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4.9k · Nov 2018
Stan Lee
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
Thank you Mr Lee, for helping us see.
There's more in your universes, than we could ever be.
Your imagination, was without limitation. The heroes you gave us, they really did save us.
You started with a dream, that turned into a team.
They are called the avengers, and they'll always be remembered.

Silver Surfer, Iron Man.
Captain Marvel, Spider Man.
Winter Soldier, Black Panther,
Deadpool, Gene and Logan too.
Titans, Red Skulls, Sabertooth.
Stones of power on the loose.
Rocket, Thor, Gamora, Groot.
You made them all and we thank you.
At age 95, the man, the myth, the legend, Stan Lee passed away. 1922 - 2018, Rest in Peace, you've earned it.
3.1k · Oct 2018
Coming Home
Levi Windolf Oct 2018
The shadows are calling;
The darkness so tempting.
Seeping through the cracks;
Of a mind once in tact.
A mind that was broken;
And now serves as a token.
Of a life not lived;
Not because of what I did.
But because no one ever cared;
To help me be prepared.
For the sleepless nights;
Lying motionless with constant sight.
Of the entire event;
on constant repeat;
I can't remember how to sleep.
I close my eyes;
And hear nothing but cries,
Smell nothing but death,
Feel nothing but regret.
So there I lie;
And silently cry.
But tomorrow will come;
From that I can't run.
Then I'll relive it again;
I just want it to end.
1.8k · Nov 2018
12 years to save.
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
People pacing, cattle station.
Racing to, the next location.
Jump on a crowded metal tube.
To get to work, your office cube.
You **** and moan, till you get home.
The box for your throne, is land on loan.
So set on containment and fitting in.
That we neglect our problems, with tonic and gin.
We drink to forget, all the things we regret.
We sit through each hour just to settle our debts.
See, life's not about living, not anymore.
It's about finding the time to settle our scores.
But time is running faster, than ever before.
Its nearly too late, just 12 years to the door.
We can't keep up, we thought we were winning.
But the reality is that the atmosphere's thinning.
It's getting harder to breath it's getting harder to see.
Extinction level event, that's all we'll ever be.
Each day we're alive is a day the earth's dying.
We need to take action, no point sitting here crying.
Stop single use plastics, that's the easiest tactic.
Stop clearing the forests, stop being dishonest.
The point that I'm making, that I'm hoping your taking.
Is get out of your head, less the earth gets put to bed.
1.6k · Jan 2019
Life Line
Levi Windolf Jan 2019
I met a friend today,
Her soul array.
I felt her dismay,
While miles away.
But something experienced
That guided my sight,
Led me to ask
If she was alright.

I can't quite explain it,
I can't quite describe it,
But some greater spirit,
Needed to speak,
To this ******* the street.
So out of hope
And at the end of her rope,
Someone struggling with no way to cope.

So I heard her story,
I felt her pain,
And in all my life,
I've never seen such rain.
So I'm trying to help her,
Because she's needing a change.
She's stuck in a cycle,
Of nothing but pain.

If you are lost,
If your soul needs guidance.
Send out a message,
And the stars will find it.
The stars will connect you,
To those who can help you.
So take their help,
Do it for yourself.
If you are in Australia and you or anyone you know needs help with anything, go to this website, it will guide you to places that can help. If you or someone you know are in serious need of help, call life line on 13 11 14.
1.5k · Oct 2018
Levi Windolf Oct 2018
Condensation from a clouded mind,
falls down like rain on a stormy night.
As you lie in bed full of dread,
Cause the things he said are in your head.
"Come to mine, we'll have a good time."
Said some slime at the bar tonight.
You say "No thanks, I'm done with drinks."
But he won't take 'no' and your stomach sinks.
As you walk out the door his feet hit the floor,
So you adorn your keys like wolverine claws.
Cause no one can be trusted while there is so much injustice.
But awareness is rising, we started emphasizing,
That we are using a system that objectifies women.
But we need to do more than just look at a score.
Mothers can't even breast feed without the use of a chest piece.
But men can look and grab and squawk.
And walk out of court after a little talk.
So fight for equality, we need a new system.
We need one that women, aren't afraid to exist in.
I wrote this poem because it is an issue that really need to be dealt with. It is a massive issue, last week in Australia 6 women died because of domestic abuse. 1 in 3 women will suffer violent abuse on their life time. One third of women. That's a problem.
740 · Oct 2018
Levi Windolf Oct 2018
Fragility is fertility to change,
That which needs to become new,
Must first become old.
That which needs to be full,
Must first become empty.
Those who need to become stronger,
Must first suffer weakness.
Those who need to be loved,
Must first feel alone.

