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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Summer is tired after hosting a season of parties
   She doesn’t want to pick up your empty glasses anymore
      Or take the scraps to the compost

Summer thinks barbecues are overrated
   And if she sees one more hot dog, well...
      She might have to let the wasps get her revenge

Summer is weary of politely ignoring all the skin exposed
   Not that she’s shaming any bodies
      She just can’t wait for sweaters and shoes that cover toes

Summer is done cleaning all the beach towels
    And sweeping up the sand
       that appears every time she leaves the room

Summer will always love blackberries and peaches
    But she thinks it's time for apples and pears,
        Early sunsets and pumpkin spice everywhere

Summer is not sad to go, but it’s early yet
  Still warm, maybe one last gathering will do
      Just a small, friendly goodbye barbecue...

NCL August 2019
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
I submerge myself
in sadness
drenched to my core
I paddle through
heartache and
melancholic waves
unaware of the
lurking tsunami
spawned by
thoughts of you
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
If you are willing to brave
the drunken wasps, the thorns,
and sneaky little spiders,
you can find
dark, juicy blackberries
In the most unlikely places

NCL August 2019
B D Caissie Sep 2019
The ephemeral beauty of a bloom.
Is cherished because it’s gone too soon.

Petals weaken and colours must fade.
Falling to earth whence it was made.

Light shines upon thee though tears fall like rain.
Find peace for blossoms in heaven forever remain.
B D Caissie Sep 2019
I believe one of the main reasons for time is to accumulate and cherish all of life's little things.

After all, the whole purpose of a clock is for the little hand to remind us that the big hand is moving.

B D Caissie Sep 2019
I hate that I'm hyper-aware
Of my social hiccups despair

Equivalent scent of morose
A comical footnote to most

My firing neurons worst care
Is the circle of life is a square

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