath my skin,
Wearing me paper thin.
Vibrations stronger than
The normal laws of man,
I can’t conceive
What I’m meant to be,
I feel I’m to believe
That I’m now a monster.

Feeding off ample life
Living through thinning strife,
Why not burn me in the square?
After all,
Monsters don’t play fair.
 Aug 2020 Kyle
 Aug 2020 Kyle
Hello,  I am a puddle person.
I'm certainly not the only puddle person, of course.
And I often think I'm more puddle then person.

I lay on the floor still.
People come by and see themselves reflected in me.
Sometimes they step in me,  and drops of me splish around and evaporate.

I'm content being a puddle it's, comfortable.
People are aware of me whether looking at themselves, tip toeing around me or jumping in.

I am NOT invisible.

Love me or hate me this puddle person isn't going anywhere,
until I become more puddle then person.
 Aug 2020 Kyle
Anais Vionet
(3 Senryus)

No - don’t kiss me
unless you're planning to
start a new habit.

Don't borrow kisses
unless you can return them
with real interest.

Remember boy-O
it's all fun and games 'til
someone falls in love.
three haikus - about kisses borrowed - not stolen  =]
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