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 Dec 2017 Heather
Nabiila Marwaa
this one is for you
this is my apology
it's not a haiku
 Dec 2017 Heather
Zachary William
followed by

u n u s u a l

endless metaphor
describing pain
and injustice


you're a poet, harry
 Nov 2017 Heather
 Nov 2017 Heather
When can I sleep?
When the sun comes up.
When can I rest?
When the stars fade out.
When can I relax?
When the world starts again.
I stayed up too late again

A world of bitter sweet extremes
Bleeding hearts and unknown eyes
Forever friendships and lovesick smiles

A world of black and white
Wrong and right.

We live in freezing ice
We live in burning fire.

Furiously typing colour
Into a world that renders grey
Never letting duller shades shine through
Observations of an aspiring poet.
 Nov 2017 Heather
Zachary William
The sun was
a bit too bright
probably because
so many people were
seizing the day with
unbridled optimism and
taking the life that they
so rightfully deserve
and it made it rather difficult
for me to remain in a bad mood
until I was blinded by the sun
while trying to drive on the freeway
from here to there
with no clue as to which
was which
 Nov 2017 Heather
 Nov 2017 Heather
i hate math
not because it's boring
or it requires work
but because it is the thing
that causes my mom and i
to fight
you won't realize this
thinking it's only a shallow opinion
but to me
math is a wall
separating me
from love
 Nov 2017 Heather
Wes Mills
I don’t need to clip
my fingernails because I
bite them when I’m scared

If there’s no such thing
as an absolute then I
don’t know why I care

You need everything
to be perfect, so you need
to start to hurry

Don’t bother, I said
to myself, I only bite
them when I’m worried
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