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Poppy Halafihi Jan 2019
Non, tout ne se passe pas pour une raison.
C’est nous qui décidons de nos actions,
C’est nous qui décidons de les faire.
Quelquefois on se fait mal à cause de l’action d’un autre.
Oui, ce n’est pas toujours notre faute,
Et la plupart du temps, il n’y a rien que l’on pouvait faire pour l’arrêter.

Vos actions peuvent faire mal aux autres,
Et les faire souffrir.
Il ne faut pas rester déprimé si ça arrive.
Vous n’êtes pas seul!
Oui c’est très dur et ça peut faire très peur.
Il faut qu’on réussisse à accepter ce qui s’est passé,
Pour réussir à continuer.

On se dit toujours que tout se passe pour une raison,
Quand on a très mal et qu’on veut se sentir mieux,
Mais pour moi c’est pire!
Car ça veut dire que tout ce qui nous arrive devait nous arriver?
Non ce n’est pas possible, ce n’était pas prévu sur notre chemin.
Par contre ce sont nos actions qui déterminent où on va ensuite,
Et bien sûr on va apprendre pleins de choses sur notre route.

Nous, nous avons le contrôle même si on pense que nous l’avons perdu,
On dirige notre vie.
Fais le et n’aie pas peur.
Je ne peux pas changer le passé,
Mais moi, je décide où je veux aller maintenant,
Vous pouvez aussi.

Coco 07
We won’t all agree.
Tous le monde ne serait pas d’accord.
Poppy Halafihi Jan 2019
Rose was just a kid,
Fleeting the war,
At just the age of four.
Split up by her parents,
Where she swam to shore,
Where they hoped for her to have a better life.
But than she was sent back home,
To where it all began.
A pain,she never felt before,
It hurt so bad she couldn’t breathe no more.

So why,why the fighting?
Please end the wars right now!
To many people hurt,
Stop the suffering now.
So why,why the fighting?
Please end the wars right now!
Before someone else dies.

We are told it doesn’t matter,
where we come from,
Or what we believe in.
We all live in the in the same word,
We are all made the same,
And we all make mistakes.
The only difference is:
You are you,
And I am me.
We might not look alike,
But we still feel the same ways as you and me.

So why,why the fighting?
Please end the wars right now!
To many people hurt,
Stop the suffering now.
So why,why the fighting?
Please end the wars right now!
Before someone else dies.

Coco 07
No one deserves to suffer,
No one deserves to be sent back to a war zone,
No one deserves to be refused.

(Personal opinion,we won’t all share the same)
Poppy Halafihi Jan 2019
This is the hardest part
I love you with all my heart
No matter what happens
we will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Letting go does not mean you are weak
It takes a lot of strength to fight all these weeks  
Lying in the bed
Anticipating what’s ahead
Holding on in pain
No more drinking champagne
suffering everyday
Not one single complaint
For all those migraines
Which will soon fly away

We close our eyes to cry
We close our eyes to pray
We close our eyes to laugh
We close our eyes to dream
The most beautiful things in life
Are not seen
But are felt by the heart
We will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Mum and dad are here
They have been waiting all these years
To embrace you, their little child
So don’t be scared
They are prepared
They will guide you the rest of the way
Everything will be ok

I love you with all my heart
We will never be apart
You are always in my heart

Coco 07
I wrote this poem The evening before she passed away.
I wanted her to feel at ease and know that everything was going to be ok.
Poppy Halafihi Jan 2019
I am British,
But I don’t feel English.
I’ve lived in France for manny years,
But I don’t feel French.
I have traveled to different places,
I can’t seem to find my home.
The truth is,
I do know where it is.
It’s all around me,
Everywhere I go.
The world is my house.
We are all from the same place,
We are all worth the same.
Why does my nationality confines me?
Why does it define me?

To explore the rooms in my house,
I have to ask for permission to enter.
I can’t stay in my kitchen,
As I have be cooking for to long.
I can’t return to my garden,
As I have already been there twice.
I am waiting to see my living room,
But I am still being refused.
I am stuck in my bedroom,
But I want to change rooms.

Stop telling me to go back home.
This is my country,
This is your country,
This is our country.
We should all have the right,
Equally to explore our house,
Without being refused.

Coco 07
I am very new to witting but it has inspired me to express my feelings.
In which I would like to share as maybe it will inspire you to.

— The End —