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 Dec 2017 Heather
 Dec 2017 Heather
Y'all spit the hottest of fires
And then complain about how much it burns your throat
Still you don't even empathize or learn to apologize
For all the faces you've scorched

And I wear glasses to see
But this is a sight I could do without
You self-serve lies out to those whom you profess to love
So when they start bleeding you can give them verbal bandaids

I'd rather lick my own wounds with my anxiety
It is old enough to be in middle school by now
Maybe that's why I still feel like a child
But funny how you're the one allowed to be childish

So explain to me this because I don't understand
That you have babies just to fill the empty rooms
And then complain about all the **** noise
Wasn't that just a part of your choice, but I ain't saying nothing

I've been told to shut up more than a thousand times
If my brain could do that I swear it would
It's to busy running circles around your promises
But those are as unfulfilled as my life

So as I stand in the same place
While you run from me just as far as you can
Just to complain about such a distance
I shrivel within my own selfishness

For atleast then, I am not alone
This is a ******* mood. Yeet.
 Dec 2017 Heather
Zachary William
It's funny
how much poetry
I write
just because
I want someone
to talk to
 Dec 2017 Heather
 Dec 2017 Heather
Tearing me apart
Only to ask why I can't
Put myself back together
 Dec 2017 Heather
When my friends think about drinking they see parties, and wild nights, and crazy hangovers

And when I tell them I never plan on letting a sip of alcohol touch my lips, they're scandalized

Because they don't understand

How could they ever?

When I think of drinking, I think of my mom passed out underneath our Christmas tree

Or my dad swerving down side streets with the smell of whiskey wafting off of him like smoke from a campfire

I see my childhood that came crashing down in front of my eyes

I see something that they will never understand
 Dec 2017 Heather
the carvings
 Dec 2017 Heather
i carve an x
over my heart
to remind myself
not to let anyone in
because the last time i did
my heart was crushed
so now
my heart is wrapped up
in caution tape
holding it together
and keeping out
the people who care
but nobody cares
so it's just there for the sake of
reminding myself
that my heart is too easily broken
to delicate
for this world
so i'll try to escape
even just for a little while
but i will always return
to painful reality
when my arms are ******
and I'm fading out
 Dec 2017 Heather
A T Bockholdt
I’ve traced the edges of the house,
we used to call our own,
with Himalayan rock salt,
and summoned up the sea.

While peering from the splintered steps,
watched for the ship of dreams,
an albatross, fell onto the roof,
a sign of death’s decree,

even though there was no hope,
I knew you wouldn’t come—
I waited every day and night,
until I was no longer young.

The midnight skies were starless,
never again did fill with clouds,
the North star would not shine again,
buried alongside Treasure Island.

It took me years to brush away
all the sands of time,
and when the porch was finally clean
I swallowed each tear of mine.

No more could I stand to hold
onto a barren frame,
I stripped our house of memories
and set her skin aflame.

Even from the afterlife,
I’m sure you heard our screams,
I hope its heaven that you’re in
for Hell I’ve come to see.
 Dec 2017 Heather
 Dec 2017 Heather
if i were the sun,
i’d paint you the warmest dawn
in hopes that you will feel
my amber embrace
yesterday—nothing but a trace

if i were a song,
i’d wish to taste your lips
settle on your tongue
keep you humming, dancing
by my side, swaying

if i were the moon,
i’d guard you as you sleep
an angel for an angel
a goddess watching her god
the clouds—they watch, fond

if i were me,
and you were you,
i’d want nothing else
but your hand safe in mine
as the stars fall in line
 Dec 2017 Heather
 Dec 2017 Heather
maybe if you loved me
i could finally rest my head
on a white pillow
"i adore you"
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