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Mar 2021 · 624
Be your own God
Jake Mar 2021
Be your own creator.
Mold yourself to look or act however you want,
and don’t forget that it’s never too late to change.

Be your own source of love.
The most intimate connection you will ever have
is that with yourself.

Be your own judge.
You answer to no one but yourself,
so don’t disregard your feelings to please anyone or anything.

Be your own shepard.
While you may not be able to control everything,
you have the power to forge your own fate.

Be your own salvation.
Don’t wait for someone to save you,
you’re strong and capable.

And finally,
Please don’t concern yourself with death.
All that does is waste the precious time you have to live.
Mar 2021 · 962
To: You, From: Them
Jake Mar 2021
You don’t need validation.
You have already received it
through the simple act of being born
the beautiful, imperfect creature that you are.
Jake Mar 2021
There is no secret meaning to life,
Nor is anyone special.
To be honest, I don’t really care.
I’m not too fond of fate,
And I never wanted to be special.
I simply wish to live,
And create my own purpose.
Mar 2021 · 354
Curiosity Kills the Heart
Jake Mar 2021
It’s human nature to search for meaning
In the most meaningless of things.
Mar 2021 · 2.8k
My perpetual question
Jake Mar 2021
How do I express,
To the people I love most,
That the emptiness I feel
is no fault but my own?
Dec 2019 · 226
Learning to Love You
Jake Dec 2019
It’s funny.
I’ve always hated you
Because I thought I had to.
I would take every opportunity
To make fun of the way you looked,
The way you sounded,
The way you acted,
The way you thought.
I began to go out of my way to ignore you,
And you began to go out of your way to avoid me.
You stopped talking about your interests.
You started to dress boringly to blend in.
You let your hair grow out to hide your face.
It got to the point where
I began to forget
That you ever existed at all.
And when that happened
My life was stripped of all joy,
And I became nothing more
Than a walking corpse.
I think I’ve finally realized
how badly I need to liberate you.
I have to let you share the things you enjoy.
I have to let you dress the way you want.
I have to let you think and act freely.
Most of all,
I have to let you be yourself.
Because you really are quite beautiful,
And I love you.
Dec 2019 · 618
Confusion and Contemplation
Jake Dec 2019
What is this feeling?
Or rather, lack there of.
A constant longing…
For what?
What need do I have for love
if all it will bring is pain.
Perhaps pain is the very thing I seek.
At least then this void would be filled,
And I could pretend to be whole.
Just some more sad boi stuff.
Nov 2019 · 199
Saturday Night Sentiment
Jake Nov 2019
A heart half empty,
A heart half full,
However you look at it
My life has grown dull.
I’m not trying to be dramatic,
I’m not trying to complain,
I really just want
To get rid of this pain.

No self love,
No self hate,
I guess that I
Just tolerate
The person I am,
The things that I do.
Is anything I feel
Genuinely true?

I want to stay composed,
I want to cry.
I don’t want to exist,
Yet I don’t want to die.
So I continue this life,
Though it isn’t great,
Because I want to find happiness
And it’s well worth the wait.
Felt depressed, might delete later.

— The End —