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 Jan 2016 Blue Angel
Dez Cat
The truth unsaid
The lies that lead
Me on to think
That in a blink of an eye can change what you think
But when words can't speak
Actions will think
Of a a way to gain trust
And not from some stupid lust
From my brain cause I must
Confess my love.
those fun times we had
quickly turned to memories
like water through our hands
notice time began slipping
and if only we had caught ourselves
then maybe we wouldn't be here
where we are now.

maybe we'd be somewhere completely different
somewhere on the other side where the grass is greener.
random//deleting later//enjoy
 Jan 2016 Blue Angel
I asked her,
Where were you?
She answered,
Searching for stars.

And left, looking for more.
But she didn't realize
She had galaxies in her eyes.
Was pink
Then orange
Then pink again
Before blue
And black

Seagulls improvise with the wind
Skybound shadows
Dancing in twos and threes

In my mind
Confusing messages

I realise how important
Relationships are

A brave face
On what is wrong
Will no longer do

I must see things
As they truly are
And transform

Stand in the truth
Do not fear what others say
Live in it

Sunset was



18th January 2016
 Jan 2016 Blue Angel
we take long drags
of each others skin,
the addiction comes
in phases.
day 1: my lungs sigh, weary,
air does not satisfy,
day 2: we're chasing
lifelines, that are rusted
and in vain
day 5: bad habits are
hard to break, beg, at the
holy altar of our mistakes
day 8: hands desperate,
clammy, unfurl
like belladonna palms.
day 9: i hope your
vocal cords strain, that
the only word you can
bear to say is 'stay'.
day 11: last breaths
muffled in the
graveyard of a kiss.
day 17: darling, i'm
losing track of time
day 28: i'm finding it
a little bit hard to quit.
© copyright
 Jan 2016 Blue Angel
The never ending inferno of chaos
And heat.
That we need to survive and thrive.
There are fires within us, combustion
And flames
To fill the hollow, to bring us warmth.
 Jan 2016 Blue Angel
He is the only one who I truly need.
The one whose arms shield and protect me as a castle does a queen.
When I am sad his are the only hands which can wipe away my tears,
And he wields the only smile that can sooth my soul and rid my fears.
His eyes, oh how his beautifully cliche eyes see me. All of me.
It takes a fool to fall in love
And a fool to run from it.

I know one day he'll break my heart
And there'll be nobody to blame.
He'll be worth the pain when we part
And no one else will be the same.
He is the only one.
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