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Mehtap Feb 2019
Choke my rhythm softly with roses

Silence down my thoughts of rebel

Tell me you're trapping me for me

Lie to me with an ugly numbing spell

Trap me in cages of gold and amber

Abandon me Till I have nothing to tell

Said I was too much under your noses

Convinced me I was fragile, an eggshell

Thought words wouldn't leave bruises

All I carry in mind my eyes boldly impel
Mehtap Feb 2019
Let me take your hand
Let me
Dance with you slowly
Lay my cheek
on your cheeck
Let my curls tangle with your silky hair playfully
Drop formality give you a heart tweak

Let me touch you the way they didn't touch you
Gently, slowly, with every drop of lust I have for you, and I'll tear up but don't peak
Let me merge my warmth with your sadness
Let me ease your tension let my eyes speak

Let me
Let me tell you silly stories
you don't have to breathe a word
hear my emotions leak
Let me take you away from these noisy crowds
Let me trace the map of your face with my index
Tease your lips, kiss your moles.
This night is a disastrous streak

Let yourself
Dance with me slowly
Lay your cheek on my cheek
untangle my curls, brushing them away from my face so you could see
let yourself fall deep

Let yourself Drown in my touch and soft kisses
as I laugh at your timid reflexes pick up the speed
Let yourself feel my warmth slip into you
Let your soul listen to my eyes when they speak
Let yourself laugh as I rant nervously
Let yourself slow me down,
brushing my shoulders that are oblique

Let yourself
Kiss my fingertips as they land on your lips
Let your hands surrender and, hold me back
closer than you've ever dreamt
Let go of the act that no one needs,
it’s bleak
Mehtap Jan 2019
Tried to give you a pleasing answer but could not

Silence filled empty spaces, I saw your eyes drop

You know tears clear you are my only blind spot

I'll keep my feelings in, a beautiful secret locked

The ends of my lips rise, my mean act cracked

I let my hand rest on your cheek, can't drawback

Breathtaking, heart breaking, barely holding back

entertwine your fingers in mine, replay flashbacks

Memories of child promises you're cute like that

I let my lips hug yours firmly that's my comeback
Mehtap Jan 2019
Beautiful child of the sun how can something shining with beauty and sadness

listening to people's tragedies quietly, creeping anxiety as they rant casually it's madness

I got jealous from those trickling tears I forbid they fall for others but I'm sapless

If I gave up everything will the moon shine on my empty soul and color my empty canvas?
Mehtap Jan 2019
I sit across from you and let my imagination play it's game darling I need a fix

Behind your ear, down your neck and a couple cigarettes away from your lips

The small of your back is dying to be pulled closer to me a nervous giggle slips

Stroking your rists softer than a breeze sliding to the palm of your hand tight grips

I'll lose my mind in your smell my breath singing your name. a moon in full eclipse
Mehtap Jan 2019
I have an ocean of words for you
An empty ocean
What a mess
You dry my letters up, wipe my smile off
Melt my heart down like clay

Dragged me into this lousy game
Now I'm stuck
What a mess
You keep asking for yet another round
We both know you'll win me away

I'm leaving, don't hold me back
Game is over
What a mess
You say you won't, and you don't, yet I stay
This time you smile, you loose today
Mehtap Jan 2019
Laying down thinking of how not to think
Of you
Your faint irritating smirk in a cold curve
What to do
Your chewable lips only if I could have
A few
Bites? Kisses? Is it too much to ask tell me then
How to
Step on my heart freeze my feelings become
These dark brown eyes so soft yet deep coffee
Cold brew
Dark eyes are dark with sadness, secrets yet i
See through
Your eyes are meant to sleep soundly baby ill be
The one to
Drink up your darkness, carve your scars on me
Stay true
Let's lose sanity together get drunk in each other
Let's undo
These borders that are barely fighting our heavy breathing
Then redo
This prayer, again and again in an endless dream
Turning to
Reality, it's our first dance the only way I've learned
To carry through
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