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Sep 2024 · 1.0k
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Farhan Farzin Sep 2024
Whenever I stare at you, you also gaze.
You have beautiful eyes; I'm amazed.
Words cannot convey the turban's grace,
Its presence adds to your beauty's embrace.

Your bright face, your sparkling eyes,
Your fancy pearl, your charming smiles
All are attractive, all are impressive,
All are simple, all are amazing.

But, Maria, whispers linger,
Making you seem untouchable.
Whispers stay,
Saying you're deceitful.

Yet, Maria, despite the whispers,
No matter what the rumor’s tale,
My loyalty to you shall never fail.
An "Ekphratic" poem inspired by the painting " Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer.
Aug 2024 · 225
Farhan Farzin Aug 2024
Life is cruel, and I can’t withstand failure
Despite all the suffering years I bear,
I shudder at the thought of falling again
And experience all that nightmare

This is more than a human can stand
Having a good life, and then falling down
Sitting at the window again,
Crying and watching my dreams rend

I fear starting over again
Fear has me on its shoulder
Feeling exhausted and hopeless again
Can’t move on, as age grows colder
Yet still, I search for a light in the dark
The feeling of falling after becoming successful
Aug 2024 · 499
Farhan Farzin Aug 2024
I've always worked to unveil my true self,
But some people are blind,
It’s like describing the rainbow itself,
To someone who is color blind.

Some folks are worth leaving far behind,
Neither linger nor waste your time;
They're toxic, as they've always tried,
To injure you, to keep you from your climb.
A quatrain poem that beautifully shows how some people are...
Aug 2024 · 836
Farhan Farzin Aug 2024
I am yearning for a true change
This is what I want to shatter my chain
They always want to see my broken wings
But I’ll create a storm through my pains

Now I fly with my windblown wings
Towards fullness, I feel it
The harsh but caressing winds
Drives me to change, I intuit

I have changed, I was rescued
From all suffering life and its pains
Embracing newfound wings, soaring high
Over dreaming clouds and wishing sky
Although it is always hard to change, we as a human need to.
Aug 2024 · 737
The Starry Night
Farhan Farzin Aug 2024
Holding onto the iron window, gazing at Alpilles,
It's a magnificent night, filled with stars,
I wonder, is it possible? I'm on hills,
Reaching the peak and touching the stars.

I truly enjoy walking in a wheat field,
I'm about to lose my mind in front of the Morning Star.
The smoothly breezing wind hits my face,
Making me feel among the gorgeous stars.

I was thinking, how amazing it would be to live here,
Then I realized I am in the asylum; I must live here forever.
An ekphratic poem inspired by the painting "The Starry Night" by Van Gogh

— The End —