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Autumn Lewis May 2018
I can't believe it's here
No more anticipation until next year
It's also hard to imagine something so wonderful could be made
And to find someone who loves me for me and stayed
I just wish I could give you more than just words
I'm your loser and you're my nerd
I love you and I hope to be at more birthdays , I hope I'm not to foreword
You mean everything to me and I hope you have a great fifteen
And as the years change so will your mien
But our love will not
And I'll never be able to express how much love , memories , and joy you have brought
I guess what I'm trying to say is cliche
But I really wish you "Happy Birthday"
To my love who is is one year older and always has been much wiser
I love you Ender Happy Birthday I'm so glad your parents created something so wonderful
Autumn Lewis May 2018
Finding myself is harder than it seems
Especially since my heart is tearing at the seams
I feel my guilt build up and then finally it comes out into streams
Streams... of tears
The chambers of my heart are made up of many different lairs
I got lost just earlier today trying to find forgiveness
I just can't control my impulsiveness
I sometimes stay trapped days at a time
My anxiety pushes me away and leaves nothing but a hallow inside filled with grime
I need you I heard in a whisper and I ignored it
I waited...I wanted it to quit
But it longer got louder as time went on
Then it ceased and was gone
Then I remembered what had brought me here in the first place
It took me back to the outside and I looked at me and knew who I was , there was no doubt not even a trace
I'm here now
And  I learned you reap what you sow
I don't know why I wrote this but in a way I do
Autumn Lewis May 2018
Dedication , strength , and  perseverance is what we were told
"To help create productive members of society through the youth we will mold"
They would P.T us and "smoke us" and then after that during the winter they would ask , "Are you still cold?"
I trained and kept quite most of the time
The academy help set for me a paradigm
The seconds felt like days the days then turned to months and by then it was gone
I miss the days from talking to the others or to listening to "outside music" like "Hit the Quan"
The main factor that drove me to the highest rank was proving everyone wrong
It made me ready for the uncertainty and strong
I knew I could do it and I still can I knew this all along
Autumn Lewis May 2018
If the world ended tomorrow would you still be here today?
Would you still see the beauty in world and me in the all the dismay?
Or would cave in the pressure of doomsday?
If I had to choose I would only have you even as the ground collapsed beneath my feet
I wouldn't care about the fate I would soon meet
The blaze could tear away my flesh and you would watch me deplete
But it would be worth it just be with you as the world ends
I would do my best to to protect you and to fend
Don't cry I just want to see one last smile and hear one more laugh
Just one more touch from you as I become raff
Goodbye is not what I want hear , instead say until I see you next
I wonder why in the end nothing seems perplexed
The end it's a metaphor for something else
Autumn Lewis May 2018
I will be here you need not to fear
I always will be my dear
To keep you close and hold you near
We will both have this burden to bear
You won't ever have to go through this alone
You'll never again have be on your own
It's like our fates have always knowm
To you <3
Autumn Lewis May 2018
Never have I not been trapped in the prison of my mind
Then I was set free and your heart and mine entwined
It was like the sun setting in the earth to make the beautiful colors perfectly combined
The first time I looked into your eyes I saw your potential , I saw you
It startled me so I withdrew
I was afraid of being hurt and your rejection
Then I realized your affection and perfection
I don't need mirrors because you're my reflection
I see the better half of me and one of the best connections
The first kiss sent shivers down my core to my hallowed and distanced heart
Now I can't even imagine being apart
If I could I would restart
Only to tell you what I couldn't then
I know our journey is about to begin
And I can't wait
You will always be my love , my life , and my fate
To my love I hope to always have and the best person/boyfriend Ender Prometheus Royalty
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