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 Oct 2015 Ciel
Francie Lynch
If I were to write you
A love poem
(this is only hypothetical),
So, let's pretend,
Like poets do.
Would you fit inside
The confines of a sonnet:
No, you're more free,
More like a breeze.
You're not ballad-like;
Though you could be
With those alluring green eyes.
I'd work on an ode
But you don't like heights.
We're not close enough for couplets, yet.
Free verse sounds like a fine fit.
You may end up being a muse someday
If I get the hang of it.
Most certainly when our elegy's written.
 Oct 2015 Ciel
E Townsend
 Oct 2015 Ciel
E Townsend
the world is mind numbingly quiet
the streets drenched in nostalgic sepia,
the kind that ushers you into a movie moment reeling in
under the notes of a power ballad
and all of a sudden you just feel
alive but detached from your life.
your body is immobile in a moving vehicle,
your brain takes pictures
of the people that is around you,
and you realize that their life
is not yours.
they are under impressions of sunrises
and the shading of trees in the summer's sleep,
while you exist
because of the way the street appears
at night beneath the empty moon.
 Oct 2015 Ciel
Nicole Dawn
I feel like I'm drowning
But I can see others breathing

And somehow
That's my fault

It's like if I could just learn to be normal
Everything would be okay

And back to the drowning thing;
It's like I'm just inches from the surface
But I don't have the energy to reach it

But I also feel like I'm burning
And freezing
All at once

I know that makes no sense,
But it's like being so cold,
Your insides are on fire

I feel like I'll never be enough
Like everything is pointless
And I have no energy
But I can't sleep at night

I haven't been posting
On this site
Because I couldn't find the strength
But now I'm posting
In a last attempt to hold on

And it feels like being sick
Like, you know you're going to die
And you know it will be soon
You just don't know when

And it's pointless
I'm pointless
Life is pointless
Everthing is pointless

And I don't know what to do

I'm dying,
Someone help me...

This is how I feel
I don't know what it is
But this is how I feel

(I'm so sorry)
Sorry this isn't really a poem, and it doesn't really make sense but...
 Oct 2015 Ciel
 Oct 2015 Ciel
I'm just soaking
in it
Just counting the
Blood stained water
It's hardly the time now
is it
When you're breaking a
little bit
Shoving purple fists
I just can't help
it now
You'll have to show
me how
Not to cut myself into
I'm so sorry
that I
Can't keep my ****
face dry
But the water is above
You could do so much
Instead you chose to keep getting
This tub has been keeping
I can't seem get out of
my skin
And I kept thinking where
have you been
It has started to fill up
But you have decided to
stay afloat
While I begin to sink beneath
the boat
At least I can see you
 Oct 2015 Ciel
Simon Obirek
Flames behind me
the smoke blinds me
the fall in front of me
don't wanna jump, not for the life of me.

We've all hit our expiration dates
Johnson dangling, entangled in a wire
he's 68, he was about to retire
a burnt child dreads the fire
and he's a lump of charcoal.

Up many storeys
the planes hit precisely.
News helicopters flying and taping
there's no escaping,
the fire's approaching.

I need to jump,
no slow death here.
Here we go,

Fire caught me in my fall
God's doing his roll call
pain in my legs as the ground comes closer
I move quick, I cannot breathe, my lungs are squished
Did I tell my kids I love them?
No, but I wish.
 Oct 2015 Ciel
AnnSura Moon
I stare at my face in the mirror
Yet I cannot see the lies
Or the pain within my heart
Blinded by memories of the past
I gaze into the void of nothingness
Hidden within these deep brown eyes of mine
Staring back at me from this reflection
My hatred is gone
All that’s left is emptiness and sorrow
Now flowing through my veins
Poisoning my mind
Teardrops of ice are blurring my reflection
Drowning it in silent grief
Lost behind the lies
Never to return
Can’t you hear my cries?
My soul was left to burn
I’m falling through the mirror
To a world beyond
I open my window
Welcoming the cold, moonlit night
I reach for the pale reflection of the sun
It’s taking me forth on a journey
A journey to the world of twilight
Nightfall take my hand
Guide me away to the stars
I fall into oblivion  
Frozen tears are in my eyes
As I now close them to dream away
Slowly drifting forth
Into the shadows

— The End —