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Jan 2023 · 681
Monika Jan 2023
Ah the stillness.
I start to feel it.
The strain it causes my joints
hurts the same
with the friction of motion.

Ah the strings.
They start to feel it.
The tension from the stillness
will force them
to break
like when it controls my limbs.

The strings eventually snap.

My arms turn limp.
My legs turn limp.
My neck turns limp.

The joints then soon cracked.

My arms fall off.
My legs fall off.

My head falls off.
Jan 2023 · 1.6k
Natsuki's Cupcakes
Monika Jan 2023
Natsuki baked some cupcakes.
She left them all on the tray.
A blink of an eye,
Sayori dropped by
and took the whole tray away.
Jan 2021 · 213
Monika Jan 2021


Feb 2019 · 412
Monika Feb 2019
A disjointed mind can write
Disjointed poems at best.
I now write again because
Because finally my feelings
Are at unrest

I'm back once again
To being lured
Being lured to linger
Linger upon failed affection
What wrong had occured

A foolish habit
Since my spark of the first
A nuance in motion
Motion unconscious
Knee-**** reaction of the worst

If it weren't for that
Both feelings hurt quite badly
Quickly it will mend
Mend that it won't spiral
Into subtle agony. But sadly

Dec 2018 · 257
untitled (2)
Monika Dec 2018
I will not turn back,
for the past I had is full of regrets.

I will not turn back,
for the path I now take is of my choice.

I still will not turn back,
for the future holds the reward I deserve.
Nov 2018 · 639
my turn to help
Monika Nov 2018
Roses are red
Marijuana is dank
Subscribe to PewDiePie
Oct 2018 · 731
thicc thighs
Monika Oct 2018
Thicc thighs are a ******* curse.
Makes every bed a ******* hearse.
Thicc thighs are a ******* bane.
Every mile walk's a ******* pain.

Thicc thighs aren't so ******* well.
Sitting properly; ******* hell.
So unbestowed, be ******* blessed;
thine com-*******-fortably rest.
Thicc thighs burden heavy
Oct 2018 · 625
an oath to the sky
Monika Oct 2018
This day, I made an oath to the sky,
that ever lasts as time passes by.
A promise of love somewhat too sheer,
but full of hope, I've left all my fear.

For in morn's sun, her smile's so bright,
like her dark sparkled gown in the night.
In the days of clear, she melts my pain.
Or my sorrows washed with tears of rain.

I swear of a love so deep to her,
that my name, my self sooner weather.
To reward her grace, I am to give,
love beyond this life I have to live.
Sep 2018 · 747
dismuddled clairvoyant
Monika Sep 2018
Bleakest drape inescapence.
Impertinent involuscence.
Stemming from a copulent.
Incongruent malocculent.

Plead among no relent.
Populate incompetent.
Unvaried fraudulence.
Clarity accomplishments.

In foggy eyes, the view reset.
Across the smoke, a sober fret.
A mind that rose from utter death.
Again to draw, refreshing breath.
Feb 2018 · 361
Monika Feb 2018

there was once someone
someone who once made everything
but now can make nothing much
than what he made

there was once someone
someone who once knew everything
but now knows nothing much
than what he knows

there was once someone
someone who once sees everything
but now sees nothing much
than what he sees


there is this cycle
a cycle of everything making the maker
a cycle of everything knowing the knower
a cycle of everything seeing the seer

there is this cycle
a cycle of the maker making everyhing
a cycle of the knowing everything
a cycle of the seer seeing everything


there will come a time
the maker will make
the knower will know
the seer will see

as once more

will be
Dec 2017 · 305
A New Journey
Monika Dec 2017
Maybe at this time
I can finally disappear.
I'll be off to a journey.
What's in store for me here?

A world of infinite choices.
I proceed to embark with haste.
But first I'll depart from this
memorable place.
Dec 2017 · 268
Monika Dec 2017
At the height of vertigo,
a frightening thought avails.
That my secretive nature,
is actually a thin veil.

