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Outside Words Sep 2018
Someone watched from below at a crooked angle,
As I carried a metal baseball bat through the parking lot.

In tattered, blood stained clothes, ripped jeans and a white t-shirt,
I continued forward, ready to do what I intended.

Through the door and up a dark, black stairwell I strode…

In a midnight rage, I shattered glass, busted walls and tables,
And growled as I felt my weapon vibrate against wood and plaster.

I demolished computers, tipped over desks
And knocked out windows, spewing glass down below.

I smiled a gritty smirk as I progressed
through my night of destruction…

I poured gasoline and lit a match,
As I walked back out into that heavy night.

With a steady stride, I left with my bat,
And from behind, felt a soothing, comforting warmth.
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
I was awoken from a dreamless sleep
     By a boy with short brown hair,
     Who, with an urgent stare,
Told me to head to the showers!

As my eyes creaked open to recognize,
     The orange glow of this unfamiliar room’s lighting,
     In front of me, in handwritten writing,
A page on the wall showed three in the morning.

When I glanced around a room of shared bunks,
     I saw all sorts of people and things,
     Running around with things to bring
To these showers I had yet to see.

In a winding line down a high ceiling’d hall,
     I stood with so many,
     Who like me, hadn’t any
Idea what was going on.

With a whirlwind flurry of commotion
     Steam crawled from the showers and water sprayed,
     As we were told in a big disarray,
To wash off the place from whence we came.

In a neat little stack, I was handed my clothes
     A tunic, with a sash
     And a captivating mask
To “celebrate our exciting return home.”

Down dark rustic stairways, I watched like a child
     The vibrant light and affinity,
     Radiating with enchanting divinity,
From the otherworldly people and creatures below.

Through that noisy, jolly crowd,
     We were led as a group
     And the boy said with a whoop
That we were all to stand up and dance.

His eyes glinting with excitement,
     The brown haired boy explained
     That our spirits would be ordained
Through a celebration of our inner light.

Onto the stage I was led
     As I stood with my class,
     Nervous amongst the mass
Of silent, numerous spirits before us.

As the boy hit the music
     I felt something from deep inside
     Rush out like a tide
And through tears of joy, I danced.

It was at that gleeful moment
     That my friends and I,
     Realizing we'd died,
Knew we'd returned to the forest.
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
We look like you all,
     but we’re not the same
With you, we live here
     on this meager plane.

We do not see in your way,
     have no concept of time
Although our bodies age
     we have infinite minds.

The realm from which we visit
     is filled with beauty and nature
With compassion and warmth
     we serve there as caretakers.

We were here to teach you
     in all of your ignorance,
To go back to simple lives
     of unity and innocence.

But you spat in our faces,
     and made us dismiss
You and your indifference
     in this bottomless abyss.

So here you shall stay
     until heaven turns to hell
And to the night sky we’ll ride
     to the place we once dwelled.
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
My breath beat shallow at a chest of stone as I looked out
At all of our houses that seemed so small from whence I stood
The sky’s true and radiant blue, I discovered at this altitude
Cloud rings spiraled down, the sun beams reflected off my goggles -
And my arms felt stiff, strapped into wings of enchanted brass
     When all of a sudden a gust swept –
          Me from the tip of my ride with such haste!
          From a cloud boat I dropped and gasped for my life!
          Cyclones of wind paddled my body and blew back my hair…
From a tumble, to falling with such grace,
I soared with a smile over my tiny little city -
And yearned at the horizon in its majesty -
     This moment and its treasures I had stolen for me.
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
tiny elves in my backyard on my stoop -

running out from between blades of grass,
they shouted in unison with a burly crass:


“sorry sir, soup is not for elves; mommy said!”



“but, I’m just a kid and mommy discourages it!”

i said in my biggest voice, for the 900th time
as they threw up their arms, like I’d committed a crime!

running around in a mass,
they ran back, with such sass,
through the leaves in a big hurry -
on a hunt for soup they scurried...
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
From freedom and serenity - forced back,
Within a heavy frame, I twist and turn.
Surrounded by darkness - sunlight lacks
Through peaceful ears, an alarm clock burns.

Feeling like someone once deceased,
I ****** myself from my tranquil sleep...

Stumbling to the kitchen, eyes half open,
I prepare my meal in a weary daze.
I will not dread today - I'm hoping,
As I race through traffic in my malaise.

Drinking in my last few moments,
I do what I must, but never condone it...

My interior seething from stress filled meetings,
These rules defeating - my lifeblood fleeting,
A blunt insanity from this calamity,
Through censored profanity, I scream "barbarity!"

Beneath the boots of automatic overlords,
We're trapped together - anxious and bored...

Our heads hang, our eyes bleed
Their talking styles belie their greed.
Our mouths move - connection we seek,
But we find our language strange and oblique.

Back home, on my couch, lethargic and pale,
Hypnotized by TV, my dreams turning stale…

A once free spirit, now a mindless drone -
My sense of identity is what they dethrone.
I assure myself, my soul will endure,
Friday at five, I’m told is the cure.

But, revolution’s muscle beats in my chest!
So, a simple existence, I imagine, my best.

This is my strife - I hate this way of life!
Words can’t explain the disdain in my veins.
So, I have no choice, but to use my voice,
To tell you all to your face, there’s no time to waste!

Everyday, I pickup my pen and face the end -
To light the fire, that from ashes, we’ll ascend...
© Outside Words
Outside Words Sep 2018
On a gusty autumn night
Another husband was swept,
Somber under the porch light,
Abigail watched and wept.

No men were happy,
As they dealt with poor Abby –
Day in and day out,
So miserable and naggy.

Nine is such a tender age
For a father to leave his daughter,
In horror, Abby waved,
Her mind underwater.

Crimes of parents, what a shame
Those with good ones count your blessings,
Lest we forget little Abby’s pain
And teach our children similar lessons.
© Outside Words
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