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LJ Chaplin Dec 2014
It was not sadness
That caused the tears to fall,
But the transcendent fear
That belittled the crushing
Weight of the world.
LJ Chaplin Dec 2014
The gentle rocking of the boat
Was the only thing that reminded
Me that I hadn't died,
That I hadn't plunged beneath the
Very waves that swayed me softly,
It still burns vibrantly in my head,
The fire,
The agonising cries of metal
And people intertwined
Until their heads were under the surface,
There was nothing I could to help,
I let them drown,
Let them fall to the dark depths
Far beyond the reach of the moons rays
Trying to grab them and haul them back
To life.
I am left alone,
Nestled in the neon orange lifeboat,
The only one who was able to board it
Before the cable broke and I was falling.
I wish I could have fallen forever,
Rather than floating away into the night,
Never to be heard,
Never to be seen,
Never to be saved.
LJ Chaplin Dec 2014
I spend my days
Trying to purge you from my head,
Banging my head against the wall,
Rinsing acid around my mouth
To burn away the sour taste you
Left with those poisoned lips of yours,
Sprinting for miles to sweat out the fever
You planted beneath my skin when you
Touched me,
Throwing myself off mountain tops
So that the air would steal all traces
Of the fumes you left in my lungs
When you kissed me.
You are tainted,
Bad blood that lines
My veins with cyanide,
A knife in my back
That burns as the blood
Trickles down.
LJ Chaplin Nov 2014
Words run sharp,
Serrated verbs and
Cut-throat consonants
Against the back of my mind,
Blood trickles,
A stab wound that left a gaping hole
In the memories,
Shards scattered on the floor,
Tiptoeing so precariously,
Weaving through glimpses
Of eyes that were aflame with passion
And a smile that made the heart stop,
Not even a lobotomy could pierce the
Vibrantly violent flashes that are projected
In my brain,
Nor could an exorcism raise the remnants
Of tortured souls that were collected like dust
From the slate that I desperately tried to scrub clean
LJ Chaplin Nov 2014
Draw a breath the way you'd draw your sword,
As you exhale you feel the power that follows,
How the vapour lingers like the sun soaked blade
In the air,
Preparing to charge,
Throwing yourself through hell and back
Can you feel the battle drum
That pounds in your chest?
The fire in your belly
As you spark up a cigarette
And face your enemies
Eye to eye,
The tension in those coiled muscles of yours,
Like you are ready to pounce.
The cannon has been fired,
Go forth and savour the ultimate victory,
Wipe your sword,
Tame the bonfire in your stomach
Smile at the sky and feel the warmth
Of the sun.
You have seized another day,
Another triumph.
LJ Chaplin Nov 2014
Your back is numb and cold
From hours of lying on the wet grass
In the dark,
The sky is clear,
Just like your mind
As your glazed eyes trace the
Constellations that swim
In the eccentric vastness of the night sky,
An aching feeling captures your heart
As you realise that all of the wishes you made
Were lost in the universe,
Slowly disintegrating and burning,
The stars were not meant to be dream catchers,
You feel lied to that this horrible cliché has
Become existential by a hopeless romantic
Or a child who yearned for hope
Somewhere in the farthest reaches of the Earth.
Like many you still wait with your
Grass stained and dew soaked back
Firmly planted to the ground,
Not caring that the force of gravity
Is rolling beneath you,
Anchoring you so you're not able
To follow each and every thought
That escapes your mind into
You just hope that there is a miracle,
Some explicit and fiery moment of realisation
That will shift you from anguish and into
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