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 Aug 2020 deyrah
Steph Wams
Let me sit in the shadow of despair,
if it means being with you.
Your cold eyes;
let them see my tears,
observe my scars and make more,
will you?
Take out all your emotions on me,
you don't have to suffer,
so give it to me!
Hit me until your hand print is clear.
Baby I love you,
so hit me with your warm belt.
 Aug 2020 deyrah
Steph Wams
 Aug 2020 deyrah
Steph Wams
Three words...
I love you.
So simple
Then say it.
Let it roll of your tongue
And I'll swallow it.
Let your warm breaths feel-
Warm on my face
And I'll inhale it.
Feel it in your arms
And I'll embrace it.
Show it in your eyes...
And I'll believe it.
What are you waiting for
 Aug 2020 deyrah
Eventhough I'm a bit young, I just want to feel loved for once.
 Jul 2020 deyrah
Not mine
 Jul 2020 deyrah
These emotions don't belong to me.
 Jul 2020 deyrah
Sometimes it's nice to be lost in your own thoughts.
But I've been lost for to long.
I bought a cow bag. It's legit a cow plushie as a bag. HE NEEDS A NAME, SUGGEST SOME NAMES IN THE COMMENTS??
 Jul 2020 deyrah
 Jul 2020 deyrah
Curtains closed, old cups on my desk
Brightness fills my room
"Goodmorning baby"
A smile on my face, and motivation for the day comes my way
What the **** is this
Well what do you expect when you don't write for 3 months.
 Jun 2020 deyrah
Tabbitha Erceg
And he loved me
into hating myself.
but at least he loved me...
Today I saw a giant tub of whipped cream
Spilled across the morning sky.
You may call them clouds, I call them cream.

Today I saw a tiny hummingbird
Taking very careful inventory
Of the blossoms on a tree.

Today I saw two squadrons
Of black birds on a secret mission
Across the dawning sky.

Today I saw the waxing moon
Refusing to call it a night
By lurking on the horizon.

Today I saw me looking up
To marvel at the gifts I’m given
For merely raising up my eyes.
To look is not always to see.
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