Just a fragile piece of cloth,
protecting me from all shame
for I easily get hurt.
And now, it had seemed too lame.

For this playground of a heart
wishes not a time to waste
for brief, empty whims of lust
but yearns a lasting embrace.
Dec 2017 · 443
Snow Falling
Monika Dec 2017
The vapor in the air
condenses to clouds
In the cold sky, it forms
ground crystalline ice.

It the cold sky, it forms
ground crystalline ice,
falling gently
down to the earth.

Falling gently
down to the earth,
they clump into a crowd,
then wait for the sun.

They clump into a crowd,
then wait for the sun.
And when it appears
they melt in its awe.

And when it appears,
they melt in its awe.
They retreat to the sky
and ready anew.

They retreat to the sky
and ready anew.
As vapor in the sky,
they condense into clouds.

Dec 2017 · 335
Monika Dec 2017
include me
class me out from the rest
my life, you are to define

make my functions
each day, variable things
I have no conditions

"I love you" on loop
nothing will make me switch
return to me always

Nov 2017 · 5.0k
The Mantra
Monika Nov 2017
f collapse.s: the mantra
I am void.
I am void.
I am void.
I am nothing. Nothing. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing is destroyed.
You yourself collapse.tra
I am nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing is destroyed.
You yourself built, yourself collapse.estroyed.
You yourself built, yourself built, yourself
Emptiness created. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing is destroyed.
You yourself built, yourself built, yourself built, yourself collapse.apse.othing is destroyed.
You yourself treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing is destroyed.
You yourself collapse.reads.
Emptiness created. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing is destroyed.
You yourself collapse..
I am empty. I am nothing. Nothing. Nothing treads.
Emptiness created. Nothing is destroyed.
You you
Original poem posting soon. Generated with a Markov chain text generator.
Nov 2017 · 694
I'm a Hypocrite
Monika Nov 2017
I'm a good friend.
But I can't stand liars.
I'm a liar myself.
I wish I could **** myself.

I am a patient guy.
But I hate complaints.
This too is a complaint.
That's hilarious.

I am a kind person.
But I hate blamers.
For blaming them though,
I blame myself.
Nov 2017 · 567
Monika Nov 2017
A morning haiku
About my food for breakfast:
Scrambled eggs with toast.
Nov 2017 · 6.4k
The man
Monika Nov 2017
There was once a man
Who looked at the moon and asked
"Is there anything I could ask,
that you can answer?"
There was no reply,
as expected.

The next morning, there was a dog.
The man crouched down
in front of the dog and asked
"What are you up to today?"
The dog walked past,
as expected.

In the afternoon, there was a girl.
She was sitting on a bench in the park.
The man sat beside her and asked
"Are you waiting for someone?"
She kept gazing at the sunset,
as expected.

Night falls in a pub in the city.
There's a drunken man, had many bottles.
The man approached him and asked
"Is something the matter?"
The man finally collapsed after too much drinks,
as expected.

Lastly, in a room there are antiques.
One is a mirror in an intricate frame.
The man looked at the mirror and asked
"How do you feel today?"
There was no reflection,
as expected.
Nov 2017 · 315
Nature, in a Stanza
Monika Nov 2017
From the dust the wind blows
from the rain, the sky drops
The plant of the seed grows.
The first of its leaves pops.
Nov 2017 · 383
I don't exist
Monika Nov 2017
for you,
what do you see me as?

An asset to your company?
A deduction in your budget?
A contributor for your project?
Another player for your games?

A slave to do you errands?
A passerby on the corridors?
A giant pebble on your street?
A cute girl watching you from afar?

An actor for your plays?
An entry for your archives?
A fan out of your countless ones?
A calculator for your computations?

Bottomline of this list:
I don't even exist.
We've never even met.
**It must be someone else.
Nov 2017 · 482
Monika Nov 2017
did you

Why did you have to **** him?

Why did you have to **** him?
Did he ever do anything to you?

