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I know my love isn't easy-
It's not wrapped in a neat little box-
Or tied with a sparkly bow-
No-my love is fire-
It's Lightening and Thunder-
It will eat you alive-
My love will grab your soul-
and hold it tight-
But I promise you this-
You will never want to let it go-
Let's face it-people like us-
Are always drawn to the flame-
 Oct 2015 Haley Elizabeth
Nevermind dinner.
Hungry sinner.

Burning excess calories off through dance -
ones forgotten to ingest in the first place.

Nutrition ain't no competition.
Playing a game I've got no chance of winning.
Biting off more than I can digest.
I surrender.

No contest.
White napkins waved as flags.
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
And that's it.
And this is it.
Left alone in an unfamiliar room;
Trying hard not to feel tragic.

Yea, I might stay up,
But I won't do anything indecent.
I can't think too clearly with this constant ringing in my head.
Despite this.
In sight of this.
Blindsided by this.

I wish.
Insert an inspirational quote about hope,
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
we all have secrets
hidden within our shadows
expanding at night
I was barren
A deserted landscape
Full of papercuts from my house of cards
And a tree with no more leaves
I would watch the earth crack
And pick at the places where the ground split
Until I was isolated
I couldn't move
All I could do was think
A task best done when morale is not so low
I was addicted to feeling pain
Pain that I could measure and prescribe myself
I self medicated with insults and inhalants
Mockery and mutalation
Addicted to my meds is what I became
So addicted to sadness
I never wanted it to leave

But here I am
Clean and cultivating
The fruit that
My new land has produced
And now I feel good
Mind and heart content
I can finally love you
Long title, haven't done one of those in a while.
This is just another poem about some stuffs.

Have a great day everyone :)
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
Eliza E
Abandonment comes in many forms
I like to abandon ideas like people abandon me
Seemingly without cause and with no intent to return

-j.e.m (7.29.15)
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
Let's dig a well together,
then we'll fill it with all our dreams;
Precious gems, secret treasure,
a myriad of fantastical things.

So when reality gets caught in our throat,
and we get that feeling like we can't breathe,
we can just go out to the well that we've built.
We'll never again go thirsty.

And if a nightmare slips in -
attempting to poison our well -
we'll just fish it out,
and bury it in the backyard.

You bring the flowers,
I'll bring the shovel.
I love you too sweetheart <3
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
Look at a map.
North is always up
on a map,
north is an upward direction
regardless of how you turn the map.

Look at a compass.
Spin in a circle,
watch as north moves,
sometimes down,
sometimes spinning on its own.
Compass Logic:
it's not infallible.
 Aug 2015 Haley Elizabeth
Sinking is simple.
Drowning is easy.
Rowing is hard.

Climbing into the boat -
that's kind of tricky,
especially when the wind is trying to convince you to swim instead.

Floating is a breeze;
you just need something to give you buoyancy,
but you'll never get anywhere that way,
and sharks are waiting underneath.

Sailing is difficult.
Navigating is complicated.
I just want to find an island
where my mind won't be confiscated.

Pirates are everywhere;
taxing and taking,
pillaging and breeding spawn who will grow up
feeding a corrupted captain whose name remains unknown.

I just want to find an island.
I just want a place to call my own.
A home.
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