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 Aug 2020 Kyle
 Aug 2020 Kyle
Let only death
take your
lingering scent
away from me,
for there are no
without soul aching

 Aug 2020 Kyle
Robert Andrews
 Aug 2020 Kyle
Robert Andrews
How can I tell you
Of this beauty
For which
There are no words?

My heart trembles
When my blue eyes
Touch her
And I am stricken dumb
 Jul 2020 Kyle
 Jul 2020 Kyle
Thinking about getting a tattoo
But, I take pause...
Looking in the mirror
I see my body’s already covered
Marked in invisible ink
Every inch of my bare skin
Painted with the joy and pain of living
From my heart to my hips
Color faded here, but poppin’ over there
Memories designed by your hands
Others etched on my own
A collection that makes me smile
Among a few pieces I regret
So, about getting a tattoo...
I guess I’m not ready
Because I can’t think of a tattoo
Meaningful enough, yet
To write over any of the life I’ve lived
 Jul 2020 Kyle
 Jul 2020 Kyle

She of moonfire
Entranced by her sleeping prince
Hands on heart, serene

This haiku is dedicated to Selene, Goddess of the Moon.
I love Selene for many reasons but what cemented my love for her was none other than Sailor Moon!
I love how their story is depicted in the manga and anime, Usagi and Selene will always have a special place in my heart.
Of course I grew up with the myth of her crushing ******* Endymion, Zeus granting her wish to keep the Shepard ageless while in eternal sleep and she sired 50 daughters which really weirded me out. So Ive somewhat rewritten the myth in mind.
Even so, Im grateful for Selene.
As much as I'm a logophile and biblophile , I'm very much a selenophile ^-^
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
 Jul 2020 Kyle
 Jul 2020 Kyle
Honor thy self

Fate shall evaporate like the morning dew

Do what thou wilt

watch a useless world devoured by dreams

We are stars burning brightly

Madly creating reality
Athena and Apollo in the flesh

Eris and Eros dancing through starlight eyes  

as the universe expands within

slicing raging wings of desire

On blades of will sharpened pure
 Jul 2020 Kyle
Rupert Pip
 Jul 2020 Kyle
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
 Apr 2020 Kyle
En Beau Silence
 Apr 2020 Kyle
Do not deny me,
The lines between us read;
A footnote of a smile

A miniature novella
Cradled in my palm;
Your hand held

Written in our familiar aspect
An epic journey of the soul;
A quiet collision
Of two still quieter gestures.

'There is more to hear in what is not said.'
- Rachelle Joyce
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