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 Feb 2020 Julianna
bess goldstein
I know the lingerie is meant to be taken off, but
my nakedness makes my eyes dart quick and
count every hair on my skin.
picking scabs turns into scars that
I have yet to tell you about.
without permission, I close my eyes
as you love me in the dark and
I wonder if you’re counting too.
scared of showing my torn skin
 Feb 2020 Julianna
 Feb 2020 Julianna
I feel like I'm floating
an outsider looking within
even with friends
this feeling never came up before
why do I feel it now?
stuck outside
set aside from conversations
left boxed off from friends
reduced to nothing but
an outsider looking within
trying to describe this weird way I feel as of late
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Sehar Bajwa
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Sehar Bajwa
just because the star-
fish can grow its arms back does
not mean it didn't hurt.

even though scars heal
and wounds fade it doesn't mean I
will forget the pain.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
 Feb 2020 Julianna
all the fireflies have gone
and I am abandoned in darkness
here, I can feel the emptiness
of where love used to live
There are many things I find beautiful:

Boys who love flowers,

children laughing,

flower crowns.

Drawings on wrists,

shimmery eyeshadow,

dainty jewelry,

worn pictures,

hands covered in acrylic paint,

but all the while,
nothing can compare to you, love.
For you, are the greatest beauty of all.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Luna Maria
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Luna Maria
the sun is shining
but the light
doesn't reach
my heart.
I used to be happy a lot
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Shreya Ghosh
I love you
Doesn't mean I love you

It means your eyes
Are deep enough
For me to dive in
And trust the waters
To keep my secrets

It means your lips
Are never harsh upon me
And they make me happy
Every single time they open

It means your hands
Are with you always
Except when I call them
To hug me and leave traces on me

It means your ears
Never get tired of
What my lips convey
And never will , they respond

It means your heart
Has touched my heart
And they'll never get apart
Like they are in a hug for eternity

It means you are special
It means you are mine
So I can be possessive
And you'll say nothing
I can be jealous too
And you'll never see
My hand leave yours
Or our hearts leave the hug

You are mine
And you will remain mine
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Chantell Wild
What was that?
Did you just say
That you can’t remember?
How about that.
Convenience runs
In the blood of your veins.
You are accountable
For the rot of your reign.
You will be judged
All fingers pointing at you.
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