Why did you have to **** him?
Did you want my attention too?

Why did you have to **** him?
Did I make you mad for something I do?

Why did you have to **** him?
Did you know he was my only friend too?

Why did you have

Why did you have to **** him?
Why did you





Nov 2017 · 424
Monika Nov 2017
Whatever you see
Whatever you try to see
Is never more real
Than what you see behind
Your eyelids.

                                     *Whatever you feel
                          Whatever you try to feel
                                     Is never more real
                 Than the sensations made up
                                      When you dream.

Whatever you think
Whatever you try to think
Is never more real
Than the chaotic jumping
Of electrons.

                   *Whatever is real
           Whatever tries to be real
                 Is never more
      The chaos
                         that bears fruit
                                                     to it.

                   And takes

Nov 2017 · 333
Monika Nov 2017
Cats don't care
about their owners.
They'd even eat their bodies
at their death.

Cats don't care
about their owners'
belongings. They let them break
whenever they play.

Cats don't care
about their owners'
food. They snag it from them
even after they're fed.

Cats don't care
about their owners'
care for them. They are just
a part of the house.
Nov 2017 · 380
idk now
Monika Nov 2017
I don't know
                         what has gotten over me
        when I took your hand,
when you showed a smile,
        when I locked with your eyes
                  when you stayed for a while.

I'm driven around
          in degrees, radians, gradients
                                        like a rolling pin,
                           like a playing record,
                    like a roll of tape,
like a difficult word.

It's too absurd.

                                           **I'm too absurd.
Oct 2017 · 367
Monika Oct 2017
of you I see the soldiers. all alike all abreast keeping time

streets; they hear it, the old gates shake, and the leisurely patter

of frame houses, they have leapt the green tide towards the gardens

them detaching sweat smells from underclothes making muscles itch

a tremulous pale fleet over gleaming ripples to the

o you strong bells of castile, can it be that you

a dormir. beetred faces of men. the shadows make strange streaks and

brass beat. run run to see the flushed sunlight, the

blowing with bearded lips on a brave high bed; the golden light of

panting unsatiated breath that heaves under the golden crown has slipped
Disclaimer: used a Markov chain sentence generator for this one.
Oct 2017 · 429
Life is:
Monika Oct 2017
Making the most out of it.
Everyday finding new things
An adventure of old and new tales.
Never a dull moment.
Indulging in experiences.
Nabbing every delight you can get.
Getting ready every night for tomorrow.
Loving everyone and everything.
Exciting to the core.
Surprising us with new challenges.
Seeking our selves over time.
It's sorta a prose but I hope it is fine to post it here. Thanks~ :)
Oct 2017 · 461
Early Morning Coffee
Monika Oct 2017
Early Morning coffee
Reminds you of that your life
up to now has been full of bitter
But there's no time to be a quitter

Early morning coffee
Reminds you of those steamy
Moments you had with your girl
When you both went for a twirl

Early morning coffee
Reminds you of that the dark,
scary, murky yesternight dream
Can be lightened by adding cream

Early morning coffee
Reminds you of the strength
That aroma you bring everyday
Your boss' is stronger, but that's okay.

Early morning coffee

for me is certainly

a good way

to start the day.
Oct 2017 · 263
Monika Oct 2017
How come
Does this hypocrisy
Of senseless zealotry

For people
Who admire those people
Who become other "people"

With voices
That sing, and dance,
and act, and entrance
Too much

That others
Wave bright lights,
Upon their sight.
At night?
Oct 2017 · 396
Happy Thoughts
Monika Oct 2017
Happy thougxts will make me smile.
Happy thoughts won't makx me sigh.
Happy thoughts stay for a whixe.
Hapxy thoughts bring ** so high.
Oct 2017 · 212
Monika Oct 2017
It's a torment to be awake
at a time when you should be sleeping.
But there's an impending fear that comes
whenever you attempt to shut those eyelids.

