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 Oct 2016 Aztec
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Don't open your eyes
Don't stir from thoughtless
Each word you say is wrong.
Each choice that's made  — a blunder.
Don't try to give your all today
For it won't be enough.
Don't fight against this devil dog
It's bark is not a bluff.
Just go and hang your weary head
Perhaps go back to bed.
You might not win each battle,
So win the war instead.
The feeling was the start of it all
When you would walk right by me  
I could hear you pleading
Through your energy
I could hear the whisper in your voice
Saying that you love me
I could feel you'll never let go
Especially when you hug me
I can tell how honest you are
Right through those eyes
I can see your flaws
Under your disguise
I can hear all your dreams
When you peacefully sleep
I can tell you now
You are one to keep
I can vision our future
Your heart along with mine
I would walk miles
Through distance and time
I will love you endlessly
As I've never loved before
Because my real love wasn't alive
Until it felt yours.
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Naqiah azzahra
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Naqiah azzahra
I had a moment.*
I was sitting there, a bit sleepy
Holding a guitar that i can't play
-Then he came in.
He sat next to-
in front of me,
He took the guitar from me and started playing a song,
he sang.
Two songs later, he gave me an update on this girl he's crushing on
Then he sang,
Another 3 songs that i love-
-he didn't know i loved those songs,
Those songs in my playlist
That i listen to
When i'm down
Idk how to say this and i dont want to say anything about this to anyone but i just feel like i need to share this moment with those i dont know, just to make it kind of eternal
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Confessions of a former drug addict

I was an alcoholic
Did drugs into the night
I started at 11
Did anything in sight
'Til my brain was addled
I wasn't very bright
Soul sickness was my problem
Did not know wrong from right
But Jesus healed my spirit
I finally saw the light

I started as a bartender
For my family do's
I catered to their parties
And I began to use
I served up martinis
They could not refuse
Made 'em good and strong
Began with one or two
Soon I became drunk
And started to abuse

Then I did white crosses
Marijuana trees
I did angel dust
Also known as ***
No ******* or ******
But I did LSD
Discovered yellow jackets
And drank peyote tea
I couldn't ever get enough
And that was all for me
At 14 years old
It was catastrophe
Then I found religion
Known as Scientology
It was total *******
But I finally broke free!

I went for years not drinking
Had no acid trips
I loved a natural high
And no drug passed my lips
But life has twists and turns
Much pain and great hardship
I had to run away
Just took a couple sips
Embarked upon a journey
On substance abuse ships

I finally found the needle
******. *******.
I preferred the uppers
Manic highs obtained
I found I could not get away
And so my soul was stained

Then I started smoking it
I liked that best of all
It was like the peak of bliss
That high I still recall
But with every High
There's always a hard fall

I tried Scientology
The SRF and more
But my soul was very sick
Rotten to the core
I was finally Shipwrecked
On a hostile shore
I tried AA and Rehab
But they could not restore
Beaten down to nothing
I was finally floored

Then I met my Jesus
And I was so inclined
To go to church 3 times a week
And the Spirit shined
Gave water to my thirsty soul
My very bones aligned
He restored my body
And He restored my mind
When I finally broke free
Of the religious grind
No matter how the roads will turn
How they wend and wind
I have seen the valley
Mountains I have climbed
Now I know within my soul
His Mercy I will find

And so Jesus saved me
It happened overnight
I woke up a different person
With the strength to fight
I have new eyes to see now
He's restored my sight
No longer in deep Darkness

I have seen the light!*

(C) 9/3/2016
Drugs are not the answer. Any drug. And cutting can be a drug too! It is foolishness to think you can "just say no". I tried and tried to no avail to do that. Without Jesus's help I was totally bereft. I tried every treatment program in the book. Nothing helped me. Especially not religion. I now have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I talk to him everyday. Sometimes even when I'm angry and hurt with him. I tell him so. I have a very difficult life. But I'm not using or drinking. And I have joy beyond anything I've ever experienced! Yes I have my bad days. But my bad days now are better than any good day that I had on drugs. I did almost anything to get those horrible shackles. But now Jesus has broken them off of me... I'm finally FREE!!!

I haven't been on the site and I apologize to everyone for not responding to their commentary. And I haven't been reading. I've just been extremely busy. Thank you for understanding.

I love and pray for you all!

♡ Catherine

 Oct 2016 Aztec
Julia Mae
in love.
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Julia Mae
i knew that i was in love when it broke my heart to see you hurt
i knew that i was in love when it killed me inside to watch you waste away your life
i know that i am in love with you,
because love still remains
despite all of your bad parts
i feel like my ex is an alcoholic and all i could do was sit there and watch him down his potential....
 Oct 2016 Aztec
Julia Mae
i have never felt so terrible
i have never been an option
it's either me, or a bottle
and you choose the bottle
every time
every single time
your addiction does not love you
not like i do
yet you cannot see
you never listen
you are drowning, lost and gone
i can't help holding on
i can't keep hurting myself
along the razor edges of your broken bottles
as broken as you are
so i only wish, for you to take of yourself
i cannot keep watching you **** yourself
thoughts. i am really lost lately.
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