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Megan Nov 2014
Tell me you love me;
to get me through the day.
Call me words of endearment
so I can live the right way.

Basically, tell me you're still mine.
And that nothing ever happened last night.
Tell me I'm yours; like you did in public, in private,
under street lamps and under nothing but the stars.

Tell me you love me;
to get me through the day.
Call me baby, honey, sweety, and deary
and that you love me in everyway.

Tell me a lie.
Tell me a lie.
Tell me a lie.
So when I finally stop breathing tonight,
the tears I cry
will be nothing but for joy
for the thoughts of what we used to have
and the thoughts I wish I still had.
Megan Nov 2014
It was always cold here.

Even when the green fingers of the earth pulled themselves out
into the glowing radiance
of an afternoon sun
and from the confines of the slop of mud
     --and dust
          --and dirt
               that they were dormant in.

It was always cold here.

Even when the night was spewing of freedom and of color.
A world away from the routine that kept us
like the walking dead.
When others ran around in nothing but undergarments, I sat
     --cross legged
         --with a can in my hand
               that was supposed to help me forget the cold.

It was always cold here.
And colder now that you are gone.
Sometimes you will feel cold physically and emotionally.
Megan Nov 2014
The faded flicker of the far off clock was my only source of light. Until I picked up my phone and let my 2 A.M. thoughts run rampant. They made my fingers race across the screen. Made them play tag. They swiped and pinched until finally there you were. At 2 A.M. you were in my hands again. You're smile was as wide as ever and your eyes held the same glitter like they did when you used to talk to me. And You spoke about me even more. People would often come up to me and say that my name was all that would slip off your tongue. And I remembered that snake. The first time it brushed against my lower lip wanting access like a lion knowing that there was more to life than it's own cage. But to everyone, you spoke of me like I was the one who made the sun rise, who put the stars in the sky, who made the wind blow, and who made your world as you knew it turn.
My 2 A.M. thoughts made my fingers dance again. And another you appeared before me. All dressed up. Like we were married. But far from it. We sat like we had to save space on the Mayflower. I was in your lap and your arms were around my fragile frame. And I knew I would never love someone as much as I loved you that night. And my 2 A.M. thoughts brought me to the messages. Where are little "I love you more" fights were held and our futures were voiced. Remember that?
I was only a few months older than you. And I remember saying that I had to wait longer for my soulmate to come to me. And there you were again. In my head talking to me when we were bestfriends. While tapping on the plastic on the screen, the fingers fought for their right to voice the will of my 2 A.M. thoughts.
And I wrote about how I met you so far, way back when. I wrote about the dances we went to, the dates we laughed about. And then ultimately the 2 A.M. thoughts brought me to the deepest places I never wanted to let set free again.
And they scrambled on the keyboard of the phone! CAPS LOCKs, sorrys, pleads, and begs. Explanation after explanation and so many what if's. And I read it and read it. And only now did I realize that I was choking on the tears that you left me with. And I continued with the rant, and blamed you for what happened and blamed you for the causes. And then I stopped. And wept into the cold tear stained pillow, screaming into it like it was my last shot at everything I could ever have been. And once I felt numb enough to pretend that it wouldn't bother me anymore I let the small sobs escape my quivering lips and I destroyed the barrage of words that was my 2 A.M. thoughts. And instead willed my hands to let the fingers dance once more as I typed:

You're coming back, right?


You're coming back right (sent 2:35 A.M.)
  (read 2:36 A.M.)

. . .

And the dots they came.
And I waited.
But inevitably,
Just like you,
They left me with the question:
You're coming back, right?
It's literally 4 A.M.
I'm cried my heart and eyes out.
I mean it's been 2 years! I know I need help! but how?!
  Nov 2014 Megan
I can wrap my arms around your middle
pull you tight
feel your heart beat

I can scissor my hands through your hair
savor the strawberry scent each strand gives off
feel you close to me

I can carry you anywhere
hold you like a glass vase
feel just how fragile you really are

I can
But I won't

You told me how he once held you so close
your airways were blocked
and the tears leaking down your cheeks were a plea
you said his touch was fire
and every now and then your hands burn in his memory

He didn't listen

and now I'm here
and I can listen
and I will hear every sound your chapped lips make

most importantly I will wait,
until I can be the man
you deserve
I liked how this turned out, but this meaning was not the original thought for this poem :)
  Nov 2014 Megan
Franklin Richards
Relax Will Ya
              It's Only Life
Nobody Gets Out Alive
Megan Nov 2014
with their gears,
     running on oils,
          doing what they were made to do.

With their thoughts,
     Running on beliefs,
          doing what they think they were meant to do.
All we are is just machines so let's become a miracle and break away ...
Crown the Empire is Life <3
  Nov 2014 Megan
Mike Hauser
my favorite plaid shirt

smells of her perfume

letting memories saunter in

like she did to a room

now that it's all over

what else is there to do

except to wear my favorite plaid shirt

that smells of her perfume
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