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A poet writes
about truths,
what is, and what is not...
a poet writes about nature,
people....the sun, moon and stars,
a poet dares to see the whole world...

A poet writes...
to vent his/her own shares of  joy
of agony...and aches...miseries...afflictions
as well as those of the others'
a poet reads...sees through someone else's eyes,
face...words...voice...and actions...

A poet writes,
to euphemize the sharp truths and facts in life
make them less painful to the ears
to at least, soften the pointed edges of every hurt less
to pad the impact of a fall...from frustration and despair
and, through words...encourage rise...when fallen...

A poet writes
to cite a hurting one would believe again
have faith in love...again
to reach those who have gone far, in the dark
and take them back to the fold ...of the bright side...

A poet writes...
to tell the woes of those oppressed
the world over
those tortured...violated...and killed
of children abused
their future stolen away from them...

A poet writes
of how nature has been exploited...and maltreated
how human beings
would one day disappear,
how nature...would be matter what...

A poet is sensitive
and vigilant...
A poet is compelled to see and tell all truths...
truths of yesterday...those that are here now...happening
and those of tomorrow.....and beyond...
All these,
A poet must write...
...nothing more
...and nothing less...


Copyright January 3, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

***Guys, you may add your own ideas.....please do...the list is endless...***
Dear generation

Why is it that what's in the media is all the craze?
Big lips , small waist seems what is it these days ,

How come
Education isn't important ?
When the images in your brain of life are distorted

You complain of migrants coming from ashore
Yet you aren't even aware of the difference between a refugee and a migrant for sure

Why do you laugh when you see someone different ?
How many of your brain cells are you missing?

Why do you joke at someones appearance
Ever think a stroke may be the interference

How come you think it's cool to have a friend who's gay?
But yet you question if being transgender is okay?

You point and giggle at the girl who is 'fat'
Ever consider a medical issue being the cause of that?

Dear generation

Why do you think everyone should be the same?
& judge someone for not wanting to play your games

Why can't we speak of things that are important..
racism, **** & crime of the sorts
Because these topics of conversation aren't cool of course

How come girls are ***** & ******
When who knows what happens with Guys behind closed doors..

How is that taking drugs at 13 has become normal ?
Yet you can't be Seen with your parents at a store though?

Dear generation

Take a step back think of what you've become,
We could change this mess for the future one by one..
Less of poetry more of a letter or questions to the generation, abit long I know .
 Dec 2015 Blue Angel
From A Heart
There's nothing
quite like
revisiting the music
that releases you;
and having it
make you remember
that in spite of everything,

you are loved.
I wish I never met you. Not out of hate but out of love.
I wish you never showed me how it was to be happy.
Because now that you're not here... Alone to myself and my emptiness,
an absence so deep it crushes me breathless.

A love unfinished unappreciated undiscovered utterly uprooted.
Without you I'm unloved.
Just me.

Emptiness curbed by the hope you're still waiting for me.
Waiting upstairs - waiting,
calling for me to come to bed.
I long for that again.
The need for a connection ... to you, to myself.
A purpose to exist and care.
When its just me in a room within, there is too much space.
Just empty closets of your memories.

Loaded gun of emotion with no target.
Bound and compressed to dust.
A diamond will arise from the ashes but not for you.
Never again will I let you inside my expanse.
Just to hurt me and watch me bleed.

When you were in pain, my shoulder is where you lay.
When you were happy, my eyes were your gaze.
When you were in love, my chest your head fell.
When you were lost, my heart you stayed.
Now all that remains.

When you pushed me away, beside you I stayed.
Forever I could have been there, stepping through the mud.
No hope, no love, no mud, no longer.

Pain is double edged like your two faces.
With one comes the other.
One I never thought existed.
One I never thought I'd see.
One I can't let go of and dispel.
One - a memory that deforms my existence.
Understanding chaos is a never ending deployment.

Lonely and expressionless with
No muse for my fingers.
No figure of beauty to adore endlessly.
Trapped now within my prison of passion.

A vessel to pour my unbound passion.
An unlikely companion stifled immature and premature.
Incapable, incompatible - irresistible.
An unlikely companion clearly conceptual.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Re-posted this after editing the format a little.
It reads more interesting I find.
Hope nobody minds a re-post.
There are no boundaries
      in this world
Only the walls that we create.
      Socially acceptable questions
with socially predictable answers,
    * Stay in the box
             color in the lines
follow directions *
There are no boundaries
        in this world
Too often are we taught what to think instead of how to think. We should teach how to think creatively and analytically, but instead we are taught to pick a premade side and stay.
they always laughed at me because I loved him
without realizing he's the reason Im alive today..
we all have someone like this.
My god she's beautiful, with those ever perfect lips,
through which in my dreams my tongue, effortlessly slips.
My god she is so funny, with the way she makes me smile,
her every witty comment, leaves me laughing for a while.
My god she is so perfect, in every single way,
and oh how I wish she knew, that she always makes my day.
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