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Janay Nov 2021
We found love crumbling from our hands as
Our eyes glisten from the tears that have fallen to the floor yelling don’t let me fall, don’t let me go.
We found love in the rain sitting by the window whispering build me up, and hold me close.
We found love sitting on the stoop laughing at the birds flying and the kids playing…
We saw love planting seeds for the trees and whispering a prayer for protection
We heard love
We heard love make a promise to self
We told love don’t disappoint
We asked love to be pure and free
Because of those that still believe
Because of those that still need love to breathe
We thanked love for the reminder
We asked love if we could wait a while
Loved giggled
We asked love for grace
Love said it’s time
We thanked love
Because we are
  Dec 2019 Janay
Varsha K
From here to you I say
Writing is your healing,
Never let it get away.
The community of lovers, hurts, addicts, wonderers & wanderers.
Janay Dec 2019
I believe in love,
You delivered me and fed me.
I believe in trust,
cause when others gave me poison, you
reminded me to fall to my knees and ask god for mercy and grace
I believe in peace,
cause like water;
You soothe me.
I believe in loyalty,
because it’s a law in our code.
I believe in family,
Because of your love, honesty, and loyalty is
Unmatchable and unquestionable.
Janay Dec 2019
inside of you is the reason and connection to us all, that’ll help us,heal; together.
Honor yourself.
Stop lying to yourself.
don’t force it out of you.
.....Just listen.
Janay Dec 2019
I learned to breathe,
to cry, to feel,  
and to always
be kind.
  Dec 2019 Janay
Alyssa Underwood
Can it love you like God loves you, with a love that is better than life?
Can it connect you to eternal beauty? Can it save you? Can it redeem you? 
Can it lift you out of the miry pit? Can it make you clean enough to finally feel acceptable?

Can it delight your soul to the core? Can it take your breath away with its faithfulness to you? Can it paint both sunrise and sunset across the sky to beckon your attention? Can it cause the breeze to blow and gently caress your cheeks? Can it send hummingbirds and wildflowers across your path to romance your heart? Can it parade before you the starry host and call them each by name?

Can it probe you to the depths and fill you with itself?
Can it rush to your aid riding on the wings of the wind?
Can it satisfy your hunger and thirst with bountiful things?
Can it give to you feet like a deer that you might dance upon the heights?
Can it arrange every detail of your life to draw you and drive you to itself?
Can it pursue you with all the resources of the universe?
Can it know you through and through and still desire you?

Can it raise you up and seat you in the heavenly realms and bless you with every spiritual blessing? Can it supply your every need out of its glorious riches? Can its grace be sufficient for you and its mercy help you in your greatest temptation? Can it pour overflowing comfort into you through all of your troubles? Can it reach down to draw you out of deep waters? Can it set you on an unshakable foundation? Can it bound across the mountains to come to your rescue? Can it make you lie down in green pastures and lead you beside still waters?
Can it walk with you through the darkest wilderness and never leave you or forsake you? Can it carry you when you are weak or have fallen? Can it let you rest between its shoulders when you are weary or burdened?

Can it escort you to heaven’s banqueting table
and spread its banner of love over you?
Can it hide you in the shelter of its wing?
Can it be your daily portion and immerse you in the boundlessness of itself?
Can it clothe you in robes of righteousness and garments of salvation? 
Can it give to you praise in exchange for mourning?
Can it bestow on you a crown of beauty for ashes?
Can it turn your wailing into dancing?
Can it flood you with peace like a river?
Can it fill your heart with joy in the worst of afflictions?
Can it know the way to lead you home?
Can it refine you in its fire and bring you forth as gold? 
Can it capture you fully even as it sets you fully free?

Can it ever truly be your Everything?
Janay Mar 2017
Dear husband,

I pray that you  have God as your first love and you pray to him vigorously. I pray he hears your whispers, your screams, your silence, your tears of sorrow; and tears of joy.  I pray that he blesses you with the tools you need to build & keep your foundation sturdy and deeply rooted.

I pray that your past doesn't linger and damage your future. I pray that you fall madly in love with yourself and you know who you are as a man and understand what you stand for.  I pray that you evolve in this lifetime with your love, mind, body and soul. I pray that you are financially responsible and have the common sense that's needed to survive. I pray that you pray for me and our beautiful family and friends. I pray that you feel me, see me, understand me, like and love me as a woman and what I stand for. I pray that you have patience for us; be gentle enough for us.
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