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 Feb 2018 Seanime
Crushing Love
Charmanders are Red, Squirtles are blue
If you were a Pokemon I'd choose you.
Your smile is stronger then a Hyper-beam.
Like Jessie and James  we'd make the perfect

I'll stay by your side like  Pikachu and Ash,
And I'll love you more then a level 80 Rapidash.
You're more legendary then a Zapados,
Entei, or Mew.

But out of all 450, I choose you.
Just something cute and fun!
 Feb 2018 Seanime
Marisa Hope
Throw rocks at my window,
Hold the boom box up high.
Send me on scavenger hunts,
Make me search far and wide.
Let me be your favorite song,
A tune you can never get out of your head.
Recall your fondest memories,
Those of when we first met.
Take me out to ball games,
Introduce me to all your friends.
I want to be your now and forever,
I want the cheesy moments to last a lifetime.
Take me in now and never look back,
We can have a life we create out of whack.
 Feb 2018 Seanime
Andy Cave
He calls her his princess, his beautiful queen
yes everything's perfect this isn't a dream.
They are amazing together, a couple so sweet
their love so young is a miraculous feet.
 Feb 2018 Seanime
"Are you a ***** girl"
Your question continues to scroll through my mind.
I once wasn't.
I was the poster child for innocence.
But now, now is different.
My mind can't help but wander,
Thinking about your hands on me,
What they could do to me.
Thinking about your lips on mine,
Or on my body.
I want to know your touch,
Your kiss,
How would you feel inside me.
Yes deary, I want you.
"Are you a ***** girl?"
Would you like to become a ***** boy?
 Feb 2018 Seanime
Craig Harrison
I dreamed of you a long time ago
my perfect one
Your smile, your big beautiful eyes
I saw them long before we ever met
You are the woman of my dreams
my perfect one

Some people wait a life time to meet their soul mate
but I'm fortunate to have met you
I don't think I would have ever been able to wait
You're my perfect one

So beautiful. so funny
Cute when you smile and don't realise
the way your hair falls into your eyes
My heart is yours, it beats for you
because you're my perfect one

I love you
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
 Feb 2018 Seanime
Eric the Red
Just know...
He’s had lives & loves before you
Remember that when the bricklayer or the mechanic
Asks for your hand
You’ll receive one flower
Instead of a dozen roses
Picked on his way home
Handwritten notes in your shoes
Instead of Hallmark greetings
Elaborate dinners cooked by him
Where he said he’d clean
But didn’t
Spur of the moment
Road trips
Instead of planned vacations
The opening of windows
For the springtime thunderstorms
Listening to the beat of his heart
While the rain drops
The drain
He’ll write you with jazz playing
Wine in his bottle
Records in his head
Absorbing you into his world
And if he dies before you
And you bury him
And you mourn over him
Lasting for years
Remember his flower
His notes written just for you
And if you see his ghost
Haunting you
Then the Poet
Has fallen forever for
 Feb 2018 Seanime
 Feb 2018 Seanime
We were creating a rose garden
We spent seven months working tirelessly towards it.
Just as the seeds we planted were about to bloom,you decided you didn't like roses anymore.
My love alone wasn't enough to water them.
I write this,sitting in the ruins of what could have been our garden.
All our roses have wilted.
How I would have done anything for 7 more days. Months. Years with you.  To see our garden through. To water & grow it till our hearts didn't beat anymore.
It could've been beautiful.
We could've been beautiful.
Today marks what could have been my ex boyfriend & I's first anniversary. Bummed that this day has come & he's now nothing but a stranger.
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