Change is the birth of growth.
That which is new,
Must now grow old.
That which is full,
Must now be shared.
Those who are strong,
Must now breed strength.
Those who are loved,
Must now love those who are alone.

It is our duty and our right,
As those who learnt to fight.
To fight for the voiceless,
To defend the defenseless.
To ensure the world we leave,
Is a world our families won't grieve.
To ensure that our daughters,
To ensure that our sons,
Never once in their lives,
Have to take up a gun.
532 · Feb 2019
Levi Windolf Feb 2019
The tranquility one finds
On the road to sustainability.
Is the food the soul requires
To journey through eternity

A soul that is tormented and anguished
By the expectations of a reality
That barely does enough to maintain
The sanity of its humanity.

Is a soul that is stuck in the routine
Of a life lived dreaming a dream.
And never quite seeing any signs of relief
From the constant need to eat, work, sleep

But if one allows oneself
The opportunity to embrace our unity
Then the mundane society controlled by psychiatry
Falls away in a beautiful cascade of pain washed away.

As you finally face your place in this race
To get to a top that never seems to stop
And you finally see that the top they mean
Is the spot that let's you control the 'free'

But if you decide to be free and be like me
Then make a decision and start the dream
Don't talk of tomorrow because it's time that you borrow from the Today that is, and always has been,
The perfect day for your life to change.
287 · Nov 2018
Counting Days
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
So many ways,
To count the days.
As they pass the array
Of eternal decay
Because as humans we play
And don't care how it sways
The environmental shame
That we take to our graves
As the sun burns our names
Into the crust of our ways
Our planet will be,
Forever displayed.
As a warning to save
The others who came
That if you neglect
This IS the affect
A planet of rust.
When our bones
Have turned to dust.
275 · Nov 2018
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
Everything grayscale,
As you reach for the pale ale;
To numb the sadness,
To escape the madness;
That's seething inside,
Aways gone pride;
All you're left with is guilt,
A stomach full of silt.

But no you're okay,
Well, that's what you say;
When the people that care,
Pull up a chair;
And try to 'invade',
Your moral decay;
You get so defensive,
When they're jumping your fences.

Running for yards,
Livings so hard;
You've been dealt ****** cards,
And your heart feels like lard;
Why should I stay?
The thought my mind plays;
Staring into darkness,
The thoughts at their harshest.

It's so hard to rise,
My minds crumbling demise;
A hand reaches out,
And capsises my pout;
Sends warmth through my body,
Like a hearth in a study;
And in a moment of healing,
I finally start feeling.
254 · Nov 2018
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
Enough is enough,
We need to be tough.
We need to make changes,
Society's endangered.
Seven billion people,
Still not socially equal.
Our delusions of Grandeur,
Couldn't get any grander.

We keep building higher,
We keep digging deeper.
But constantly struggle,
To be our neighbors keeper.
We question existence,
And give 'god' our assistance.
Never mind our brothers,
And sisters that missed us.

Our money is ours,
We put in the hours.
We don't feel responsible,
To help those uncomfortable.
So we keep it and save it,
And buy all this *******.
To hear people whisper,
"Their life looks so simple"

But it's not really simple,
It's all just a ruse.
The worlds just a system,
Of covered up abuse.
So keep making money,
Keep ******* running.
Its not really funny,
When the worlds in a noose.
250 · Dec 2018
A Song for Bones
Levi Windolf Dec 2018
A sack full of bones;
Tryna find a home.
Wandering in a wasteland,
Of coffee and drones.
Searching for answers
To questions unheard
Waiting for the person
Who stands out in the herd

But I've found my someone
I'm no longer searching.
It's my role now,
To help those still lurking.
In the shadows
Where they're hiding their hurting.
To come to a place,
Where hurting is learning.

Because you can't help others
Until you help yourself.
You can't love others,
Till you love yourself.
And you'll never find comfort,
While pretending to have it
Cause the beginning of healing
Is the choice to start feeling.

And I've found my someone
I'm no longer hurting
I've accepted myself
Through the love of another
Cause medicine like demazin
Takes care of all the physical
But loving one other
Is a cure like no other

So don't give up
Your life has meaning
There is more you can see
You can break through the ceiling
You can make a difference
And perhaps in the distance
A beautiful person
Will see that you're worth it

You'll find your someone.
It's a process of learning
And as time goes by
You'll slowly stop yearning
As memories from the past
Become less disconcerning
Cause you'll find your bones
And then you'll be home.
239 · Oct 2018
Life Wish
Levi Windolf Oct 2018
I can’t wait till I grow up;
We say while we are still in school.
Sick of sitting in classes;
Until we can’t feel our arses.
Going on school trips;
Looking for homework tips.
Preparing for the ‘real world’;
Misunderstanding that word we heard.
I can’t wait till I grow up;
Or that’s what we think.

