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At night my heart weeps
It sweeps into the dawn of the day
This feeling so heavy in my chest
It feels as if I'm buried 6 feet under without a coffin
Laid to rest
Death is not what I'm entailing
It's rather the burdens of uncertainties
Thoughts of failing
Thoughts that hurt me
I just wanna be loved
And be with someone who deserves me
Aug 2018 · 651
A lie A life
Intensity scares me, but fear is what keeps me alive
Like prey running away from its predator
That feeling inside
You know what you must do
Even if it leads you to die
A reflection of yourself
Stare deeply into your eyes
You aren't afraid, this is just
Adrenaline in disguise
This is what I live for
Learning life lessons
Scattered across a map
Through every living being
And also deceased
Now I know what it feels like
To have a moment of peace
I have more that I must learn
Intensity is what I yearn
I know nothing but I feel everything
My heart in my chest
Young, rhythmic, filled with blood
Once I'm laid to rest
My life will continue to flood
Other people's hearts
Inspire them to discover life
Challenge their beliefs
Live, die, rebirth as if you are an ever changing form of art
Jul 2018 · 413
Sleepless nights and alcohol
Prolonged days on caffeine and adderall
Running too fast
I'm out of breath
I sit down to recollect myself
Ponder about death
I swallow a breath of fresh air
And think to myself life isn't all that fair
We live to die
And die to live
As I sit there
I realize life is about what I give
I continue about my days
Sometimes I dwell about my thoughts in a negative haze
I destroy all aspects about the world up until this time
And create a new world
A world in which I shine
Duality is essential to the way I live
A black pool of space
Five shining stars thus take that place
A never ending cycle of give and take
A world that isn't fair
And that's more real than it is fake
Jul 2018 · 267
a soulful drink
**** me dry
withered away
cooked in the sun like a raisin
take all my juice
now your soul is full of my fruit
Jul 2018 · 3.0k
villainous intentions it seems
i've been through the streams of trauma
tf u mean
working hard to correct my mistakes
being born to a household of lies
seemed like my fate
i realize how to ascend
but i'm stuck in the past
i don't know how to mend
these people bleeding in my arteries project & inject since the start of me
they went through the same thing
but so many excuses
as to why they can'tĀ evolve and be free
but they don't realize it
they numb themselves of their destiny
they throw their pain out onto humanity
i realize how it's so ****** up
that their childhood trauma got them ****** up
leading into adulthood and the rest of their lives
it seems
projecting their hatred and pain onto their offspring
i have to be stronger and more aware than my predecessors
and i notice how a lot of ppl in my life were the stressors
it's no wonder our generation is tired
bc we've carried the weight of the liars
yes they're liars, bc they lie to themselves
how they're a good person and they've done us well
******* i call, they've ignored for far too long
as i sit here crying, i realize that i'm strong
Jun 2018 · 618
Red Flags
360 degrees
365 days
i find myself back here
a rotating haze
crocodiles in the lake
waiting to strike
i've been chewed
digested and reborn
cycle of life
upon resurrecting, i have a bit more knowledge
knowledge of the world, self and my worth
but it's like the crocodiles are painted red, waving gracefully in front of my gaze
i'm a bull that rams through with everything in my way
hidden and undetected is how most know about their nature
but they're just red flags that i chase without a chaser
i'm tired of being digested and ****** lifeless
i've been resurrected so many times
it's like i have this unlimited energy supply
charging and giving to things that i realize aren't worth it
it reaches full capacity and destroys my circuits
which is why i come back to this space in time
all hazy
burnt out
i've resurrected once again
with more knowledge than before
and now i know not to become aroused to the sight of red flags anymore
not running in loops or patterns
just running freely
here i am, 365 days later
full circle, a human that has learned from the past
that still has more to do
but moving forward with a different pursuit
Mar 2018 · 271
Crooked and swift
The needle scratches
She has the sun in her hair
As she blissfully dances
Smiles and longing eyes
I recall
Warm yet distant
I fall
Feb 2018 · 385
City Kill
Metropolitans **** sensitivity
Cold concrete we stomp with our feet
Glare a path straight above you
Disregard the eyes that surround you
Keep moving and pushing through the pain
We're so hardened we don't even feel the wetness of the rain
We can't AFFORD to feel
There's no time to even feel real
An emotionless society
We drown our sorrows away
**** sobriety
Numb us whole
Our hearts hollow and dark,
just like a hole
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
Bug Bites
An itch from a bug bite
I scratch and scratch
A ***** with a red light
I went too fast
Skipped the warning
Got the ticket
An inconvenient bill, a note that states you went for the ****
I'm bleeding
It pours from my limbs
My heart still pumping blood
A scab to stop the flood
Hardened yet still fresh
Don't pick at it
Unless you want a scar forever
She has bug bites too
Doesn't even bother to scratch
Says she doesn't want a bruise
What a difference
We don't handle our hurts the same
A time consuming uncertainty that burned me like a flame
A flame
A flame that started a forest fire
It burned down all the trees
Now there's nothing left but ash
A darkened, withered, dusty substance that once used to be
A bright, powerful, warm, hungry fire
A forest filled with lucious green trees that kept growing higher
And now
I feel as if she's tired...
My bug bites still itch
And she
Threw out the matches...
Mar 2016 · 603
Love is blue
When you sway through that hallway
I can't help but stare at you all day
The air behind you is magnetic
It draws me to you
Opposite but one in the same
I'd forfeit this game
Just for you
You want the same things I do
I'd love you endlessly
As long as the sky's blue
Lucky for us, the sky is always blue
Even at night
Even through the ugliest of storms
You just can't see it
But it's there
Let's spread our love everywhere
Mar 2016 · 385
Inhale deeply
Hold it in
My brain has its own set of lungs
All these thoughts
But yet I bite my tongue
I want to tell you many things
But my brain can't breathe
It's storing the words that want to flow out into the sea
Sirens ignite!
Words come to life
So intense it cuts like a knife
Blank space...
This is what it's like to be human
Filling... Exploding... Flowing until the end
Brain is void, gone with the day
There is nothing else to say
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Like a heat wave in the summer
I indict an intense pulsating aura
Struck with overbearing temperatures
Sweat trickles down your spine
Before you notice, I flee and leave you behind
Like a blizzard in the winter
I am raging at first
until the last bit of snow
Then it's cold and quiet
Piles of frozen water, just like stuck emotions
They are piled up but still there
I breathe in the air
It freezes every last bit of me
I'm cold but yet not emotionless
I'm the most intense seasons of life
I leave you with an impression
That way you won't forget me
That was my plan all along
I may not be present
But I'm always there
Just as the summer and winter
I fade away
But I return
Yes, I'm unforgettable
I freeze and then I burn
Dec 2015 · 427
The autumn breeze leaves
The impressions of the cold autumn wind recalls a time of loneliness
While the wind hugs my body
I surrender to its comfort but it quickly disperses
Marking its unknown route across the world
leaving others
questioning its existence

— The End —