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 Mar 2017 Kyle
He softly touched her cheek
the same way cold touched
the first few mornings
of Februaryć…”frigid but somehow fleeting.
Full of adoration
yet full of uncertainties.
And like the whispers of warmth
on some mornings,
he's almost always anticipating to leave.
With those cold hands of his,
he softly touched her cheek
and like the fury between
the cold and warm,
he kissed her
while whispering goodbye
at the same time.
She had a whirling hurricane
Raging inside her

He was as still
As a ship on a peaceful ocean

Their worlds collided
And never had there been a better match
For he was the calm to her storm
Only three more days of torture **
To have a heart that is ******* in knots
when their are a dozen of pots
in your sink;
Can't even think
to dismiss this Earthly bliss
in a time well spent in thought.
Yet the Spirit brings life & peace.

A heart saturated with unconditional love
shall withstand the true test in time!
Words have an effect on people
so choose words of edification.
Smile 'cause it's contagious
so pass yours on.

We can each do our part in making this world a better place.
Love should be the true essence of our existence.
Become a beacon of light
to a hurting world in need.
Love your neighbor
spread words of peace and togetherness.

Each of us has a responsibility in this life.
Our life will soon be passed
only what's done for truth will last.
What we do with our time today
will become evident through eternity.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
a commitment
 Mar 2017 Kyle
crooked teeth means crooked smiles
but perfect they are nonetheless
found a lover in a friend and that's more than okay
we don't have to promise each other anything
other than the night
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Nessa Kay
And just like that, it was so simple
all daytime, flowers, and sunshine
or things
about which birds sing
He was patience
and madness
and simply
a beautiful night sky
just waiting for me to paint him.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Mike Hauser
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Mike Hauser
Many are the days
That I take a break
As nature calls to me

When I hear her say
Come this way
Set your spirit free

Where I fill my cup
On mountain tops
In a mix of evergreen

Pouring just enough
As I find I must
Often wash my spirit clean
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Some nights I lie awake
dreaming of a woman
who could make me want
to want to live another day
another year or maybe
just an hour or two
until dawn wraps her warm
arms around me once again.
 Mar 2017 Kyle
Jolene Faber
I'm finally me.
Im the me that lets the suns ray hit me on a Sunday.
Im the me that takes walks to clear my mind.
Im the me that doesn't need you
I'm the me that didn't have to choose,
between letting you lie and hurt the one you love,
just because you felt unsure.
Im the me that has Joy in her pores.
Im the me that enjoyed being invisible, and knowing everything about me made you feel invincible.
I'm the me that should've been this me before the real me.
Im finally me thanks to you.
and theres nothing you can do.
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