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Cedric Nov 2019
Autumn leaves fall down,
I lay on a bed of withered leaves.
Beside me are tulips,
All in a colorful yellow.
Gaze at a blue rose,
Imaginary and unique,
Longing for peace - love.

Garnering my strength,
I toil to sow my own seeds.
I sink on my bed,
Losing all my colorful fervor.
Becoming one with the Earth I loved,
Attuning  my soul to the flowers.
An acrostic of yellow tulips and blue roses; of death of love
Cedric Nov 2019
Brand new whisky dreams.
I know now why people drink.
To feel warmth and heat.
It dissipates into smoke.
A smooth defeated finish.
A tanka dedicated to my first experience with hard liquors - scotch whisky
Cedric Oct 2019
Why is write spelled similarly with writhe?
Maybe the "h" stands for healing.
Or maybe more appropriately, hell.
We write when we writhe.
Drawing lose words that form nooses to **** what's left in one's heart.
It's amazing how simple words can snap your neck; your head is in the clouds once more.
Wring my heart out and let it dry.
The blood in it is rotten.
Let it burn to a crisp.
As dark as one's soul can get.
Rinse and repeat; wash your feet.
Random. My head is on fire.
Cedric Oct 2019
To love for the sake of love,
To care because you do,
To repeat that choice,
That choice is you.
It needs no words,
It is patient and kind.
It works on self-sacrifice.
It is pure and unreasonable.
Will it keep on going forever?
When will love ever end?
What motivates you?
Where does it lead?
Being alone again,
Begets a heavy heart.
Belief does not mend wounds.
Because my heart is not enough.
Randomly composed. I'm in pain. Let me bleed.
Cedric Oct 2019
I’ve submitted my applications.
To be the proxy if need be.
You’ve read my papers;
The clause of letting go,
It is set in stone hearts.

You’ve been left alone and hurting,
I’ve become the proxy for him.
The bandaid over your wound,
To be discarded once healed.

When will you fire me?
Setting me ablaze by losing my job?
When will I be thrown?
Discarded once my purpose is served?

I have had a premonition,
That things will slowly fall into place.
I will be left alone once more,
After my purpose is done.

I’ve served many masters,
All of which are of my choosing.
I’ve been let go before,
After my time has been reached.

It’s normal for me to be forgotten,
Left rotting six-feet beneath.
I have died a thousand deaths,
All to save those in need.

I am dedicated to this unlife,
Of sacrifice and giving everything.
It is my purpose and duty,
To give my life up for others.

Despite the pain and suffering,
Despite chipping away at my heart,
Despite depleting my soul,
I will give and give and give.

All in the spirit of love,
All in the hope of receiving it,
All in the faith of enduring it,
All in the love of sacrifice.

I’m just a proxy,
To replace those who’re lost.
My papers are here,
When will my contract end?
I think it will soon enough.
A poem of being the person that’s always there for others. For us who are left alone after being of no more use. We are the tools at your disposal, the means to an end. No longer human, dedicated to serve.
Cedric Oct 2019
Anxiety washes over me,
As I tried to open my heart.
Blurting out vague messages,
Laying my feelings bare,
Insanity flows through me.
Vicious thoughts consume me.
Gambling my heart out,
I try to fall in love once more.
And you reminded me,
Amidst my rose colored eyes,
I was really destined to be alone.
Reality woke my tired soul.
Loneliness is indeed my own.

Alone in this barren field,
Anchored deep in the sea,
Beached on a deserted island,
Left out in the winter cold,
Incapacitated and left longing,
Voracious vultures are waiting,
Gangrene eating me alive,
Intoxicated by hope and love,
Abhorring every second passing,
Alienating this deep void,
Insufferably waiting for you,
Running in circles in my mind,
Leaving reality behind once more.

Answer me!
Admonish me!
Betray me!
Leave me!
Invalidate me!
Vilify me!
Gouge my heart out!
Ignite my soul!
Agony sets in…
Amorphous images…
Illuminate me!
Read my heart.
Love me, please.

Impending doom looms,
My heart won’t beat.
Silence takes over me.
Our time comes to a close.
Riveting emotions settle.
Regaining my composure,
You smiled at me.
Let the poem speak for itself. Originally written on 10/14/19.
  Oct 2019 Cedric
My heart was buried with you that day
I was left numb
Holding the weight of the emptiness
That space were you were not
That space where joy had left

I walked around on autopilot
A faint outline of me
Just visible on the surface
With a burning, crippling pit inside

I was beyond the muddy puddle
I was face down
At the bottom of the murky river
Surrounded by darkness
Slowly sinking into the mud
With the weight of my tears
Like a fallen tree holding me down
I was not trying to get up
Because I had no strength to
No will power
No heart  
If I never came back up
I would only see you sooner
And that
Was the only comfort I could see

And then
You spoke to me
Clear as day
And you used that serious voice
Only used for serious things
And you said
And I will never forget
You said
“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare. There are good things to come.”
And like a bolt of lightening
Shot into my chest
I pushed my head out of the water
With a breath of life
And you offered me back the empty jar that was my heart
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