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 Mar 2016 Fields
Gigi Tiji
 Mar 2016 Fields
Gigi Tiji
learn how to be patient,
learn how to be wild,
learn how to be hot, and
learn how to be mild,

learn how to love,
learn how to be loved,
learn how to stand for yourself
when push comes to shove,

learn to be your own parent,
learn to be your own child,
learn to be patient,
and learn to be wild,

learn how to receive,
learn how to give,
learn how to die, and
learn how to live
 Mar 2016 Fields
Nathan Young
 Mar 2016 Fields
Nathan Young
I was brought up on the notion of doing something great;
that I was supposed to end world hunger or cure cancer..or some ****.
Perhaps those are just imaginary fallacies.
I was raised to accomplish and thus, become an accomplishment.
Now, I feel that this one task is just too much to bear.
What if I was meant to live a simple, ordinary life?

My shoulders screech from the various worlds I hold.
They long for a massage and to be told, "rest now."
How many boulders must it take to finally break?
My fleshy tendons fissure while the skin cracks.
I can keep this up..keep isn't over.
The job's now over until it says it is...or until I'm dead.

The body weighs heavily with an encumbering density.
Pressure so deep, my mind sinks within its darkest trenches.
"Hi, how are you?" "What's new with you?"
For a moment, a life preserver seems plausible,
but I answer with superficial certainty, one would call grace.
We both know how to answer those questions: We lie.

My life's been thrusted with expectations and goals.
I belittle my success and self-harm with failures.
Overly critical and never satisfied.
Notice me...notice me, please. I'm drowning!
Only then do we know that life's not fair.
Save me! Rescue me, with a breath of fresh air!
 Feb 2015 Fields
It´s not lust
that brings me to you.
It´s not desire
or need.
It´s not your looks,
eyes or smell.

mind or soul.

It´s love.
Simple and pure love.
Don´t you see that?
 Feb 2015 Fields
Inked Papers
Maybe, poets write because they have unstable feelings.
Maybe, poets write at 2am, in order to ease it.
Maybe, poets write to contain their feelings in to it.
Maybe, poets write *hopelessly.
Maybe, poets write at 2am hopelessly hoping, that, someone, on the other side of the earth, someone is awake to read the poem.

*And maybe someone awake, maybe, to care.
Maybe one of Hellopoetry's purpose.
Over the horizon
There were

                                           A wonderful Being...
               and protecting stars
                from falling
           out of grace

Embrace divine!                                                 Creator's­ Credo Love Jive

          Our aura glowing in no time,
                        charming dusk of day
                                     fading away...
                                                    Flutt­er fluid
                                                              be­autiful sound
                                                                ­                  loving...

Loving me ...
I'm never alone.
 Feb 2015 Fields
A* Word.
A Phrase.
A Number.
A Gaze.

No Freedom.
No Time.
No Fun.
No Rhyme.

Our Minds.
Our Thoughts.
Are Shaped,
And Bought.

(Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires)
 May 2014 Fields
 May 2014 Fields
Some day, we have to stop blaming everyone else.
Our father for leaving.
Our teachers for not letting us be kids.
Our sister for needing more help.
Our mother for not giving more.
Our friends for not understanding.
Our exes for not being gentle.

Someday now it's time to woman up
Get in charge
And **** all those external influinces.

You have so much in your hands
They have nothing over your happiness.
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