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Astonishingly beautiful world spins around sun
Good and bad souls balance out
To come play with angels
Demons emerge
One needs the other
Cannot survive without
Good cannot exist without evil
The problem with me
I’m such a fan of my poetry
Each written honestly
Feelings bared
For all to see
Which naturally
Bums me out
When nobody notices me
Got my **** right out so publicly
Jiggling, wiggling, ******* are free
All this soulful ******
And not a soul who wants to see
Enjoy little things in life
While you can
Before ended by Death's knife
Interrupting plan

I used to hide all day
Escaping problems that pursued
Leaving behind obstacles in my way
I am the one surroundings exclude

There is no shortcut to happiness
On this earth tread upon
We pass on a great big mess
To bury after you're gone

I will claw through tunnels
Until I find rightful place
Help you with your struggles
Cradled in my embrace

Until my wick rekindles yours
Reanimates you
Makes heart pound
Will crawl through soil and explore
Dig you out from the ground

The tomb intended for me instead
Buried you to save my soul
To end madness in my head
Thoughts swallowing whole

I walk this road of ruptured dreams
Softness fading from fingertips
Savoring warm remnants of bright sunbeams
Light out of my grasp slowly slips
I worry I will seize the moment right when it is too late to do so... jobs
And how do I keep inhaling when the air has vacated my chest?
With memories that use up all the time that I invest
Banished like pests from the house I used to inhabit
No longer within reach like the rest of my bad habits
To think what you did this for unable to find a reason
Only blank spaces stand to justify your treason
What pain I am composed of
Fear constructs my skin
Until new experiences are made
Old ones sink further in
Again and again play movies in my mind
History home to me so I constantly rewind
I continue living though it's just a waste
Adventures await but I can't seem to make haste
If only I could control these dire thoughts
With your presence gone happiness rots
Seeking solace in words spilled onto page
Anticipating the key that will unlock my cage
The mystery remains as to the force driving you to go
Perhaps even you yourself don't know
Written 2-26-21
I wish for a time machine
Like to go back and wipe slates clean
The pain I would erase or at least transplant
Hurts me because I know I can't
I try accepting the way things are
Missing you safely from afar
Last summer was attached to your hip
I longed to spend every day in your grip
I'm happy you finally got what you wanted
Don't feel like it's really the treasure you hunted
My sadness my only company
Prefer the dark because then I can't see
Heart and how brokenly bruised it beats now
Happiness beautiful if you know how
To dance in the rain embracing shame
Love to me is a ******-up game
It is unknown the length of time it will hurt
Looking for saltwater stains on my shirt
I can't find proof of my sorrow
I believe a weight will lift tomorrow
I can tell suffering will soon end
Every moment a step closer til I mend
No shortcut to bliss and a calm state
We are born bawling
An inevitable fate
And die without warning
Cruel final blow
Putting end to everything we know
I'd rather feel icy touch
Than absence of your fingers
Disappointment clutched
Traces linger
Constant stress
And everything else we despised
I'd rather feel these than nothing I guess
Pain better than desolation disguised
You dragged me down darkened road
Threat of danger was a low-pitched hum
Senses burning seared and slowed
Rather feel the fire than be numb
Perceiving nerves stretch with agony
All I do is survive
Prefer ache over dull monotony
It proves that I'm still alive
Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Smoking myself crazy
In the wind hear your voice
If truly making you happy
I support your choice
I love her loving you
Embrace and sharp cold words
Fear not you moving on
But not moving forwards
For all we have been through
Turns and coils my distress
A mind ferocious and primal
Tamed by loneliness
All the thoughts go unsaid
Linger in air
If only each one could be gathered
Carried away somewhere
Written 2-26-21
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