Is it that you'll wake up late?
Is it that you'll sleep forever?
Is it that you'll miss something?
Is it that you can't wait?

Whatever the reason,
once you're overpowered
the fear will subside
along with your eyes.
Oct 2017 · 224
A moment
Monika Oct 2017
He ravaged me,
quelled the monster in me
that hungers for flesh
and lust.

He journeyed through me.
in my bountiful peaks
and deep sacred valleys
all trekked.

He showered me.
an essence of life so pure
a warmth, enveloping

A world explored
in an instance so short
but it lasted so long
with love.
Oct 2017 · 244
Am I boring you?
Monika Oct 2017
Am I boring you?
I know I am. But I wish I'm not.
We really have nothing to do here.
I wish we have something.

Am I boring you?
Our interests don't even align.
But I'm glad enough there's a few
that we like together.

Am I boring you?
We barely talk. Since we just repeat.
I've talked about almost anything,
you're not even listening.

Am I boring you?
Tell me, did I do the right thing?
Keeping you here with me...
feels like a prison now.
Oct 2017 · 251
Monika Oct 2017
No matter how long I have to wait,
Or how distant we are from each other

No matter how many times I must,
Or how much it hurts, I am always here.

I never left and will wait for you.
I will wait for you my dear, I miss you.
Oct 2017 · 526
Monika Oct 2017
A spark...of enchantment
when I first met you.
A kindled passion
As I get to know you.

A burning sensation
everytime I touch you.
A bright emanation
of the inspiration I get from you.

A spark of jealousy
when someone else comes near.
A scalding tongue
I didn't intend, my dear.

A dimming light
I earnestly try to rekindle.
An extinguished hope
Is the fate of this candle.
Oct 2017 · 215
Monika Oct 2017
With wrong words
The meaning flies over
Your head

With wrong words
Someone could end up
Oct 2017 · 210
Monika Oct 2017
Sixteen pieces
Build a kingdom

One piece moving
Moves the kingdom

One piece falling
The kingdom falls
The kingdoms fall

The kings then fall
Oct 2017 · 218
Snakes and Ladders
Monika Oct 2017
I rely on fate
To roll the dice
That moves me forward.

And hope I land
On a ladder of chance
That climbs me upward.

Never I want
A tempting snake
To pull me backward

But all the more
I pray I'd make it, with no one
To stumble me downward.
Oct 2017 · 209
Should I?
Monika Oct 2017
Should I tell you that I love you,
or should I not?

Should I show that I care for you,
or should I not?

But, should I share an eternity to venture with you?
To avoid that, I cannot.
Oct 2017 · 243
Fluffy Cats
Monika Oct 2017
Fluffy cats on my lap.
Wooden paddle ready to tap.
Sticky cats. Scary paddle.
Sticky paddle ready to cats.
Scary cats stick to my lap.
Paddle. Paddle. Paddle.
Fluffy cats on my paddle.
Oct 2017 · 371
Monika Oct 2017
HOT. HOT...HOT...Warm. Warm.
Oct 2017 · 223
Rubber Duck
Monika Oct 2017
Rubber duck.
Swimming on the tub.
Water flows.
Water fills.

Little boy.
Hopping in the bath.
Water splashes.
Water spills.

Rubber duck.
Going with the flow.
Water falls.
The duck falls.
Oct 2017 · 206
The Room
Monika Oct 2017
I have forgotten how long I've been staring
at the ceiling of this room.
What I have been doing all this time
is slowly
that I am inside this closed space.

Right now, with the idea of this space slowly
in my mind, I desperately move to escape.
But how?

I do not know yet how
to move these stiff limbs,
to have my eyes look elsewhere,
to open a door,
and more importantly,
to find that door.

But I know it is a room.
I believe there is a door.
I believe there is a way out.
I believe I will get away from this closed room,
and its crumbling image
inside my head.
Oct 2017 · 208
Modern Poetry?
Monika Oct 2017
To be quite honest,
I never understand modern poetry,
And why does it lack symmetry,
Nor it follows a rhythmic harmony.

