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 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
Someone called me twilight
but when i wake up
it was just the moon and the stars
April 24, 2014
Hiding in the bathroom
Laying on the floor
Weeping from the heartache
Begging, "Please, no more"
I cry out for help
But nobody tends to listen
You spark the words
My name in vain
I question life
Am I even sane?
Nothing is ever what it seems
It's just a tragic fantasy
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
all I'll remember from this April

is you

leaving me.
I have a message
For you haters
You're the wreckage
Your words like razors

No longer shall I keel
To your decimating attitude
I have an intransigent zeal
Of undeniable magnitude

Your reign of terror
Now a speck in the past
Your puppet strings I sever
Now free I feel, at last

I dare you, I dare you
Try to cut me down
But be warned, I will strew
Your face all over the ground

No longer am i afraid.
All the hated, it's time to stand
All the haters, it's time to be repaid
No more worries, just grains of sand

The tides now change
Deny them their satisfaction
Their power has no range
Haters, this is your termination
Sick of all the people who think they are better and put others down. Time to stand up.
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