I can’t wait till I am working;
We say while we are in university.
Sick of sitting in lectures;
Learning of new textures.
Going on drug trips;
Grabbing a girls hips.
Preparing for tests;
Getting barely enough rest.
I can’t wait till I’m working;
Or that’s what we think.

I can’t wait till I’m retired;
We say while we are working.
Sick of sitting in a cubical;
Dating that girl who is beautiful.
Going on business trips;
Missing the feel of her lips.
Preparing for five o’clock;
So we get stuck in traffic lock.
I can’t wait till I’m retired;
Or that’s what we think.

I wish I was young again;
We say when we retire.
Sick of sitting alone;
Unable to throw a dog a bone.
Going on hospital trips;
Getting put on another drip.
Preparing for the worst;
The day that family bubble bursts.
I wish I was young again;
We say at the end.
213 · Oct 2018
Levi Windolf Oct 2018
“I bet she’s good in bed”;
That’s what they said.
As she walked past alone;
On her way home.
From her job at the bar;
Where every guy;
Near and far.
Seems to think it’s okay;
To grab her all day.

When she gets home;
The messages she reads.
The pictures she’s sent;
“you’d look good on your knees’.
On the bus to the shops;
On this guy hops.
Stand right beside her;
Like a tall lanky spider.
Brushes her top;
Just as the bus stops.

She just wants to live;
She just wants to breath.
Without having these men;
Cling on like disease.
She just wants to be;
She just wants to see.
What it’s like for a day;
To come what may.

Without the glance of a man;
Without that penetrating gaze.
She just wants to go home;
Without running a maze.
But that’s not how it is;
It’s really not fair.
She knows that each day;
Each hour, each minute.
Could be her last second;
So why even begin it?

You see what you’ve done?
With your lustful ‘fun’.
You’ve told her she’s meat;
Just there for you in heat.
And like meat to slaughter;
A father loses his daughter.
Well done son;
You’ve had your fun.
208 · Nov 2018
Levi Windolf Nov 2018
Can you hear It?
Everyone can.
But they’ll never admit;
Because it feels like a pit.
A pit of despair;
Choking on air.
It feels so cold;
Like walking on mold.

Can you hear it now?
It’s the sound of silence.
It’s the sound of death.
It’s the sound of violence.
It’s the sound of speaking;
Without being heard.
It’s the sound of listening;
Without hearing a word.

Can you hear it yet?
Let it speak to you.
Let it hold your heart;
Before it tears you apart.
Before it takes hold of your mind;
And you leave people behind.
Let it change your soul;
Not darken your whole.

You’re hearing it now;
I know you are.
You’re letting it in;
It feels like a sin.
But if you don’t let it win;
It can’t be a sin.
Just don’t let it win;
You can’t let it win.
166 · Apr 2020
All at once
Levi Windolf Apr 2020
I was a dad for today.
But my baby's gone away.
Here for a moment,
Gone in an instant.
Not sad or depressed,
Mad or upset.
Just little bit empty.
Cause I wanted a kid see.

It's been 2 weeks,
Since that first verse.
My emotions have changed,
The tables reversed.
I'm sad and depressed,
I'm a big ******* mess.
I thought I was empty
But I was full of envy.

Envious of those
who have what I lost,
Envious of those
who have been better off.
Convincing myself
That the **** I was feeling,
Should be pushed to the back
Instead of just dealing.

I've lost too many,
I've been through this enough.
Just give me a break for one ******* day.
Daniel, Simon, Jazmyn, Tink,
Ray, Maddie and now my child.
Why me? Why this? Why now?
Can't you see I'm already down
Down in that hole with no escape.

The only escape to change my fate.
Change the rules it's not too late.
I keep pushing it down
But I should be raising it up.
Giving it to people and sharing my emotions.
There's no magic cure
There's no ******* potions.
It's **** and it's hard
But you just have to focus.

On the good in your life.
The beautiful people.
Katie, Justin, Milly, The cats
Tony, Hayley, Mum, Dad and the rest.
They are here, they haven't gone.
Stop clinging to what you had
And accept what you have.
How selfish to think.
It's all about me.

So I'm sorry to you all.
For not doing my best.
For letting my head be such a mess.
I'm trying I really am.
But this whole life just feels like a scam.
I'll be okay, just like always.
But somethings different nowadays.
Something broke and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm sorry.
My wife was pregnant, before all this COVID-19 ****. 2 weeks ago she miscarried. These have been some of the most painful and difficult times of our lives.

— The End —