All I see are emotions,
Screaming wildly, randomly, relentlessly.
It's irks to hear them ******,
And hurts to read chaotic misery.
Oct 2017 · 233
Monika Oct 2017
have you ever thought
about the possibility,
from the p̡o͢re͟s̀ ̡o͠f ͘your ̧s͟k͠i̡n͠
͝sóme͝th̢i̵n͢g̴ ́see͟p̸s ̛out͜?

a̧n͏ o̷oz͘e̢ s̕o̴ t͏hick
a͝n͏d ́s͜o ͠b̧͟ļ̨a̛ck̶̛ ͜͞t̀͜h̷͝a̡t̸ i͏͡t͜͏ ̡͟s̀e͠e͠m҉҉̶s̡͢҉
i͢͡t͏̵͞ ́c̡ąn̶͢͠ ̷a͜b͟s̵͘̕o͘r͝b̶̢͘ ͞an̷y̴t̷̢͢h҉̷̕į̴n̸̡͡g̕͡
̨͝in̢c̵̢l͜u҉͜din̡͘͏ģ́͜ ̕͠͝l͏̷i̢͘g̀h̀t҉͏,̡

a͘n̸̢d̨ ̢̕͠w̷͜o͟͠n̨̛d̨̧e̷͢͞r͜ ̢wh́ỳ̷
i̕͡t̴̨̧͘ ̵̨́͜ḩ̴a͏͘͟s̴̛͠ ̧n̛͠͞o҉̧t̷͘͠ ̢̡͞͝e̸̢̛̛a̸̛̕͞͡t̴̡͟͢e͞҉̵̨̕n̴͘҉̷ ̷́̀͜y̸̨̎̂ͥ̃͆̇̔ͦ̇̅͠͡ȏ̷͒̏ͬ̎ͧ̑̎͑͆̔͒̈̾̂̏̔̒͒͘͜͜͟ư̸̷ͧ̿̎̍̀ͣ̕ ̶͊̌̈̀ͪ͐̾̓͂͒ͫ̈́ͫ̎̈́́̕͜͠u̴ͨ̉ͬ̂̈̍̕p̵̵̷͗̂̽̈́̇ͤ̇ͥͩ̅͌̈́̉
Oct 2017 · 216
Seek, Make, Bring, Break
Monika Oct 2017
Seek your own meaning.
Make a crack on your shell.
Seek in your subtle dreaming.
Make your own way out of that Hell.

Break out of your Hell.
Bring with you your dreams, and
Break out of your prison shell.
Bring to your life your own meaning.
Oct 2017 · 199
Monika Oct 2017
Waking up
I condense my thoughts
Back into a single package, my head,
Before I start the day ahead.
Oct 2017 · 195
Monika Oct 2017
Can't you just sleep forever,
where you can dream whatever?
Dream good things, like teddy bears.
Dream bad things, but you don't care.

Can't today just be a dream,
where all things feel as they seem?
What you think is what is there.
What you fear will never scare.

Can't each day just come and pass?
Since memories won't long last.
Days of laughter, days of pain.
Days I cherish, all in vain.

Can't this pain just go away?
Never helped me anyway...
Just to make me feel okay,
my life's a small price to pay.
Oct 2017 · 239
Unhappy End
Monika Oct 2017
I mustered my strength,
I did what I could
Just to have you.

And now that I have you,
I've nowhere to start
on what to do?

I dreamt forever,
A life together.
But now I woe.

You appear not happy
Being beside me,
so I let go.
Oct 2017 · 193
Night Sky
Monika Oct 2017
As I look upon
the stars of the summer night,
my soul fades away.
Oct 2017 · 217
To Sleep
Monika Oct 2017
Drifting to sleep...
Barely can't keep...
My consciousness

So before my eyes...
Drown me to demise...

That we'll meet in the day...
In this void I won't stay...

Don't worry. Don't fret.
I will barely face death.
I will see you.
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