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I'm tired of living
In a *** filled haze
Bottles of *****
to count the days
Nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide
Here I am cornered
Unable to lie
I cant say I don't want it
Because you know I do
Ill take another draw
Off this cigarette, then you.
you know, it's weird sometimes
to think of ourselves
as all separate but always as one.

we're made up of the same stuff,
the same gunk inside our lungs,
but each story remains truer to self.

i guess, i like to pretend
that i never grew up,
never relied on coffee to get out of bed.

because it's hard to see yourself dying,
from the outside, when you're trying
so hard just to lift yourself up.

but we're all a little down,
a little bruised, a little broken.
we're made up of the same **** stuff.

so as a reminder to myself and anyone else:
find people who make you smile,
make your days worth the while,
and you'll never feel unhappy again.
 Oct 2014 CS Schmidt
Anne Sexton
The summer sun ray
shifts through a suspicious tree.
though I walk through the valley of the shadow
It ***** the air
and looks around for me.

The grass speaks.
I hear green chanting all day.
I will fear no evil, fear no evil
The blades extend
and reach my way.

The sky breaks.
It sags and breathes upon my face.
In the presence of mine enemies, mine enemies
The world is full of enemies.
There is no safe place.
 Sep 2014 CS Schmidt
Xander King
Dear He-Who-Shant-Be-Named,
I'm sorry I'm never good enough for you,
I'm sorry you found someone better,
I'm sorry I didn't have the body you wanted,
I'm sorry I had problems.
I'm sorry I miss you,
I'm sorry I loved you too much.
I'm sorry I didn't see the signs.
I'm sorry I can't move on.
I'm sorry I see you in everyone who passes by.
I'm sorry you were my first and only love.
I'm sorry I couldn't stop saying sorry.
 Sep 2014 CS Schmidt
L T Winter
We as night,
Greet the-moon-with-stars.

And I the lampshade
Tried to tell you

But my memory-

I attempt to feel,
Is stifled--

As it networks
Parasitic fungi.

From embryo days
The sun starts to
Cry membrane.

Losing menageries.

After a long time from its origin,
the river has bend into two ways
it has intersected by a *******,
on a meandering belt,
created an angel between two lives

One has moved toward the right,
a narrow uneven sway,
that tributary stream has flown on fight
as if it one will be die within a short way

Another, that I have traveled
the straight stream,
a simplest form of life with a distinct velocity
may be at the sea where it will be settled
but that little one has made my curiosity

Yet, I see that one
how it has gone
i think about its trend
and feel how it will be end

A boat is waiting along with the *******
i don’t know,
why do it wait and whom for!
and where, it will go!  
all sorts of thing I feel when I have stood on my toe  

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
life is moving straight but it flows through sway...........
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