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Andie Jul 2017
When the vibrant colors of the sinking garnet sphere finally subside,
a new stage is set for another spectacular performance.
Less colorful, of course, but still moving.
Look! To the east, the beginning of a silver arc is growing from our Terra.
It swells up, dancing in the wind, shooting iridescent silver beams of light, like Diana's arrows they shoot off over the world, illuminating everything in their paths.
At long last, the wind has lifted this phosphorescent giant into the sky.
It casts no shadow, only flowing strings of silk, enveloping the world in its soft effulgence.
Rising, seeming forever throughout the night.
Sadly, like most stunning things, it must end.
It will reach its peak and then fall.
Like an Argentum balloon slowly deflating, it descends into moondown.
Immediately after it has fallen, the Aurum orb starts rising again.
Some revere its awesome power, however, some deny it.
For as the sun blinds and burns, the moon enlightens and illumes.
More olde poetry
Andie Jul 2017
Darkness. Overwhelming. Overpowering. Raw.
Darkness is not a thing. It is a feeling, an absence, a terror.
If you let it in, it will consume you.
If you try to fight it without hope, you will spiral into it.
However, if you have hope, light, a sense of being, it will fun from you.
Light. Hope. Redemption. Filling.
Light is not a thing. It is a feeling of greatness, kindness, true beauty.
Without it, darkness will win. If you give it up, you will die.
Light is what drives the human. If you are not light, you will be dark.
Light. Dark. Light. Dark.
An endless struggle between unseen forces to power your soul.
If one wins you are happy. If the other succeeds, you will be miserable.
If you are mostly light, humans call you good.
If you are mostly dark, humans call you evil.
However, if there is no light, darkness has zero meaning, and if there is no dark, light is useless.
They cannot be without the other or they will fail.
If you are stuck with darkness embedded in you, there is not much to be done about it.
You can try to be happy; it might work or it might not.
If you have light embedded in you, then there is no chance of you becoming dark.
You may try, but you shall fail.
Light. Dark. Light. Dark.
It is to forever be endless, overwhelming,
redeeming, overpowering, hopeful, and raw.
They are both eternal.
Olde poetry
Andie Sep 2016
Write when you're happy
Write when you're sad
Write if you think no one is reading it
Write if it you know everyone is
because it's you!
and you're a beautiful, brilliant unique spontaneous person
and above all, you're an artist, a poet, an author
someone is reading it, will read, has read it
and you know what?
they loved it
and they love you
Andie Sep 2016
I'm a man of many words
we all know that's true, we all know my opinions on everything, we all know I'm a man of very many words.
"That's amazing" "That's disgusting" "Oh god" Abhorrent" "Pulchritudinous" "Stunning" "Effervescent" "Sensuous" "Voluptuous"
Not one to brag, we do know I have a well developed vocabulary
but when it comes to you?

i forget english

Completely. Fully. Entirely. Nothing. Blank. Whiteness. I can think of nothing, except, of course, you. You in all your majestic heavenly beauty. When I see you I can't even begin to form something to start to describe you in all your, well, you-ness.
So, my love, you make me speechless everytime I see you
and that's the best I can do
because I love you
Ahh English....for her
Andie Sep 2016
You think you're such a heavy heart, don't you?
Why do you think I can't lift you?
You've lifted me higher than I ever could imagine darling
nothing could drag me down again, now that I have you in my arms.
but you
You want to believe you're so heavy, that you're dragging me down,
that you could be hindering me in anyway. You cling to it, hoping, for some reason, that you're such a heavy heart weighing on me.
I wish you knew how high off of the ground you actually were.
cause baby, I've got your feet off the ground.
*and I'll never let you down
You're lifting me, not the other way around. For her
Andie Sep 2016
Drifting slowly through life, one should always stop to smell the roses
They won't stay forever, and you won't notice them until they vanish
There is nothing more beautiful than a light rose in the morning time
With dew-drops glistening in the sunrise, soft petals starting to unravel
The thick incense blossoming with the flower as it slowly emerges
The knowledge that you've been the lucky one to see it bloom
Knowing that you will cherish it forever.

I was adrift, soaring high and fast, never noticing the beauty around me
Climbing higher and higher, I ignored my burning wings and the sun
I didn't see why I as aflame, I didn't realise my mistake until I fell
I couldn't have possibly known that that was the reason I had fallen
Tumbling from the sky I viewed the earth from a whole new light
You could see for miles with the sun at your back
The whole world was your oyster, nothing could ever stop you
Knowing that you would cherish it forever.

Imagine, me falling from the sky, the wind ripping at my soul
I could see new beauty, yet there was no light in it at all
It tried to consume me as I fell, spiraling down until I knew the ground
We were good friends as I fell, though I never did get to meet the earth
You saved me from this, my fall, my implosion into myself
I was burning to the ground and with one look from you, I was free
I could forget all that had happened, why I was falling, for I knew now
I knew that someone, someone in this wild world we live in
I realised that if someone could love someone like me
Then I had to stay and love them too, and they knew it too
Knowing you would cherish it forever.

I'm just a flower in a gun, hurtling through space.
Marvelling at all that's around me.
She is in love with me, all of me, and I overflowing in love for her.
And I know that me, and her? We'll cherish it forever.
A ballade for her
Andie Sep 2016
My mind and heart don't like each other.
They don't agree, in fact, they rarely do.
There is one thing, however, that both do contest.
And that, my dear, is my love for you.
For her.
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